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james 14

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About james 14

  • Birthday 07/31/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brandon, FL
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Wherever the next tourney is.
  • Other Interests
    Hunting and Golf

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  1. It's happened on nearly every rod and every reel on multiple spools bought over the last 4-5 years. I think age may be part of the problem as I can't directly recall it happening on fresh line. However, I used to keep PP spooled for years with no problems. EDIT - looking back I would actually say more like the last 3 years. 4 years ago I was still using line that was at least 3-4 years old and only changed it because it was "old" and I started fishing tourneys every month. Maybe 2 years ago I had the first break off mid cast and have had several since then on many different reels. I think there's something where a loop in a backlash gets caught and the line isn't able to stand up to the shock on that small area. I'm using and have always used 50lb. I used to flip with 30lb and rip lures out of emergent vegetation without a second thought. If I did that now it would break most assuredly.
  2. Okay that makes sense. Didn't want you to get your wires crossed
  3. Probably a good idea. My two biggest problems: 1. Line loops during a cast catching and snapping. NEVER happened until 3-4 years ago. 2. Line snaps when ripping lures out of grass. e.g. ripping a spinnerbait off of a lily pad stem. I used to rip entire pads clumps off the bottom. Now I can plan on losing the bait if I don't go and retrieve it.
  4. Bolded and underlined. You will not be staying with 4 batteries.
  5. Umm...am I missing something or are you under the impression that you are going to replace your 4 12v batteries with 4 6v batteries? You will, in fact, need 8 6v batteries to replace 4 12v batteries.
  6. I'm about to respool all of my reels and before I buy another 1000 yards of power pro I want to consider using something else. I've been using the stuff for over a decade and it's simply not what it used to be. I used to beat the crap out of this line and never had it break. Yesterday I had it break three times and one of those was snapping on itself mid cast. I also never had to worry about how old it was. I can't help but think that's part of the problem. So I'm going to start anew and, very possibly, with a different brand. If anything out there holds it's color that would be a plus as well. Suggestions?
  7. I recently had some motor trouble that I'll inquire about later. First thing I need to do is fix the warning buzzer so I can get some feedback from the motor if it's trying to send it. I just noticed that, when I turn the key, the buzzer doesn't sound like it normally does. I have no idea where this thing is...therefore I can't fix it. Help?
  8. I live in Central FL. I have both the little ones without wings and some of the larger ones with wings...but not the big palmetto bugs. I don't mind having to bomb every once in a while but I need to find a way to at least keep them at bay so it doesn't have to be every 1-2 months.
  9. Can't keep these dang things out of my boat. I don't leave any food in the boat and spraying with Ortho doesn't seem to help or last long enough. The boat sits covered in the driveway. Thought about bombing it but I've never used a bomb before so I'm a little unsure about it. I also wouldn't know quite where to put it...maybe in the cockpit with all of the compartment lids open and the cover on??? Then I still have to figure out how to keep them from coming back. It's not a huge problem at this point but with them eating away at rubber buttons and leaving their poop behind I'm not waiting around to see how bad it can get.
  10. That depends on what type of fishing you're doing. As WRB it's just a casting technique. I prefer braid with everything and use a leader if I need flouro or mono for any specific scenario. I actually prefer to use as short a rod as possible. With moving baits that don't require a hard hookset I'll go as short as 6ft. I try not to go longer than 7 and will use that for baits like a fluke or worm that require some hooksetting power. This is less important if I'm pitching to something like a grassline as opposed to a dock and I'll actually stick with the longer 7.5-8ft hvy rod for the grassline or mat punching scenario.
  11. A friend of mine is selling an 1198 that's barely used and less than a year old. However, that's a little over your $400 price range...but he's well aware he's getting nowhere near the near 3k they are new.
  12. Until I drove the boat with the 70 I wouldn't even buy it much less try and think about what jackplate I want. If the 125 struggled getting it on plane there is no amount of setup that will make a 70 work.
  13. 20# isn't enough of a weight difference to risk what will likely be a situation where you run out of power and wear the battery down faster. AND you'll likely pay way more for that AGM.
  14. This actually makes a great deal of sense. Now that I think about it it probably came loose during my previous trip due to the amount of oil lost from the reservoir. I wasn't thinking about how little oil is actually used (less than a gallon per 50gal tank for me). I'm always careful about trimming my motor up all the way but I'm going to be even more careful now.
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