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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. Check ALL your hook points. You should not be losing so many if you have reasonable drag on the reel and keep some bend in the rod.
  2. They were the best places after sun down or just before sunrise.
  3. I had to move everything but the bilge pump. 30 hp 180 pounds. Short shaft motor and boat.
  4. You let them on ???? their survey might state a Land Restriction use by anyone. Happens as stated. You become another snowball in a fire. Paying SPECIAL USE FEES. To use you property. I smell big money needing access to land. The frogs left when Fracking was approved. They did not want to croak.
  5. WOT amps is critical if you go off in any direction and there is only the launch ramp to pull it out to the trailer. 1 mile into baby white caps with a rocky shore line ? NOOA weather report BEFORE you go out. I have ROWED a 16' X 50" aluminum into small whitecaps for a mile. Found out my heart was not so good. 0 Do a calculation of worst case you may face. Then modify battery to what you can spend. Call a couple of trolling motor companies with distance& wind condition you want to make it back to the ramp. I have beached boats on protected sandy or grass beaches & waited out the wind.
  6. But the bass lovers WANT bass everywhere. Their wants are the most important of all.
  7. 1 tough fish that one was.?
  8. I cast Constantly 8 am to sun down . Weather permitting. May 15 to Sept. 15 from boat & shore . Very shallow water and rocks. So the dirt in 6# braided is a real condition. Some rods are cheapy for kids & guests. So they always had S S. 4 # mono does / did cut them quickly. All are now synthetic. No wear at all. All flyrods never get grooves because the fly lines are such large diameters and have a large rubbing surface.
  9. Cough cough " Cyclops honey. I ground up the whole fish so we would have plenty for leftovers. "
  10. On the web. There is a group called Vermont Master Anglers Great video explaining how to Fillet & make them into NO BONES fish cakes with a grinder. ALL the fine false rib bones disappear during cooking. Talk & eating at the end was very good.
  11. Looked them up on the Virginia Fish & Game site. Whoa They rate it as a 24" 2 pound fresh water tarpon. So it must have some beep beep juice in them. I am going to see if they are in any of my waters. Great post Nate. Thank you.
  12. The males are way stronger . As fast as hatchery trout. DO put a hurt on trout guys drag hand / fingers. ? He he
  13. Cut the plywood then seal it
  14. Walked on decks ? Must have some Exterior plywood underneath for enough strength.
  15. My leader is only to prevent losing a long amount of line to a deep snag or fish run into heavy cover. I use tapered fly line leaders. They break at the lure every time.
  16. Every decent sized fish means a cut off & a new retying of the line. On the 6# line & leader.
  17. New Boats are offered with up to 10" Jackplates as a option. So all that transom weight is factory approved. The 115 HP seems to only be on the wider 18' models. Some thing was different on your year. Does your bilge pump work in both AUTO and MANUAL modes ? Do you see water being pumped out ?
  18. It would not be the first time someone removes a max H P plate & puts on a bigger one to B S inspectors & insurance company people. The " That's how I bought the boat. " routine
  19. How heavy are you ? Is it a Cameo paint model ? If yes the 70 HP is maximum Plus that series only has a 21" transom & 24 " sides. My 16 V 4.5 ' wide with 15 deep transom fish boat and a max rated 30 hp really weather vanes. I have a 18 gallon tank & battery & 3 anchors up front. I am 200#. You are packing a lot of stuff in that boat. Have you checked ALL bilges / bottom compartments for excessive water ?
  20. A SNAP or some type of split ring works very well. I use the Trilene with the 2 wraps around the side OPPOSITE the ends in the ring. Works extremely well. The ring sharp ends always wind up rubbing against the molded wire loop of the lure The Trilene knot is snugged up tightly on the ring. My 6# braided even locks into the ring tightly.
  21. Love the humor / satire. ?
  22. Covid can & has attacked Every part of a body. It is a terrible disease to get. Get lucky & do your best to not get it.
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