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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. I have to admit. I am getting the urge to buy a BC reel again. 2nd childhood of fishing ? ?
  2. Well I KNOW & had line dig with 4# Cajun even in my super duper Mitchel 300s . IF I tried to use a Rapala floater 1.5" long. I remove the lip & both trebles. One use a wire barbless tiny hook. 30' is max into any wind. So I always cast downwind. I can see lots of sloppy line loops being pulled out by the wind. But it catches more perch than a normal setup.
  3. Thank you. So a bass B C is not really meant to use super thin braided lines ? We have just assumed it SHOULD be able to. 6 to 15# test Was never meant to be used in heavy cover. Even I switch to a 60 or 80# line for that cover.
  4. 75 years ago almost all smaller fresh water reels had a level winder to allow full line capacity & prevent silk line dig ins.
  5. Bingo on those speedsters. I see them in the morning in pools that are barely covering their black bodies. Smart They sit at the sunrise end looking at the west end. Any fish would not see them with sun & glare . I put them as a fresh water Bull Shark in attitude. The first lipping is the last. I have walked to 5' near them. They do not move. That shallow red rock pool is their lunch box.
  6. Ditto
  7. Perfect !! My old Mitchells do a similar wrapping. B C should have a Level Winder slot to help new people ?
  8. In my N J & the Delaware River. Too much fishing pressure if you tell any other person. The spot is cleaned out in hours. No more sharing with people. They see it as food. Can not fault them for that.
  9. NJM insurance company paid for all the repairs to my Accord engine wiring. Love that company for over 50 years.
  10. dodge guy I am mentally handicapped with age. But I do use the handle of the screwdriver in the tool box with the 60 or 80# test. That is some TOUGH line. I have a very smooth S S cleat just for pulling the whole Reed plant out of the bottom. ?
  11. Bingo Aaron. Tiny diameters are difficult. Years ago I could get 4# test Cajun Braided. It was just like you said. On my SPIN reel into the wind with my 1.5 " long Rapala floater lure. I went with 6# braid as a replacement and almost no problems casting into moderate wind. I had some deep cuts with the 4# test braid. Wraping the braid around a hand was iffy on being cut while pulling to break the line. I have learned to carry 1 right hand glove in the tackle box
  12. If you do not cast into the wind with light lures. No WOW None at all.
  13. I hereby REACTIVATE ALL your accounts !! By order of the Burger Burgermister ! So be it known throughout the land. Meanwhile on the shore line & in the trolling boats. The wind is laughing at everyone picking at the buried turns. As a 5 pound bass cuts a finger to the vein or artery.
  14. Are all you people aware of the right way to ALWAYS reel in BRAID ? It Needs to be done every time you reel in the line. When you start to reel in a line any time. With or without a fish on. USE 2 fingers to pinch the line as it is reeled onto the reel spool. SQUEEZE the line hard enough to eliminate any loose windings. I used to do that when I had a fish on also. When the fish turns & runs at you. The line is slack for a while and lots of loose turns are on top of each other. Fish turns side ways or away. BOING !! Instant line dig in to the loose line on the reel spool. Been there and did that problem for a while. Correctly REWINDING braid WILL give fantastic casts on any bait casting reel. I guarantee it. Or money back. Enjoy your B C reel again. I did forget to tell you.........You are to PINCH ALL THE line as you start filling the reel up with backing / filler line. ALL line being wound on IS ALWAYS TO BE ....TIGHT.
  15. I have no more use for soft tips except on the perch rods with 2 or 4# test leaders. Almost all my bass fishing is from a boat stopped or fast trolling. Rarely do I do a sundown casting from the docks.
  16. ? Reduce your stress & BP. Catch more biggies !!
  17. Fishing can be like a pleasant puzzle. With missing parts.
  18. Ever do it with a router & deep bit ? Doing a pass from each side.
  19. Is the worm slime hard to remove completely ? ☺️
  20. What hooks stuck in braided nets? I Have no tangles anymore. Converted to barbless hooks. I crush he barbs. Works.
  21. I raise you by BP meds, Pacemaker and A chest implanted heart zapper.
  22. Mine is always stiff. No bending when a load is applied. It casts the farthest. Benders were always referred to as " Live bait rods. "70 + years ago.
  23. On my spin reels the 6# braided after about a week of use everyday becomes soft as silk. SOOO It is the best line for the lightest lures cast into some wind. Most 6# braided tests out to 12 + breaking strength. As the green color coating fades away. You need to use a NON slipping knot. Some will untie easier when wet. I have added a 1/2 hitch to the end of the line FIRST. Then I use a Trilene knot.The 1/2 hitch sides right into the main knot & JAMS TIGHT. No more lost lures to snags or big fish.
  24. I do not see any difference in casting or knots breaking on my10 ? year old 1 pound spool of Ande 4# test Mono that is NEVER left outside in the boat unused. I use it most of a day... Then right back to a dark corner of a bedroom. It is 4 or 5 years old. Used 5 out of 7 days sometimes. When Mono loses that shiny clear look ? I trash it............BUUT It is only the top layers that are affected. I still have 3/8" of like new 4# line underneath. I will never use up the Ande 1 pound spool of 4# test. It is kept in a drawer all winter near Lake Ontario.
  25. You guys make me feel like a Macho man. ??
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