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Everything posted by Polarkraft05

  1. Thank you, that helps a bunch. I had a hard time getting pictures to upload, posted them straight from phone on mobile site, but it was hard to get under the max size. guess photo bucket would be easier.
  2. I recently bought a bunch of lures from a tournament fisherman. Several do not have names on them so I am curious what they are. A few have an x tm on the belly which I am unsure which company it is. My guess was Excalibur but I cant find any excalibur lures with that logo or that match the styling.
  3. I understand that side of it too, but it is being fixed for me to use it. I will keep the boat for quite awhile unless a really good deal comes along. If I were ready to sell asap I woudn't fix the dents. and the dents can be seen from both sides.
  4. I have found one other one listed for sale by googling, listed at $7000 nada has is from $6200-7200 Just surprised to not see any others for sale anywhere. And I see what you mean about the dents, but I am fixing them for my own use, and next owner will get a large discount off of retail price because of the dents. Not looking to fix, hide, and pawn off on someone. Looking to fix and use, and sell disclosing everything about the boat, and sell it as a beat up boat to use not a show boat. The boat is a great boat to use as a boat and not worry about dinging up, and the price will reflect that. I bought it cheap and will sell it cheap, just didn't know what it would be worth with adding the outboard and putting everything back together. Thanks for the help, was mainly just wondering if nada was something people used for used boats, or if there was a better way to research.
  5. How do you guys determine a fair price for a used boat? In this case wanting to price my own boat for potential sale. Hardly any listed for sale in my area so don't have any comparisons. Is nada accurate? I know its usually close for cars and trucks, but not sure about boats. Seems boats have a odd market and price variations. The boat I am speaking about is a 2005 Polarkraft pb175, with a 2001 Mercury 125HP 2 stroke. Does have a dented up bottom so I will have to deduct for that, but not sure where to start. I bought it cheap because of the dents and plan to fix them before sale (will still disclose it though) and I added the engine.
  6. Lots of helpful replies thank you. I will look into several of the posted ideas. For the record I wasn't expecting to walk into a career and immediately be rich, happy, and doing no work to obtain it. I realize work has to be put into everything, and there will be tough times with any job. And will have to put my time in before I can expect returns. And I realize all of these jobs are not something I would enjoy, or be good at. I was just looking for ideas of good jobs that I may not have thought about. I have considered OTR or local trucking, and believe I would be good at it as i drive a regular truck and trailer everyday now. While it is not a semi, it still comes with similar responsibilities and skill sets like traffic awareness, maintenance, trailer backing, etc.
  7. Fair enough reply, For the record my post may sound snobby, but I am just trying to be to the point and straight forward. I wasn't trying to talk myself up or make a resume, just trying to quickly hit on the perks and negatives of my current position, so it would make sense of what I am looking for in a job. I kept all of this short as possible (still too long if you ask me) as I know people on a fishing forum will lose interest in a subject like this especially if they have to read a long essay. I'll try to hit on all the points you brought up. My first point was describing the pro's and con's of my current job. So yes the "schedule is pretty good". by this I mean I can make my own schedule however if i decide to have a day off it means the company may or may not be making money while I am gone. So that to me is a pro and a con or in other words pretty good. "freedom is good" again describing my current position pros, this touches on the schedule a little as well as having the freedom to choose what type of work I will be doing that day. "stress is high, and very labor intensive job" yes this is a huge negative. Stress is never good. I can deal with it yes, but doesn't mean it is good to have. labor intensive is very hard on the body. Causes un repairable damage, makes everyday life diminish more and more every year. I can see slight evidence of wear and tear already at my young age, and can see significant life altering effects to the older people working around me. "I honestly have no clue what I would enjoy everyday" this is the most negative sounding point, but is true. There is no career path that I absolutely love, or else I would already be there. "looking for $17 plus an hour" A simple guideline as to the pay range I am looking for. There are plenty of jobs out there that provide everything I could ever want in a job, but they only pay $10-$15 an hour. I can't afford to live the way I am currently living on any less than that. Can I survive? absolutely, I could survive on pennies, but I am not looking to just survive i am looking to prosper and be able to provide for my family just like the majority of people are. And everyone has a different allowance they are happy with making, mine happens to be $17 plus, someone else may be $10 or maybe $40. This isn't meant to put anyone down everyone has a different wage, and different lifestyle. "don't want to be forced to work 60 hours a week, be away from home, or leave family." Would I do it if I had to? yes Would i choose a job (such as over the road trucking) if i knew I would be gone from home for 5 days at a time or longer, and working 60-80 hours a week. NO Again a simple guideline for the type of work I am looking for. Why didn't I post my skills? Because I am not applying for a job, or looking for a specific job. I am merely asking a large group of people what type of job they have been particularly happy with. I wouldn't care if it was modeling, marketing, book keeping, ups driver, quick trip employee, secretary, hospital, maintenance etc etc. Just looking for input from all walks of life as to what job they have experienced in their life that would meet my desires. the reason I said I could be an "asset to any company" is because I can be, but nothing I type on a computer is going to prove that, nor do I need to prove it right now. I have a good understanding of the working world and am quickly realizing what the younger generations are being seen as, and know that I stand out from the crowd. That being said I am just looking for other peoples work experience and maybe a recommendation of what field to look towards. Now maybe if I posted a professional resume, and proof read everything I am writing I would get lucky and someone would get on here and offer me a job. Would that be great? yes but that is not what this post is about. If i was looking for that I would get on a job posting website, not the off topic of a fishing forum. And as for my skills, I am proficient in several of the trades needed for remodeling/home building. electrical, plumbing, painting, tile, rough in carpentry, trim carpentry. I also have experience managing customers and workers, scheduling, bill paying, vehicle and large machinery repair and maintenance. Maybe I should just say, I am looking for career options in any field which provides to following: retirement, vacation, good pay scale, good hours. also please post your positive experiences with the job or why you would recommend it. Great information, thank you.
  8. I am 28 years old, working for family owned construction business. Schedule is pretty good, pay is decent, freedom is good. Benefits (insurance, retirement) do not exist, stress is high, very labor intensive, finding workers is becoming impossible. Looking for a "dream" job to go to. I won't quit the family business for a typical job. It will have to be something that is promising and really gives me a reason to quit where I am. I know if I am going to make a change the sooner the better for benefits, experience, salary raises etc. Also I am well aware of if you enjoy your job you will never work a day in your life. I honestly have no clue what I would enjoy everyday, I get bored with anything and like to switch it up whether it is a hobby or work. What I do enjoy and always will is money. With enough money I could put up with anything as long as there is enough off time to enjoy that money. There is not a job out there that I enjoy enough to make a small amount of money. Looking for something that starts at $17 plus an hour and goes up from there fairly quickly. Has retirement, vacation time, insurance, etc. Don't want to be forced to work 60 hours a week or be away from home. I am sure there will be plenty of people say I am dreaming and if it existed everyone would be doing it, but I know there are plenty of people with these types of jobs, and sometimes we don't realize what those jobs are unless someone talks about it or recommends it. I could be a great asset to any company, but starting to feel like the younger generations (mine included) are becoming unreliable, and its becoming harder to find good jobs because of this. I have a bachelors degree in wildlife ecology, but in Missouri I have yet to find a job in that field that pays decent. Moving might change that, but don't want to leave family behind. If I could find something science, wildlife, fishery, outdoors, related it would be great.
  9. sounds like a bunch of grumpy non music liking fishermen on here. I am not a music buff by any means, don't own a pair of ear buds, my iphone has 0 songs on it. Pretty rare for a 28 year old like myself. But when we are on the Missouri river setting catfish lines, or bowfishing, or watching fireworks on fourth of july some music would be nice. Or after bass fishing all morning maybe I want to go in the middle of the lake and kick back for awhile. Definitely not going to be listening to music while trolling the banks bass fishing. I will look into the bluetooth speakers, I will have to get some music on my phone though. Would prefer to have the option of just radio, of course there is probably ways of getting radio on my phone, then bluetooth it to the speaker.
  10. The stereo in my boat was installed under the driver and passenger seat, but I don't like the location since when I wash the boat out the water accumulates down there in the lowest portion of the boat. It won't take much to completely submerge the radio and speakers, and they will definitely be getting sprayed when washing the boat. I wash the boat fairly often since I take it on the river and the mud and asian carp get it filthy. It usually takes a lot of water to saturate and wash away the mud and slime. Looking for recommendations on either a self contained stereo system that is small, portable, water resistant, and has good sound. or maybe a way to quick mount the speakers in the current location, that I can pop out quickly when its time to wash. I cant think of a type of hardware that would allow me to mount the speakers securely but quickly detachable.
  11. I have a few big dents in the bottom of my aluminum boat that I want to fill. two years ago I filled one large one with Marinetex grey. It did very good and is still the exact same as the day I put it on. The only downfall is the price. And from what I have been reading it is over priced for what it is, and a much better product can be had for less money. I am researching other similar materials and was hoping someone had some experience with them. I emailed the following companies describing my situation and here is the product the recommended from their line. I listed in order of cost. Options are: pc11 epoxy 3m marine premium filler West system Gflex epoxy I am leaning towards te pc11 due to price, and seems to be a good product. Hoping someone has used it in a similar situation before. By the way not really interested in any other method of removing the dents, can't get to them from the inside to pound out, don't want to heat the metal up, and not going to spend the money to either weld studs to pull, or epoxy and pull the dent out.
  12. after looking over the engine for part numbers and inspecting condition of lines/hoses, I notice a yellow wire coming from what looks to be a computer box, or electrical box of some kind the yellow wire is burnt in the butt connector. can't tell if its burnt in two but the butt connector is supposed to be clear and this one is all charred, the other wires around it were stuck to it (butt connectors were stuck since they seem to be a rubber like material) guess I will find a wiring diagram and see what this wire goes to. For the record it is 4 cylinder 4 carburetor. And the back/sides of the carbs have oil on them, especially the bottom carb. and the foam on the inside of the cowling is soaked with oil in spots. The oil system has been removed by the previous owner and I use mix gas in the tank. So I don't think it is from spilling oil in the engine compartment.
  13. Thanks for the reply, I will do all the basic maintenance and see if it helps at all. I have known one other person with the same motor and his did have a few quirks about it as well, just not as bad as mine. As for the gas, right now it is getting old, I filled it up on fourth of july, but the same problem persists even the days that I fill up full of fuel (20 gallons so it should offset a gallon or two of old fuel) and I always use stabil with every fill up. Just googled it and see what you are saying. Learn something new every day. Thanks for the tip. I'm going to do some more research before trying it as its pretty scary to think about putting water into a running engine. I am not well educated on internal engine anatomy, just remember reading about using seafoam and lots of people claim you can hydrolock the engine by putting it directly into the engine.
  14. sounds like good advice...except spraying water into the carbs?! are you pulling my leg?
  15. Been a long time since I have been on here, but its winter and I am getting my boat fixed up for next year and have some questions. I have a 2001 mercury 125HP 2 stroke. Have never found a good way to start the thing. I pretty much consider myself an expert at starting all sorts of equipment from weedeaters to bobcats, but this boat has me puzzled. Usually a small engine like this, I would prime the bulb a few times but not so much that it forces too much fuel in, then turn the choke on and turn over until the engine sputters or starts, upon the first sputter the choke comes off, then the engine should start right up. That sequence works for every small engine I have ever started. I have tried all sorts of sequences and combinations ( high idle with choke, high idle without choke, choke, no choke, etc). This motor still takes several minutes to start. It has always started eventually, but in my mind takes way to long to do so and is hard on the starting battery. Also the next problem, once it is running if I shut it off for more than 10-20 minutes it will be back into the same situation, hard starting. I plan on putting new spark plugs in, and contemplating a carb rebuild. I have rebuilt enough carbs that I know how, but also know that they seem to always have a problem of a screw not wanting to come loose or something dumb like that. I am afraid to tear into something that is usable, but not to the standard that I think it should be. Anyone had this experience with this year of motor?
  16. Well an update to my situation. I filed for a license and tax resell number, since they were near free to obtain. I have gotten three price lists from fishing wholesale distributors, but the prices have been barely under ebay prices. So for now, I am still searching for a distributor with low enough prices that i can make money selling on ebay. It surprises me some of the prices are barely under retail, while others are far enough under retail for a person to make some money, If they could sell the product at retail price, but items on ebay rarely sell for retail.
  17. Thanks for all the help so far. I have been doing research and it seems it wont be hard to apply for a tax resell license with my parents business. Then I will just have to research the tax part of it. As far as I know since i am selling only on ebay it is perfectly legal to not pay tax on any sales unless the buyer lives in the same state as me. Now I am just researching if this tax idea is correct. And also have to research MAP pricing, and which companies have the policy and how i go about complying with them. So far the group of new/ old stock lures that i bought to resell has made me some money. If i can buy more at the same or close to the same price then I could make a part time business out of it. especially if there is no tax.
  18. I am looking into buying from wholesale distributors they require a Business license and a resell tax ID, to keep the general public from buying just for good deals. But they don't have a minimum order. I'm just trying to figure out how much they charge before I go through the trouble of getting a resell Tax ID. If they charge too much and I can't make a profit, then it isn't worth the trouble.
  19. I am thinking about starting an ebay business, selling soft plastic fishing lures, since they keep their value fairly well. I have already somewhat started this business with some lures i got a really good deal on. But after these are gone I would like to buy more and keep selling. So far it has been a money making deal. my question is how do I go about buying new lures at a cheap enough price I can resell? My parents have an incorporated business, although it is a construction business, I don't know if their business license would allow me to buy from the wholesale suppliers? Or if it would be legal to use theirs? And what kind of price should i expect from these wholesalers? so far i have found some but cant see prices until I join their site, and to do so i must input my business license. With shipping, and ebay prices being lower than retail i will have to be sure I can make a profit before I commit to getting a license. are the bags of soft plastics going to be around $.50 a bag or more like a dollar or two a bag?
  20. sounds like your the one selling the boat, and trying to get more views for your ad. a 2007 boat and the lower unit had to be replaced? no props? and the ad doesn't even mention that they replaced the lower unit. I might buy it for 10K but not going to risk more than that. sounds like the boat was rode hard and put away wet
  21. well my problem has been solved, or will be soon anyways. My soon to be Father in law, is nice enough to give me a really good deal on his Ranger. Its somewhere around a 2000 or 2002, and he has owned it for a long time, i dont think he was the original owner, but he is meticulous when buying things, and has up kept the boat very well. I would probably never be able to afford the boat if it werent for the good deal he is giving me. Got to love family.
  22. Ah... OK well i have some culprits listed right now. And I have some trick worms, and U-tale worms that i will be listing next week. If any one wants to buy a BUNCH of soft plastics PM me or if your interested in soft plastics at all feel free to PM me I can make a deal for you. I don't want to list them all in the classified since the classifieds are more a garage sale type place. So I am only listing 3 small groups in the classifieds to abide by the rules. I figure listing three small groups is following the rules, especially since I'm pricing them cheaper than I can sell elsewhere. Figure i might as well pass some savings on to the guys who have helped me in many ways.
  23. I am going to list a bunch of extra soft plastics I have in the classifieds once I get a count on them. They are all new in unopened packages. Random assortment of brands/style/color. How would you guys recommend listing them? here is some ideas i have, which would you guys buy? set a price for a random assortment of like 10 bags? You spend less than normal and get a random assortment. I could do groups of 5, 10, 15, 20 etc with the price decreasing as it goes higher. list them all and set a price for each bag, group them into $1, $2 etc depending on the value of the baits. This would be a pain as the list would be very long, I would probably have to PM it to everyone interested. group the baits by type and sell them together. Example i have 5 bags of brush hogs sell them all together regardless of color. Hope this is ok to ask here. I didn't want to list them, and have no one interested in the way I was trying to sell them, and have to change the format and take up more room in the classifieds. Thought i would get your input first. Ideally I would like to sell them as fast as possible to save on shipping, and avoid making a trip to the post office everyday with one or two bags.
  24. why is the lower unit removed in the 28th picture from the top? (10th picture from bottom)
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