Im sick of kids bashing adults and adults bashing kids on here. This isnt a 1stslut grade classroom, do we need to be put in time out. Im 17, love to fish, I fish tons of tournaments, blessed with 6 sponsors a triton and a enough talent to be confident with. And yes I will chase my dreams of being on either the FLW or B.A.S.S. Elite Series. Guess what, I'll go to college! And hey if it doesnt work out i can always work within the industry. I respect both sides of the arguement. Us kids need to realize adults have been there, they know, and they can steer us right. But adults need to realize, we have a dream that we arent going to give up on. Both arguements are great, valid points and logical. But sorry i dont want a 9u to 5 w/o even trying to get to the top. I have a burning passion for fishing. And i love the study of Psychology and the Veterinarian medical field. And honestly, I have a gift in marketing which I got from my dad so maybe I have a career in that. But Adults; we have other loves, but we want what we love the most before we settle. And Kids; You can learn from others, dont resent logical thoughts bdcause you dont agree. And before you bash one another... think about their argument. Sorry for any grammatical errors.. sent from a phone. Thanks guys. Tightlines.