Fair enough reply, For the record my post may sound snobby, but I am just trying to be to the point and straight forward. I wasn't trying to talk myself up or make a resume, just trying to quickly hit on the perks and negatives of my current position, so it would make sense of what I am looking for in a job.
I kept all of this short as possible (still too long if you ask me) as I know people on a fishing forum will lose interest in a subject like this especially if they have to read a long essay.
I'll try to hit on all the points you brought up.
My first point was describing the pro's and con's of my current job. So yes the "schedule is pretty good". by this I mean I can make my own schedule however if i decide to have a day off it means the company may or may not be making money while I am gone. So that to me is a pro and a con or in other words pretty good.
"freedom is good" again describing my current position pros, this touches on the schedule a little as well as having the freedom to choose what type of work I will be doing that day.
"stress is high, and very labor intensive job" yes this is a huge negative. Stress is never good. I can deal with it yes, but doesn't mean it is good to have. labor intensive is very hard on the body. Causes un repairable damage, makes everyday life diminish more and more every year. I can see slight evidence of wear and tear already at my young age, and can see significant life altering effects to the older people working around me.
"I honestly have no clue what I would enjoy everyday" this is the most negative sounding point, but is true. There is no career path that I absolutely love, or else I would already be there.
"looking for $17 plus an hour" A simple guideline as to the pay range I am looking for. There are plenty of jobs out there that provide everything I could ever want in a job, but they only pay $10-$15 an hour. I can't afford to live the way I am currently living on any less than that. Can I survive? absolutely, I could survive on pennies, but I am not looking to just survive i am looking to prosper and be able to provide for my family just like the majority of people are. And everyone has a different allowance they are happy with making, mine happens to be $17 plus, someone else may be $10 or maybe $40. This isn't meant to put anyone down everyone has a different wage, and different lifestyle.
"don't want to be forced to work 60 hours a week, be away from home, or leave family."
Would I do it if I had to? yes Would i choose a job (such as over the road trucking) if i knew I would be gone from home for 5 days at a time or longer, and working 60-80 hours a week. NO Again a simple guideline for the type of work I am looking for.
Why didn't I post my skills? Because I am not applying for a job, or looking for a specific job. I am merely asking a large group of people what type of job they have been particularly happy with. I wouldn't care if it was modeling, marketing, book keeping, ups driver, quick trip employee, secretary, hospital, maintenance etc etc.
Just looking for input from all walks of life as to what job they have experienced in their life that would meet my desires.
the reason I said I could be an "asset to any company" is because I can be, but nothing I type on a computer is going to prove that, nor do I need to prove it right now. I have a good understanding of the working world and am quickly realizing what the younger generations are being seen as, and know that I stand out from the crowd. That being said I am just looking for other peoples work experience and maybe a recommendation of what field to look towards. Now maybe if I posted a professional resume, and proof read everything I am writing I would get lucky and someone would get on here and offer me a job. Would that be great? yes but that is not what this post is about. If i was looking for that I would get on a job posting website, not the off topic of a fishing forum.
And as for my skills, I am proficient in several of the trades needed for remodeling/home building. electrical, plumbing, painting, tile, rough in carpentry, trim carpentry. I also have experience managing customers and workers, scheduling, bill paying, vehicle and large machinery repair and maintenance.
Maybe I should just say,
I am looking for career options in any field which provides to following: retirement, vacation, good pay scale, good hours. also please post your positive experiences with the job or why you would recommend it.
Great information, thank you.