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Everything posted by LgMouthGambler

  1. Just titrate the tension to the given effect.
  2. Usually its a H to XH rod, with a reel thats a 5 something ratio, and 80# braid
  3. Spooled it with 15# YoZuri and gave it a preteardown run. Drag felt like it was shot, but the reel was smooth. Went home and took it apart. Figured out the drag was weak due to the order of the crankshaft stack. Decided to take the handle and drag star of a Citica G and put it on the Bantam. Looks pretty cool. Im sure performance is gonna be amazing when the Abec 5 kit and the carbontex drag get here. So far, Im pretty impressed with it.
  4. Yeah I did. Cant complain. It was beautiful day to be fishing. Had a blast.
  5. I like the Bomber square A's and shallow A's. You missed the boat on them, but Dicks had a sale on them for $3 a piece and they were also buy 3 get 1 free on top of it. They might still be available, I havent been back since unloading the shelf of my local one.
  6. And where were those fish at when I was there? lol
  7. Slow swimming lizards, pitching creatures, shallow cranks.
  8. Southern life is a different world. Good luck and best wishes to the family.
  9. What do you call a guy with no arms or legs in the water? Lol
  10. I like the color on those reels. Good deal.
  11. I have tried fluoro, but for me I didnt see much of a performance difference, so I stick to YoZuri. I dont fish alot of gin clear water down here, so maybe thats why.
  12. I just got the CU100B in the mail. Cant wait for the bearings and drag. Going home afterwork to tear it down.
  13. Greatest thing to hit the fishing world since the Helicopter lure. :wink:
  14. Cork is way more expensive than EVA. Split vs Full, is all preference to each person. I like the split, I tend to grab the back grip upon long casts to help whip the rod.
  15. Nice ink work!
  16. Would then splurge on a nice GLoomis rod. Wouldnt pay the money out of my own money, but guilt free money, OK.
  17. Its like Dave Mustaine goes fishing.
  18. OK, I couldnt help it, its getting to me. I have not had the time to go fishing for about 2 weeks, and its starting to kill me. I look at this forum too much during the day on my cell phone, and my wife is starting to think I need to go to rehab or something. I just had to purchase a CU100B from Bosn because the Shimano bug bit at the perfect opportunity to get a hold of a classic in the 100 series form, as opposed to the 200 series that I sold to DeakNH because it was too big for my liking since the LP's came. The reel is due to be to me tomorrow or Thursday, and Im already planning my attack on it. So as the thought process in my brain started ticking, norepi and epi being excreted from my adrenal glands, and the axons and dendrites making my motor skills active, I had to start searching for some parts. First stop, Boca Bearings for the Abec 5 SS kit. 2 spool bearings, and 1 crankshaft bearing. Do I know if the ones in the reel are good? No. My plans did not care for that to be an option. Next stop, Carbontex drag washer. Again, is it good? This thought was that the reel is that old, Im not gonna take the chance for what little it is gonna cost me for the part. Now I wait for the reel to get here so I can fully disassemble it and clean it so that there is not a trace of dirt or lubrication, so that I can see if I need to make a call to Shimano for any replacement parts it may need. My final plan, to make this reel my new daily user so I can retire the Curado50E to the "Tourney" arsenol. Dont get me wrong, the setups that I have that I call my "Tourney" arsenol are used when going out on the boat with my buddy too, maybe not all of them depending on the conditions that day, and an occasional road trip here and there. I like to have one rig dedicated to be able to throw in the car and go hunting around the local canals. As long as all goes well, and the reel comes out good, then its game on. Final issue is getting a good rod for it. Oh, wait, the Spring Classic is coming! Timing is key, and my wife is already excited for me. (No shes not, that was a lie. She actually wants to kick me in the.............). I really dont know why I decided to post this, but like I said, Im having withdrawals, and at least its better than the needle and the spoon. I couldnt help it Hootie
  19. Anybody going up to check out the show? Im gonna try either Saturday or Sunday.
  20. <============LMG, aka Matt.
  21. Holy moly! Like the guys in the pizza parlor insurance commercial, THATS A LOT OF DOUGH!
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