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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. I believe if it is hungry. It will bite those METALLIC SOUNDING lures. Size and speed matters. Not much else.
  2. 6# & 60 # Braided in hard to see the lure or line conditions. Clear water 5 or 6' clear Mono leader. Works for me.
  3. I have never bought new rings or trebles. Save them from lures being trashed. Why not.
  4. Nothing I only retire losers..
  5. I have mine pointed to a side. The left side in my boat. Any direction will work IF correctly done. Transducer will operate fine thru Aluminum & solid Fiberglass. Check if it works thru a Kevlar hull. If yours is a Kevlar. I GLUED mine in place with a smooth blob of GE RTV rubber. NO air pockets / bubbles between transducer face & pressed in place on the hull. I taped it for a day to setup in place. It must be below the outside water line and aimed down slightly. Mine easily pings fish 150 away. Any angle from down to almost sideways will work.
  6. You always adjust to their places & times. No other way.
  7. Decades ago I used about 6" saltwater floaters. Very good results.
  8. I would rate a Walleye the least desirable gamefish. Food wise # 2. # 1 is fresh caught Yellow Perch. I would eat them prepared in any way.
  9. Lets not forget the rapid changes caused by water level downward changes. GONE are the weed beds for years. Less water also affects the concentrations of chemicals & Ph of water. They wipe out favorite fishing spots AND the food amounts available. Cleaning up and eliminating septic tank nutrients is a HUGE factor of areas suddenly going bass less in a year or 2 for no reason. Everything is at risk with the climate cycle we are in right now.
  10. Their country. Their local land. They do as they please. I never eat any Tilapia.
  11. Different rules for BIG & DEEP water. Think just as if you were a new born bass. Then a larger and larger bass. Where would you travel to and avoid both fish & non fish predators ? That will remove a lot of areas completely.. Buy a subsurface map of the lake. Some have symbols of different types of bottoms. I use it to help on dead days.
  12. Really bright sunlight calm water sends all suspended schools somewhere out of sonar detection.
  13. My wife classifies me as a slippery handful. I claim it is age, weather conditions & medications. She is never wrong. It works for us.
  14. Of course it does not. I left out the word fisherman Maybe some of you filled in that word ? Eel & Aunt Jane's also. I also drop a few into the main river to hopefully eat the gobies & have that gene created into their children. So I am doing genetic changes if possible.
  15. Can not change hatred if it is generations old.
  16. Pike are the only fish I have no use for in my bay. So I carefully relocate them to other areas. Works for me.
  17. Areas do have favorite fish. Fact. How many bass and Walleyes love Asian Carp & gobies. Hate is so easy to start
  18. Birds that eat fish are grounded. Or have difficulty seeing & holding position. Fish know that very well.
  19. bulldog ? Thanks for a excellent break in the cabin fever !! ?
  20. You are right. I have made brown Eels for saltwater . I tried black auto & vacuum hose for fresh water eels. Terrific if you like fast spinning bent tubes. Plenty of hits FROM the SIDES. I went back to normal.
  21. Cargo pockets in long trousers. Then cut them to the lengths you need for different heat & humidity. I wear white long legs tucked into cotton socks. No sun lotions or biting flies. I look like Mr Good Humor out fishing covered in a white outfit. No sun lotions needed. The cloths remove sweat fast. I look odd . Because I am odd. ☠️
  22. Way back 100s of years ago I did that at a auto body shop with a bunch of lures. It was no difference when pike pickerel & other toothy saltwater fish chomped on the lures. Balsa is a common wood for floating lures. The dents & chips were severe with smaller Bluefish. ONLY METAL lures are to be used where toothy fish are.
  23. I agree. I carry a Handheld VHF locked on USCG channel. All Electronics in a zip lock bag in my trouser pockets.
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