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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. Pike will come into the boat edge . Then start doing Death Rolls in the line there. Brought in a green fish too soon.
  2. Makes good logic. A N Easter really pains my joints.
  3. Best from the WEST Least from the East.............It sure is true in my bay & River.
  4. I love Crappies !!
  5. Must have a Trolling motor & battery to get back going against the wind. Been there in row boats. I have been rowing for a !/2 hour & made a 1/4 mile. Hi guys. Can someone tow me to the ramp? Can you wait for about a hour? " No problem. "
  6. Are the FILLER SPOOL plastic pieces really lighter than filler line ? Or do they save money ? I have old Mitchell spinning reels with spool fillers. They are not light.
  7. I would like a K But the 6' plus bow waves from freighters ends that in a hurry. A big cruiser throwing a max wave can send 4 to 5' in the normal conditions.
  8. I only use the main line to fill a reel. 4 # Mono & 6# Braided are quite a bit. 300 yard spooling. Have plenty for a spare reload on other reels.
  9. Welcome to much SAFER fishing for.... YOU and others. Big fish are all barbless . Trebles or singles. ALL fish can then toss the hook easily in the net. Pike included.
  10. The brutal truth !! ?
  11. Ask local SOD FARMS what they use. Also any county Farm / Extension Department. Sand is a very dry high watering soil . I somehow got a few patches of Bermuda / Zoyosa grasses that took hold in my north New Jersey lawn . It is fantastic. Never needs water VERY DENSE Spreads quickly in my Red Shale soil. I am way above the temperature limit for Florida grasses. Problem is it browns off very early and greens late. But no water or food for it and it suffocates any weeds in the new spreading areas In the winter IT IS a SEVERE fire risk as it is dry. I cut it SUPER LOW to reduce the fire risk. I looked you up on MapQuest. You are surrounded by lots of little lakes. So you might get lucky on any type that has deep root systems.
  12. When I retired. I went back into ALL my hobbies. And now have no boring time left.
  13. My wife said fishing & summer vacation is more important than feeding or killing the weeds.
  14. You guys have to stop doing so much time in the GARDEN with all those Honey Do's.
  15. Kingston is a great place to visit. 40 years ago. The fort & military base & museums. Waterfront Life was outstanding back then. I like your vinegar & fries. Outstanding. Hope It keeps much of the history for visitors ?
  16. A SMB is entirely different than a LMB after the first bite / clamp down. If it is a C & R bass ? Ha HA HA They learn how to play with the lure to their advantage. They DECIDE when playtime is over. I just enjoy their speed, power & intelligence.
  17. You are in the wrong Time Zone. ? It is my weakest weekend of the year. ?
  18. Are the fish resetting their clocks ? ?
  19. 3 things can cause way to many breaks. Bad line. Trying to rip out snags. Metal the line is tied to has a sharp spot / uneven / oval shape of the wire loop. I use a Trilene with 1 OR 2 wraps around the wire eyelet of Rapalas. I have crossed the line on the eyelet. No breakoffs. Rapala has EXCELLENT wire to tie MONO or Braided to. Take your lures to a FRIENDLY jeweler store when not busy !! Ashim to let you see the smoothness of your lure wire. Get lucky. Bad line is my guess. Or just to much snag pulling pressure. Fish places with less snags.
  20. I keep a folded 6' ln the trunk & a medium freezer Zip Lock bag as a back up tackle bag. Split shot, hooks & 2 Rapalas. All I need.
  21. All retireds go when they feel like it. Plus some work at homes to.
  22. I normally C & R large Carp, Fresh Water drum and several + 40" pike each year. The 4# Mono & 6# Braided on different rods with a Mitchell handle them easily in open water. 6' 6" MH Fast tip rods. Most on Rapalas.
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