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Everything posted by LgMouthGambler

  1. You the man. Thanks for the info. I will pick some up today. Thanks
  2. Always wondered about those reels, they look pretty cool. Sounds like most enjoy them, maybe a future contender for me.
  3. $200 in BPS girft cards, lots of Zoom lizards, and a BPS Prolite rod/reel combo to keep in my car at all times for those "oh that canal looks like it may have some fish" moments while Im putting along.
  4. I use Spiderwire, but I use 65#. Most people on here recommend Power Pro, I know some people that use it and are very happy with it. I dont use leaders, I dont use filler line, thats just me. Knots, I always use the palomar, its quick and easy, and Ive had no failure yet. I fish in the Everglades, we have some preety tough cover down here, so good performance is everything. No problems with line, or knots so far, 4 years using the same braid.
  5. Ok, so for Christmas she bought me a casting reel/rod combo. It is the BPS ProLite Special. Tje guides on the rod are stainless, so I will be using mono for it, 10#. This is going to be the setup that permenantly resides in my car for those emergency situations . Lets hope that this works out, Im giving mono one last shot, just for you guys, haha. Im still taking the $200 in BPS gift cards to buy my Shimano Citica. It will be braid equipped, but I have to use my leftover 65# Spiderwire that I have on the spool, budgets. Next spool may be different.
  6. The thicker the line, the more minimal the dig. Its just something you have to accept with braid. Nothing is perfect, everything has a slight flaw. I use 65# due to its 12# diameter. Every cast you make after hooking a fish is gonna give you that sudden stop of the spool. We laugh and say "hookset". You dont have to use a filler line. If you want to its up to you, for me it just takes up spool capacity. Tha crossweb thing, I wouldnt worry to much about that. All reels are pretty good for braid.
  7. The Power Pro looks good. Her grandfather uses it, but in 30# on a spinning rod. I like the look of it, but it seems very stiff. Does it get softer with use the way Spiderwire does. I know it may be weird, but I like the softness of the braid, it helps for the casting distance.
  8. Im not impunging your credibility or insulting you, you just seem to take things the wrong way. Either way, my way may be different than yours, but maybe its you that seems to have an issue with things. Im just stating the way that Quantum recommends to properly clean your reels as to get the proper performance out of them. To avoid the chemical reaction you have to clean them this way. Im sure that you are very good at what you do, Im not saying you are not. Do what you do with your reels, but im gonna give people an option, thats what a forum is for. Its not YOUR forum, everyone has a say in what is questioned on this website I do believe. So please, enough with the attitude, its not necessary.
  9. The problem showed is due to the fact that when useing Hot Sauce you have to get rid of the factory oils and greases due to the different bases in the lubes, they will fight against each other and produce that sludge/blackish buildup. Hot Sauce is a Synthetic lubricant. Most supplied lubes in reels are more of a mineral oil type(like Shimano), even though Shimano doesnt use their own grease and oil in their reels from the factory. To properly use the Hot Sauce you have to clean the bearings and metal parts that are lubed and greased with Acetone. Plastic parts need to be cleaned with Simple Green (or equivelent). Thus before when I said that I am very thorough about cleaning my equipment, I should have said VERY Anal, and all dirt and grease is removed before applying new lubrication. Once all is cleaned PROPERLY, you may then apply Hot Sauce, and enjoy the increase in performance of your said fishing reel.
  10. Yeah I know Spiderwire is a "cheap" braid no doubt. For me its $50 for a 500 yard spool, and I use it for all my rigs, which is 8. Its pretty cost effective for me. As for hooksets and the whole zero stretch thing, I have each reel tuned for its specific purpose, thus having 8 rigs. I make it work well for what it is. About to make a 9th rig using the new Shimano Citica, was thinking of trying out some Suffix 832 that everyone keeps talking about, see how that works compared to my Spiderwire. Any advice on the Suffix, is it better for the extra money? Keep in mind my wife is not thrilled at how expensive my hobbies are, but does say it could be worse like going out every night or strip clubbing, haha. I have to make the dollar go as far as I can, and the only reason im ok getting a new reel is the $100 Bass Pro sent me for Christmas.
  11. 4 years of all my rigs Spiderwire and has been flawless. Tried all floro, surprisingly Stren seemed to be the least troublesome, which shocked me due to its soo cheap. I dont do any Carlina rigs or anything similar in fashion so I really dont need that type of line. I even use the braid for my spook with no problems. In south florida everglades its all just hook and pull it in. Its more of a power fishing you could say?
  12. you crack me up. Haha.
  13. I dont use mono or floro anymore. Ive had too many bad experiences with memory causing birds nests and line twist, so I dont bother. Believe me Ive tried to accept it, but it doesnt like me.
  14. Is it just for looks, or does it improve the drag? You have me very curious.
  15. Haha. Funny as hell. (My wife didnt think so)
  16. Highly recommended by every angler Ive ever met, I use it for all my reels, and they perform better than new after. I clean my reels at least twice a year, due to I use the hell out of them. If you dont like it, than im sorry, but I have nothing but good to say about this product. Maybe its how you clean your reels? I dont know, but Im very thorough, and my reels last me, and this product has proven me no wrong.
  17. 50 is too small for me. I use 65# Spiderwire on all my rigs, I love line capacity, and a full grip.
  18. I have the 200E7. Got it when Bass Pro had them for $130. Shimano just came out with a new model that looks almost identicle to my Citica thats 15 years old for more than the new Citica, so thats to me is rediculous. The new Curado they have now is ok, but I like my E7 better. Had my eye on this Citica and just ante to make sue tha if I bought it I wouldnt be disappointed. There are some other reels ive been looking at before they brought the Citica back, now im soo confused. All I know is Shimano makes a great product, and want to make sure I make the right decison.
  19. What canal was that you were fishing in that video?
  20. So I was lucky enough for Bass Pro to send me a nice Christmas gift card in the mail. My plan is to use it for a new reel that ive been planning for recently. I was leaning to another Shimano product. I love my Curado, and have ben eyeing the New Citica. Does anyone have one that can give me some feedback if Should get one or just get another Curado? Back in the day I fished the Bantam Curado and the Citica (which I still have after 15 years), and was gonna pair the new ones together too.
  21. Nice! Get'em!
  22. Quantum Hot Sauce oil and grease. Follow manufacturers guide in the owners manual that was supplied with th reel.
  23. Braid isgreat. I use 65# Spiderwire on all my rigs. You sont have to se a mono line under it, it doesnt serve any purpose but taking up spool space. Some people used to say it helps soo the line doesnt spin on the spool, but most spools have holes in them to tie the line to it. If your spool doesnt have holes a clove hitch(look it up, its a firemans knot) will work. As far as the line breaking, its stronger than mono and floro, so deffinatly better on strength. Braid can be cut on sharp objects if cut right, thats why i stick with 65#. Always carry scissors that are made to cut braid, or a sharp knife. Knot strength is unmatched, palomar is easy to tie and holds soo well. I dont use leaders of floro, rather I use a black sharpie marker and color the line 6 feet before my lure. Hooksets are strong and secure since there is no flex. Overall its a superior line to fish heavy cover, down here in the Glades we have a lot of cover. Make sure your rod guides are aluminum oxide coated though. Good luck, happy fishing.
  24. I dont do it if its too much to pull, only small branches and lilly pads, not a whole tree, haha.
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