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Steve Kordish

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  1. BTW, Bobby b., did you see that big gator you mentioned at the mouth of the creek that comes out of Ruth Eckerd? That thing used to hang out up the lake where they blocked off and made that new little inlet.
  2. Just began fishing Alligator lake and have had spotty results. I've found some big fish in the 5-6 lb range but they are few and far between. Recently things have really shut down and since around the middle of October, a good day is 2-3 fish for 8 hrs. on the water. Anyone have any opinions about the fish population/density of this lake. There are tons of bait fish out there as the pelicans and loons are feasting throughout the day. Unfortunately Mr. Pelican seems to be having a more productive time on the water than me. I'm not a newbie to bass fishing, I've got a lot of time (20 + yrs) on Louisiana and Tennessee waters- this lake is just a hard one to figure and catch good numbers on! Anyone have any opinions on the bass population vs. Lake Tarpon. Tried searching for local info on these lakes, and as you guys probably know, the info isn't as plentiful as the better know lakes like Kissimmee or Toho. Thanks!
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