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Everything posted by Polarkraft05

  1. I signed up around march 12th and still haven't gotten anything in the mail. I bet they are getting a lot more requests than they bargained for.
  2. sorry forgot to add the cost. my 16 foot (but rather skinny, about 5 foot across) took a half gallon to cover it, plus i bought 2 quarts of primer, and 1 coat of a second color to put a stripe. total i think it was around $150 shop around though i found the exact same products for anywhere between 150 and 350 also you will want to get a product to strip the wax off the boat or your paint will just peel right off. supposedly the mold release wax from when the boat is made will be on your boat no matter how old it is this is assuming it is a fiberglass boat, if its aluminum you will just need to clean it really good. as for filling holes you will have to research that as i dont want to tell you something wrong. I personally used bondo and fiberglass on my damaged spots, but many will tell you bondo absorbs water and is not good for boat use.
  3. hardest part is flipping the boat or lifting it so you can paint the bottom. I used petit easy poxy. rolled and tipped it (youtube it) turned out great, with lots and i mean a lot of prep work between each boat cant say anything about the durabilty as i did it this last winter. i would post where i bought it but it wouldnt be respectful to this forum. you can google petit easy poxy
  4. all the research i could find was that adult largemouth bass do not see UV light, only juvenile see UV. I dont see the need to spend so much money on them given this research. Im sure they will catch fish, but i dont think the UV has anything to do with it.
  5. im no help for the fishing part of it, but i know the bloody tail fin was from the bass using its tail to make the bed. they fan the bed area to remove debris/pebbles which tear up the tail
  6. cranking battery for your outboard deep cycle battery for your trolling motor this is pretty much mandatory if you want your batteries to function correctly and have a full life. I personally don't think the accessories matter too much unless you use them a lot. They wont drain a battery enough to matter. I have my accessories on my cranking battery, but like i said i barely use the accessories so they could go on either battery.
  7. no damage to the truck, to be honest i didnt give two thoughts about it. it spilled in the bed, and i have rhino liner. there was a roll of paper towels nearby that soaked most of it up. ill have to go out in the morning and see if it did anything to the rhinoliner. I doubt it did anything though As for the battery i think im going to go to the autoparts store and buy some battery acid, hopefully it will have some dilution instructions. Ill fill it up most of the way, then charge the battery then top it off.
  8. it will depend what hitch is installed on the explorer. here is a towing guide straight from ford http://www.meadowlan...ing%20guide.pdf it states for the 03 explorer with standard rear bumper it can tow 3500 and can be equipped to pull 5000 pounds also you will have to be careful about stopping the boat, since it is on the top of the towing capacity it will be hard to stop the boat. Id bet the gas mileage gets thrown out the window though, even with my small (16 foot) 1970's bass boat being pulled by silverado 1500 4.8 liter 2wd my gas mileage significantly drops. (15 normal, towing around 10-11 at best)
  9. i know generally you just add distilled water, but since mine is empty im thinking i will need to add some acid to it. Im just not sure and not sure how much I know the reason you generally only add water is that is generally all that escapes the battery during charging. but since everything poured out of mine that means there is no acid in it. im hoping someone has done this before as i fell it is different than just topping it off with water
  10. my starting battery was in the back of the truck and got tipped over, and the acid spilled out of it. it is a "maintanence free" battery, but i can add water to it easily. here is my question is adding deionized water good enough even though pretty much all of the liquid in the battery is gone? should i add some sulfuric acid? how much? also most informative sites say to never add liquid to a uncharged battery add it after you charge it fully. can i charge my battery with no liquid in it? im thinking it would be best to add some water to it then charge it then top it off.
  11. thanks for the tips guys, im going to get one thats about 3 foot long, and 18 inches wide. thats the biggest i can go in my little boat.
  12. thanks for the replies. I agree the videos on this site are very informative and useful, but i would like some more. never can learn too much
  13. Forgive me if this has been asked a lot before, i did use the search function, but didnt find anything. I'm wanting to know of any quality videos or dvds out there that teach fishing techniques, tips, tricks etc. this forum helps a lot, but it would be nice to sit down and watch an informative video, rather than a tv series that is rarely on and is usually just part infomercial part entertainment, no information. i would like an all inclusive video. showing different rigs/techniques, how to locate bass, what to do on different types of lakes, and different parts of the year etc. all this for large mouth mainly
  14. ok thanks for the tip.
  15. I am currently building a livewell for my bass boat. I am using a 23"x15"x10" rubber made container. using an online calculator it is about 15 gallons is this too small? I may be entering some tournaments this year i also have a smaller livewell in the front of the boat, guestimate the size to be 18x12x12 the new livewell im building has recirculate (bar on top to spray several water jets back into water) but even with this the bar is only about 8 inches from the bottom, so to use it i would have to have 8 inches or less of water in the tank.
  16. In mid may ill be going to table rock for the first time. will be in the long creek area. what advice and tips would you guys give me, since i have never fished the lake before.
  17. if any one has a link to the size guide for the lures please post, ive been looking but cant find it
  18. I think i found a good way for me to do it, without putting a hole in the boat. I can send people the link to how im doing it if they are interested, but found it on another forum so i wont post it. I know a throughhull fitting isnt bad when done properly i just cant stand to put a hole in my boat (aside from the one i just put in the bottom that i will be fixing ugh) especially hard to put a hole in the boat after i just got done painting it and making it looks nice.
  19. heres a useful website with true information. http://www.asiancarp.us/index.htm
  20. Thank you very much. Im going to have to get an ad somehow. im sure they will put in online sooner or later. I just wanted to see if i should go ahead and buy elsewhere, or if it was worth waiting for the ad
  21. so since i dont get it in the mail. (moved too many times due to college) and for some reason it isnt on their website yet, a little help would be appreciated are there any good deals on spinning rods, and are there deals on boat equipment? seats, mounts, etc
  22. Is there much difference in name brand soft plastics and various home made versions? ive been looking on ebay and there are numerous "offbrand"/ homemade baits, that are the same design as name brand. im just curious if the quality of plastic or other products in the manufacturing process will make the baits, worth less than the name brand. seems silly to buy name brand for over twice the price if the quality is the same or close enough to not matter.
  23. not sure where you get the idea that fisheries management will make fishing a rarity this will be different depending on specific job/location but most work typical hours of any job, leaving you your off time to fish. plus you will learn a lot about fish and their habitats. im on my fourth year getting a wildlife ecology and conservation degree. plan to either be a conservation agent or fisheries biologist. being an agent i will miss out on rifle season (i dont care im a bowhunter) but as far as fishing goes, ill get just as much as the next guy will the same goes for a fisheries biologist (minus the rifle season part) I worked for a fisheries biologist for 3 summers, he still had plenty of time to fish and new anything and everything about the local lakes as he got to be on them whenever he wanted, and electrosampled them hundreds of times. being a fisheries biologist is a fishermans dream job, you get to be on your local lakes all summer, you get to learn everything about the lake and the fish, and during the cold winter you get to do paper work, and dream about getting back out on the lake. You may get burned out of going to the lake and fishing, but if you truly love fishing this would be impossible. But i do agree a marketing/business degree will help you greatly in being a pro fisherman, or anything else in the fishing industry, as the main focus of the fishing industry is to sell more products.
  24. I have a livewell in the front of my boat now, which has the pump in the back of the boat, which pumps water in both the bottom (drain) and top (aerator) of the livewell. It then has an overflow tube out the side of the boat. I would like to add a livewell to the back of the boat, my plan is to use the same pump to fill it, just put a T on the filling hose for the front tank. the problem is i dont know a good way to install an overflow. i really dont want to put a hole in the boat. What do you guys think about installing a bilge pump in the new livewell, then tieing that into the actual bilge pump for the boat so they both send water out the same hole. Then to add air to the livewell ill just pump water out with the bilge pump and add water so that fresh water and air is added to the livewell good idea? better idea?
  25. thanks for the info it was very useful. I also bought an online manual, lots cheaper than the book version and seems pretty in depth
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