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About robdob

  • Birthday 07/04/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Raystown Lake, Juniata and Potomac Rivers. Faylor Lake.
  • Other Interests
    Pitt Football. Indycar racing. Dirt late modesl and NASCAR

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  • About Me
    Love fishing

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  1. Hi, I'm looking to come down from PA and fish Lake Norman as a co-angler in the February BFL and need to find a boater link to garauntee my entry. Please message me or email jriverrider@yahoo.com if interested. Thank you. Also looking for someone to let me tag along and prefishing the Friday before, will help with gas $
  2. Your wife's dog is probably more intelligent than those clowns are too. I tried to have a serious discussion with them about their intentions but they basically refused to even discuss it with me. All this tournament will accomplish is creating further divide between the trout and bass anglers because the bass fisherman are going to hate pure hatred of the trout fisherman after this "killing for fun" event. They could kill 10,000 lbs of bass in this thing and it wouldn't even put a dent in the bass population. They will be replaced in one spawn season. It's obvious there's plenty of forage there's great trout and bass fishing right now. The genie was let out of the bottle a long long time ago and there's no way to put it back in now so all this will do is make people hate the trout fishermen, period.
  3. Well I personally love that round gobies were introduced to Erie and Cayuga. They've made the bass fishing exponentially better than it was prior to their introduction. So I feel good about it if you are asking.
  4. No offense Sir but you really can't be that educated on the subject if you think this tournament is going to have any impact whatsoever on the smallmouth bass population. None. It will be so negligible it's useless and only accomplishes make Maine look like a bunch of killers. On top of that if the smallmouth have been living with brook trout for over 25 years I don't think they are going to suddenly eat all of the brook trout. Based on the size and amount of both brook trout and smallmouth in the lake right now I'd say there's plenty of forage to go around. There's no real science at all behind this tournament and I can't help but feel it's going to accomplish the exact opposite of what they are hoping. No one's mind will be changed and suddenly want rid of the bass because of this, but it very well may change someone's mind and make them hate all of the brook trout fisherman because of this mass killing.
  5. To fish a BFL your boat has to be 16ft, have a 500gph bilge pump, have steering wheel steering, and have an aerated livewell with a divider. I've fished a dozen or so BFL's and have saw maybe a total of 4 aluminum boats the whole time. If your boat met all the rule requirements you will be fine, the only thing I would worry about would be a mid-summer tournament with hot water and your llivewell being too small to keep 2 limits of fish alive for 8 hours.
  6. I have a brand new Z7 and I've gone over it with a fine tooth comb and everything appears to be perfect. If your batteries are rigged improperly that is a dealership issue not a nitro issue. If you have damage on the boat from shipping straps why in the world would you accept the boat that way, didn't you inspect the boat before buying? Screws are going to back out of any bass boat, that's just part of owning a bass boat and is such a minor, and easily fixed issue it's not worth complaining about. You paid at least 5 grand less for your boat than any other manufacturers similar model so a few minor issues along the way seems like a small consulation to me.
  7. There's about a 99% chance what you're seeing are alewives which are in several new York lakes and were probably spread to the lake u fish through someone's bait bucket.
  8. Hopefully FLW bans it in the everstarts and BASS bans it in the opens next. how can you say something is "just another lure" when it's clearly not.. its FIVE lures.. if you watched the last FLW tour event you would see it can also be 12 lures.. it's insane to be tossing out 5 or more lures on one rod and think "its just another tool" get real. maybe ill make some rig that can hold 5 frogs and throw it on the potomac and see if the same clowns who love the Arig think that is also "just another lure"
  9. You or I can enter an FLW tour event if we had a legal boat and enough money. You actually have to qualify for the B.A.S.S elite series.
  10. I've heard people on the three rivers in pittsburgh talk about catching a regular mouth bass and laugh about it once. i assume they were talking about the same thing we are. made me chuckle once i realized what they were probably talking about
  11. thats just your average run of the mill smallmouth.... maybe its slightly bigger than most where you fish but it is a pure smallmouth no doubt about that.
  12. 6lbs would have been a lot more beleivable if you didn't take the photo from the bottom showing how not really that fat the fish is. but again you said its 6 so it is. tight lines folks. peace out
  13. I suppose that muskie in your hands is a 50incher too right? lol
  14. I'm sure we would too but I'm heading home from work so I can no longer mess around on the internet lol. see ya later.
  15. not a chance.. but hey if i said 6lbs you would have said "nope its a 4". peace out I'm done working for the day.
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