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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. The SMB & LMB are rubber nets. The pike get a stringer ride to another bay with weeds & lots of other fish.
  2. Sung by all Bass Boaters leaving the dock late. And me. ?
  3. Your rocky Susquehanna sounds a lot like my old , 40 years ago, Delaware River at Frenchtown, N J side. Pure rocks boulders and rocks at all creeks feeding it. HUGE ledges & rocks along with feeder creek shoals. Had only BIG mamas waiting for food to come by. The rest of the SMB split up into schools by their sizes. They went looking for bait fish schools including small size of Striped Bass young. 1 spot was a slaughter house at sundown about every 3 days. sun just started to disappear a little. Baitfish came in. Then the small Stripers came in. Then the SMB got active. Then the about 24" stripers ate everything for 3 to 5 minutes. Jumping fish galore. Every cast was a fish or a snagged fish.............. Life Was Great Then.
  4. Pass Go elsewhere.
  5. Start trolling. Do not worry about too fast. SMB can pass your putt putt anytime. Hold the rod when trolling. They hit much harder on faster lures. Enjoy. Respool the trolling rod with ONLY BRAIDED LINE !!!!!!!! you will have long lines out. No stretch is best line to use at 60 to 120' feet out. If there is not much boat traffic on the water ? Let out up to 150' of line. Hold the rod & text. Very relaxing way .
  6. Same times for me also.
  7. I love the humor of Cabin Fever guys. ? Transfusion transfusion. My red corpsuckles are in mass confusion. Pour another gallon in me Allen. My foots on the throttle and it's made of Lead. I'm a real cool ridding daddy with a real cool head.
  8. What price gouging greed ? for a pound of it at a auto parts store ? You would be willing to pay $ 336 ? Really ? Even NASA does not pay that much for a greasing. Better pricing for a ORDINARY lubricating grease is $2,176 per pound. It is used for general AUTO greasing. There is one / several born every minute. Why car dealers need so much money to lube you.
  9. Darth My first fish some years is MONSTER also. I back all drags off if not using the rod for a while.
  10. I have a 1984 singl axle that sits in the field every year. I clean & repacked it 1 time. Did not need it. The surfaces are original. Why were they needing a Scrubbing If covered by grease ? Plain steel does not rus if covered by grease............. Call & send those pictures to him.
  11. Pass Tapped out. Good luck with it.
  12. Is there any chance the boat is too heavy for the trailer ? Have you checked the weights of the trailer & boat ?
  13. I have never seen so many scuffed / dull surfaces in my life. Yes I have. Long ago. WAY over tightened shaft nut. There is a right way to adjust the bearing play. Was not done on that set.
  14. bulldog I use the same hook setup as you, I figure If I can not keep a tight enough line ? Bless the fish. I have just started using only 1 single tail hook barb less. The fish can sometimes unhook as I bring him on deck. Trebles & nylon nets ? 5 minutes to get the trebles free of the net strands. LOVE BARBLESS
  15. RC controlled boats have been used for decades in Australia by surf fishing people. It runs the rig way out. lets it go . Commercial fishing companies loved Jacque Cousteau as he reported on all the major fish migrations & birthing areas. Today a satellite can do it instantly. Showing speed, size, direction and time of year. Fish line DESTROYS any props haft seal very quickly. My marina reported a record year of replacing shaft seals. Any boats that floated was sold last 2 years & fish lines ...Cut loose by snags are doing the rest. I raise the drive at the dock for a check after each trip. Been lucky so far.
  16. 40 years ago the junction of Lake Ontario and the Salmon river were covered with schools of all fish waiting to go up the river. To munch on fresh laid salmon eggs at the base of the power dam. I tuck my rod under my arm so I can bend over to release my friends salmon. I can barely hear his voice and see him pointing in my direction. I look behind me at nothing. Bend back over to continue the release of his fish. Free it. He comes to me smiling. " You did not see a massive Rainbow Trout jumping up & down ? He was trying to grab your egg bag. "
  17. I LIKE that lure !! It really looks like a near death meal. Easy to grab & swallow.
  18. Bingo A couple lakes with vertical rock faces near me always have schools of fish for the bass to chase & eat successfully. BUUTT The schools locations VARY WIDLY any day.
  19. You are very correct. it takes about 2 years for the males to graze less than 40 feet again from my enclosed porch.
  20. I do a lot of stalking on old deer paths on my property. 11 backyard munchers about once a week. The males follow. Still do not know why they graze on my lawn. But not others. Maybe because I do not use any chemicals ? I kill once in a couple of years.
  21. Actually long Sporty playing of a fish can kill or cripple a fish from the Lactic Acid buildup in them. Why I switched to 6# braid. Breaking strength is 12 # for most 6# brands. Why I pull all fish in quickly to keep or kill. My real enjoyment is finding them. Anybody can hook them with bait if they see them.
  22. Bingo PhishLI I see that as the same as all the electronic underwater aids. It will be unfair. ? But very useful to only target fish & cover for them. What the heck. Enjoy them.
  23. Forget expensive difficult stuff. 2 wires from any small generator. Net what you want to revive & hook them to the line. Lets call it a sport. Deer stands over a yummy food pile. Lets call it a sport. I never lie to myself. To you ? Maybe.
  24. Eat healthier. Look & feel better.
  25. People are push overs if they trespass in a animals hunting area.
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