First off, congrats on the 3rd place in your tournament. I agree with you that you don't have to be a millionaire with the best stuff to be a good fisherman. Just look at Gerald Swindle, he came from nothing and now he's one of the best anglers in the world.
On the other hand you can't hold it against people who buy the pricey new gadgets and the big expensive boats. It may not make them a better angler but it's what they love to do so they're going to spend their money on that passion. I personally am just a broke college student but I love to fish and I love gear so I spend most every dollar on tackle and equipment. My step dad says that won't help you catch fish when I walk in with a new $200 Quantum reel, but it makes me feel good and it sure beats the hell out of my old P.O.S. Shakespeare spinning reel. Also, if you believe that your gear is holding you back then that's going to affect you mentally. Now that I have the best gear I'm one hundred percent sure that the only thing keeping those hogs outta my live well is going to be my inability. This way I focus more on fishing and making the perfect cast rather than whether or not my reel is going to lock up on me or my rod's going to snap.
Anyway we're all just trying to go out and spend what little time we have enjoying something we love. Whether you have a cane pole and a coffee can full of worms, or a graphite stick that weighs less than the $20 rapala you're throwin, I think the point is to have fun and keep those lines tight.