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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. I have seen several others. But they will go to some cover very quickly They like my black plastic covered areas with Pine bark on top. All kinds of insects & animals live under there.
  2. Well some reading on the web about my biggie reveals the Eastern Northern Black Racer reveals they are fearless in defending THEIR turf. Are known to bite repeatedly. Good news is they are not poisonous. Just fast & fearless biters.
  3. I had a LONG black racer snake in the front lawn that refused to go to the tree line. I went and returned with a strong rake. Snake came at me with head raised. I put the rake in front of the face. He starts moving on to the rake . Must have had Rabies. Killed the snake.
  4. Some people HAVE to get to the accident first. When the TILLER boat does a back flip at 40 or 60. 1 ....20 mph gust will get him a front row seat. I have come close with all the fuel tanks empty in the bow & a strong gust at only 30 mph. 16' 50" wide & 30 hp USCG limit motor.........If I flipped a boat & over powered ? Insurance would not have to pay a penny.
  5. I bought all they had. Great discount !! Will resell at correct discount price. Make a bundle !!!
  6. The 8 piece was to allow it to stay with you in overhead luggage space..
  7. I only use Rapala 1.5" floaters . Simplifies my blaming the fish for not biting. No stress fishing. Casting or trolling with Drop Shot setups.
  8. Thank you all. I have never had the ferrule become loose. Never fly apart. I only have kept the rods that are stiff as possible. Never pulled with the rod while on a snag. Drag is set for 4# or 6#Lines correctly. I do not catch several big bass each day or year. I can not tell the difference in weight or casting effort between all my spinning, stiff, 6 rods. All between 6' 6" and 7' 6". I cast with 2 hands. That reduces wrist pain to nothing. I did buy what I thought was a NORMAL 9' spinning rod. It is a light duty salt water rod I feel the weighta little. BUUTT The tip speed does not toss my standard 1.5" Rapala any farther than a stiffest 6'6" 2 piece rod. Same reel & 6# Braided line on both spinning rods. That 1.5" Rapala weighs nothing. So I come up with heavy lures Can use the tip speed better.
  9. All I see is longer & longer 1 piece rods. Why ? What important fact am I unaware of ? Thanks Rich
  10. Well restaurants and all the ice fishing people ate up everything. Time to eat plant protein fish.
  11. 1967 Chevelle S S 396 Convert. Engine ate hydraulic lifters & noisy. Front end was always going out. red , white top, Blue interior. Had wife drive it to her job. I blew the carbon out every couple of weeks.
  12. I vote not enough sunlight gets thru it to allow life under it. Water birds transport water weeds also. Ducks, diving ducks, swans, cormorants and others. Fishing is not getting better.
  13. I was popping off weighted flies too easily.
  14. I rarely meet a shrimp I do not like.
  15. 60 ? years ago I had my first fly tying drive. So I tried to make Wooly Caterpillars. I had more fun laughing at the fishes reactions as they grabbed them.. Right thru the busiest pool. It was fun even If I did not have hookups. All parts of fishing can become fun if we give it a chance.
  16. I have almost gone over completely to roll casting when joints allow. Then I have no need for back casting. Plan for the worst. And the good happens.
  17. I can tell those are all males.
  18. Thanks TN Muddler Minnow is what I used 50 years ago. Thanks for the help. Rich
  19. Thank you T-Billy ! I keep playing it. a 17 year old with a 1950 Olds V8 sedan and 110 mph on the speedo.......Sheer stupidity on the blow out prone tires back then. Luck always beats skill........Famous Cyclops 2quote.
  20. I have a 30 hp 9.9 oars and a dock. Wall Street HATES trying to rob me.
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