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Everything posted by wvbasshand

  1. Just wanting to know how there hitting??? What?? Where??? and How??? Don't worry I won't take your hunny hole, We'll only be there until the 8th...
  2. Sweet, it's funny... Texas, Ohio, West virginia, PA... Always black and blue!! I always read about green pumpkin and natuaral colors in clear water, but always go back to old faithfull black and blue!
  3. Very nice!!! I believe you've motivated me to hit the water!!!
  4. I don't know yet, but it sure is fun looking!!! I've fished florida and texas, and there both fun as hell... I look forward to finding the answer to that question... going to give kissimmee chain a try this year, and then maybe falcon next year.... or el salto, which could possibly be the holy grail of buckett mouth fishing!!!
  5. There's a lot of good stuff in this post.... But, In my personnal opinion it is mostly your preference.. I'm from the northeast therefore I don't have the "creds" most of the anglers on here do, such as a 10lber under my belt... but, I land over a 1000 bass a year none the less... I preffer FC, I can lay all the facts on you but I won't.. It simply feels better to me, I feel more connected to the lure... especially with jigs and soft plastics!!! as for braid, I personnally hate it, it cuts into wood bad, and I fish a lot of lay downs and stump fields... But some guys swear by it... Try them both out thoruoghly and make your own descion.... (ignore spelling errors)
  6. It's me again, asking questions about toho/kissimmee area.... I grew up in florida, but it was before I was a bass adict. I remmeber fishing extremely clear water around Citrus county FL. I'll quit flapping my fingers......... My question is; What can I expect for water clarity in early april???? Specifics please... Kissimmee river??? Main lakes???? Shallows??? Channels??? Basically I don't want to show up thinking I'm going to be pitching natuaral colors, when I should have stocked up on flashy spinner baits and murky water stuff.... I fish all over the U.S. and I've learned not to assume you know what your getting into... Lake Fork, TX taught me that, it's freaking brutal!
  7. Al, your honest opion was greatly appriciated. I checked into a lot of things, and we went ahead and got the liars den at camp mack. We go for the fishing not the amenitys... They have a bar and the cabin has a kitchen i'm good!!!!
  8. Thanks for all the good info.... Ill definitely stay in touch as the trip gets closer.... 10lber punching mats, man thats what I'm looking for..........
  9. Camp Mack does look like where we're going to go... So my question now is... Where would we want to target???? 35min "ish" boat ride to Toho, or kissimmee, or hatchineha, or cypress lake???? And if anyone has a specific guide to use???? We'll probably get a guide the first day and then go out on our own for the rest of the trip..... We will mainly be using artificial tackle... soft plastics, crank baits, jigs, spinners... but, from what i've read we would be stupid not to go pitch shiners one day! Thank you all for your input, I'd be lost with out a little guidance...
  10. Camp mack or the river ranch both look good, but it looks like camp mack would probably be the best location.... The river ranch has better amenities, but it looks like that would add to the boating time every morning... or limit us to just kissimmee lake.... Since I've never fished there I don't really know what would be better??? If you were going there in the beginning of april where would you stay??? We care more about the fishing than anything else..... Thanks for the input...
  11. Me and couple of close friends leave our home fishing grounds of w.v. every spring and go hit different large mouth hot spots around the u.s. This year we've decided to try the kissimmee chain lakes out. In the past I've been "wronged" so to speak by old internet pics and web sites about fish camps. I'm sure you all know what I mean, pics that were taken in the 80's when the place was new, only to find out after driving 20 hours that the place is trashed but yet there are no cancelation polices so your forced to stay there. We are looking to target lake Toho, but any advice is greatly appriciated. I've read a lot of good things about camp mack, but it isn't on lake toho... So if you have a minute I'll take any good input anyone has on the area.... such as places to stay and specific lakes or locations to hit.... We're not dead set on lake Toho.... Thank you for your time and input....
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