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doug deike

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Everything posted by doug deike

  1. Metal bands usually come to the smaller clubs here in Buffalo, The Town Ballroom is a great club for Metal.
  2. If anyones interested I have a group on Facebook called Hard Rock & Heavy Metal, if you want to check it out. http://www.facebook.com/groups/hardrockheavymetal/
  3. I've seen Cooper twice (Raise your Fist & Yell) tour 86 or 87 then again on the Gruesom Twosome tour with Rob Zombie last year. He still puts on a great show although Rob Zombie blew him away. Maiden stll kills 'em all
  4. I saw them back in 86 (Somewhere in Time)so it was all the classic stuff, then I saw the Dickinson reunion tour (Brave New World) with Halford & Queensryche, Pretty much still classic stuff, also saw them on the Ozfest tour all classics once again..I would love to hear some new stuff next time. I heard Final Frontier is not going to be there last album, they just liked the name apparently.
  5. Finally a Maiden fan!! I've been a Huge Maiden fan for almost 30 yrs now, i've seen them 3 times and they are one of the best live acts ever.
  6. Hey folks, I've been trying to learn some new fishing knots lately, any ideas? whats your favorite knot for different situations?
  7. I landed a dead 28" steelhead with rigamortis when I was a kid
  8. Great catch! that first one looks like he's been through hell and back.
  9. Just wondering what type of music you guys like, I figure since its a fishing site that most of you are probably into country music. personally my favorite music is Heavy Metal, I also like Classic Rock. My favorite band is Iron Maiden.
  10. I was actually using them to change baits quickly. so do you tie them direct then?
  11. Nice fish man!
  12. I was just wondering if using a swivel has any negative effect on how a lure works in the water. I like to use the rapala knot is that ok to use with a swivel?
  13. Thanks for creating this site, I've been looking for a good fishing website for a while now, this is by far the best!
  14. Caught this sweet 28" Lake Trout Bass fishing on Lake Erie, she put up a heck of a fight.
  15. I would like to be able to ID different species of fish so if you have a good pic please post and ID your fish here. Lake Trout, On Lake Erie (Sunset Bay) Caught on Rapala Jointed Shad Rap.
  16. Hello all, I'm a new member here. Hoping to meet some new friends & learn some fishing tips.
  17. doug deike

    doug deike

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