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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. There is a simple way to bend a SOFT wire into a tightly closed loop. Then do the heat treating You Tube has guys makin beautiful hook eyes from SOFT coiled Bailing Wire Then Flame Harding them. Cheap stupid places try to bend hardened steel to save a step and money. They suck. Those hooks are terrible. Whoever made them. I admit it. My Eagle Claw hooks are probably + 40 years old in a resealable bag. I went to the Eagle Claw site. They had almost nothing about Gold Hooks. They are my best lures to catch live bait. Could be the result of Covid loss of excellent help & cheapest people they could find For such a simple job ?
  2. Paying more for better quality ? Is a very old sales gimmick for more profit. Look at all the recalls of high priced cars. Major appliances. More money equals more profit. Not quality 30 days 6 months or 1 year on a major appliance.
  3. When I first started using them . The fish were all biting. Then in a week the bites spaced out. In a month back to mu modified lures. The fish DO LEARN.
  4. The coating eliminates the feel and dryness of natural cork and wood. It is now a SYNTHETIC material. The REAL feel is gone forever. Why bother if you smother it with plastic.
  5. If the cork is protectively sealed ? It is converted to NON cork status. Might as well go to plastic IF it is a closed cell foam. If open celled foam ? It is cheap cheap.
  6. Way to go Cody. I con verted my Outboard switch to the heavy duty version. I leave lights, Fish finder on some times. So with the heavy duty version I can turn off all the stuff with the key. I do remember to do that. With a trolling motor ? Now a SMALL MASTER SWITCH becomes a better choice. Or the simple knife switch that bolts to a battery terminal. It works like you removed a battery post cable. That will stop recharging the battery. Picking the best setup is not always the simples thing sometimes. I used to draw a complete wiring diagram before buying & deciding anything. If it does not work on paper. Try a different approach
  7. If the cork is protectively sealed ? It is converted to NON cork status. Might as well go to plastic IF it is a closed cell foam. If open celled foam ? It is cheap cheap.
  8. Load test the battery first. Will tell a lot. At no cost at a major auto parts chain.
  9. Simple solution. works Take any treble hook. Cut off the 2 hooks close to the body. Done Yes I do that .Old lures never die. All their parts are recycled. Including the split rings. The lure trebles com with split rings. I remove all belly trebles.
  10. You do have to be careful about all Solar Powered panel left connected. At night or if stored in a dark place they CAN and do discharge if in darkness for long periods. A switch or a disconnect plug should be used. Most small outboards can have a simple 6 amp charger built into them. Check with a same make dealer. My little 9.9 has a charger to recharge the battery. It can also over charge it with lots of running. The fish finder will run the battery down after many full days of use.
  11. I also use a small fork truck battery connector system. Anderson Power Pole # SB-50 ( 50 amp. ). Sold by www.digikey.com www.mcmaster.com also sells 50 battery amp connectors.
  12. 74 years of single hooks with meat and no hook eye problems. But I always use the cheapest brand. Eagle Claw.
  13. A 3' eel beats a no fish day for me. Been there. Water fish & me. All is good. Edit My best C & R was a BIG water snake looked too poisonous. So I broke a forked branch and held his head still. Removed the hook with another stick. He ran up my leg & kissed me.?
  14. You really NEED to be USING .........EVERYTHING ...........That is needed to win a fight with a 15 pound bass in or near some snags & lily pad cover. I have several boat houses & docks in a row. I catch the same bass, several of them, several times a year. I ONLY use the 60 # Braided line there. REASON If they get away with line behind them ? It could tangle around anything & it starves to death. big LMB are not afraid of very much. C & R with your 60# lines. The first 5 to 10 seconds are all 60# & line control.
  15. Bait Casters ? You CAN NOT stop the lure suddenly !! I have used 2# test line on spin reels forever. B C reels ARE VERY unforgiving of anyone screwing up on a cast. Use LIGHT lures 1/4 to 1/2 ounce until you are perfect. Or just buy more lures. It is that simple. Or use a spin reel.
  16. Part of this problem is the arrogance of some bass fishermen stocking every piece of water with bass. Who died & put them in charge of spreading bass all over the world ?
  17. A saltwater eel would work very well. IF fish bites a hook place. I used to set the hook several times before a hook was in the mouth. Give a quick sharp tug. Check if really hooked. No? Twitch around for 1/2 second then retrieve. Repeat till hooked.
  18. All transducers will read thru ANY SOLID hull material. some bottoms can have Styrofoam types between inner and outer hull surfaces. All shoot right thru solid Aluminum. Test by using water inside hull. Press ducer against hull in deep water of KNOWN DEPTH. Should agree. Speed up the boat . Retest the same depth spot. different reading ? move ducer closer to keel & repeat speed runs. I clean the hull spot with a rag & Acetone. Big enough G E RTV blob. Press ducer into the blob. Temporarily tape the ducer to stay vertical with a small piece of wood just on the edge till firmed up.
  19. I stopped my Patent Application for a " Flat Plate Deflector. "
  20. What a dorky problem design. They never tested it on boats. Obviously
  21. Never hard enough for braids. Grooves are cut too easily. I have replaced all SS guides on rods.
  22. Sadly You are so correct. Bigger faster Less talk Higher prices faster. Now I fish from my key board. ?
  23. I am a specialist of lips. I tear them off. The lures thank me .
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