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Everything posted by psuangler91

  1. I use a booyah pad crasher in the black and red kuro color. Before I found that i used spro and strike king sexy frog. I love the pad crasher because it's soft and walks really well and I've never had an issue with fish not committing to the red and black color. I've caught them in the thickest weeds and in wide open gin clear water on it so now it's the only frog I pick up. I have guys tell me that I'm missing out on fish by not using a more natural color but I fish a lake that is crystal clear and if I spot a bass I can throw the black and red frog out a few feet ahead of it and they'll instantly blow up on it every time.
  2. When I'm using soft plastic frogs(horny toads) I don't worry about using braid because I don't fish it in as thick of cover and I don't set the hook as hard as I do with a hollow body or wait to set it. When using a hollow body I give it a second til the fish takes it under and I feel pressure then I slam it back as hard as I possibly can, and I always use 65lb braid on a heavy rod for hollow frogs.
  3. I have two sexy frogs one in stump jumper and the other in tiger. They're nice frogs, they walk fairly well but I don't like the rattle in them. I know it's probably just in my head but I feel like it gets in the way of hook ups, that and the plastic is pretty firm. My go to frog is a Booyah Pad Crasher in black and red. They're really soft and I can walk them so well I can keep it in a hole in the mat and just keep moving it back and forth about 6" to 10" without moving it forward very much. I just ordered 4 more from bass pro. As for color I use black and red any time, any place, any conditions and it works well for me. Color doesn't matter I think it's more the silhouette of the frog and the commotion it makes.
  4. try a drop shot, especially around the weed edges. I've been fishing one from shore at my local lake which is extremely clear(8 or 9 feet) and have been killing them whenever nothing else is working. You'll catch alot of dinks but at least you're catching them.
  5. haha sounds like jealousy to me. Instead of complaining that I only have a 15' v hull with a 25 horse motor, and can't beat the other guys to my spot I'm going to work hard so I can buy a 21' and an engine that costs more than my car.
  6. I want to start using trailer hooks on my spinner baits but I'm not sure what size to use. I plan on going with either a 2 or 3 ought
  7. Yeah I always have trouble waiting for the first few fish to really take it. Sometimes when I'm frog fishing I'll purposely not pay close attention so when I hear the blow up by the time I turn around and set the hook they've really eaten it. But I'd recommend just being patient instead.
  8. We launched from smallwood too about 5:30 and reported back at 2:00. I caught my frog fish in that cove across from the launch my boater called "marsh island" and the rest at the mouth of Aquia.
  9. This weekend we had a club tournament on the Potomac nothing big only 12 guys but I got my first win and I'm pretty pleased because this was only my 3rd tournament. I caught 3 on frogs in the morning and filled my limit and got a nice cull on senkos later in the day. On the down side I'm sure I could have had at least a fifteen pound bag but I lost a ton of fish. 2 because I pulled the frog away from them, 2 got off the frog after they'd been on for a few seconds but that's the downside of froggin. Then I had one about 2.5 shake my senko, and I lost what probably would have been the biggest fish of my life due to poor equipment selection. I was fishing the senkos in thick weeds on a medium spinning rod with 12 pound mono when I set the hook on a monster. He came toward me for a second then ripped drag back into the weeds and I kept steady pressure but couldn't horse him out a few seconds later my line went dead. I was sick about losing that one. Other than the weight i left in the water it was a good day because I still ended up winning with 10.62 pounds.
  10. One of the guys in my club has 3 smokes and said the gears in 2 of them were destroyed after only 3 or 4 months of fishing. I've never had an issue with quantum so I think they may have been some kind of fluke, but who knows. The thing you should do is grab a abu garcia veritas instead of a mojo bass. I have two veritas rods a 6'9" MH and a 7' H and they're amazing for only $100 bucks.
  11. I've come to the conclusion that color doesn't matter with frogs. I know a lot of people will disagree with me but I regularly fish a lake with gin clear water and get most of my blow ups away from the mat and have not noticed any one color that does better than the others. I catch them on black and red, bright green and yellow, brown, and dark green. I just won a club tournament on the Potomac with half my fish caught on frogs and I had five bites on a black and red but it started taking on water real bad and I didn't have another so I switched and got 4 more bites on a green and yellow. So here's my 2 cents, if they're biting frogs they're just worried about killing whatevers on top of the water, and half the time they're busting through a mat and probably never even see the colors.
  12. Don't get rid of the weeds! if it's a small pond that's probably the only cover those fish have! Just like MaineBASSfishin said just go in and get em with your heavy stuff!
  13. Yeah I feel like a huge idiot. The spool has a mirrored finish and whenever I was pulling out the braid it "looked" like the spool was moving too and I didn't bother to check it by holding the spool. Sorry for wasting all your time... and mine I took the reel apart and checked the washer and put it back together and then realized it had to be the braid slipping.
  14. Yeah that's the first thing I checked when it started happening but the spool is spinning whenever I pull line out so it's not that. If I take it apart and want to replace the washers can I upgrade to any washer or will they be specific to the reel?
  15. I don't know when or what happened but my drag isn't working at all! I used my quantum accurist over the weekend in a tournament and it worked fine. I caught a monster pickerel (about 30") on it and the drag was smooth and strong. I just respooled with 65 lb. braid and now my drag feel like it's not even there! Any idea what happened and what's the best replacement? Can I do it myself? I always back off my drag whenever I'm storing my reels, I thought that was supposed to save it.
  16. Nice to see another college angler on here! I'm pretty sure I'm just psyching myself out and should probably just relax and fish like I've done a million times before.
  17. I have a tournament this weekend on Kerr lake, NC which I've never fished before. Do you guys have any tips on how to maximize my fishing time other than research? I've done more research over the last two months than I thought was possible and found every article ever written about Kerr but that doesn't even come close to the experience gained from time on the water.
  18. For punchin I use a bobber stop, 1oz. tungsten weight, paycheck punch skirt, gamakatsu heavy flippin hook 5/0, and either a havoc craw fatty or pit boss on 65 lb sufix 832. Comes back clean every single time and it's really streamlined use a snell knot and it will kick your hook out to the side for good hooksets.
  19. I'll try fishing further downstream. I like that theory, it makes sense to me because the creek fish just sit behind a rock and wait for a meal to pass by or get swept down with the current.
  20. No it's almost in the pittsburgh city limits, I know it's selfish of me but I don't want to say the name because my family and I basically have the place to ourselves and I'd like to keep it that way. Around here whenever people hear about a good spot they usually show up in crowds and keep everything they catch. My dad said that up until recently the creek was so polluted it couldn't sustain any fish population but since all the steel mills and other industry has stopped dumping it's become a great fishery.
  21. thanks for the info
  22. I thought that too but I've never seen another angler on this creek and only know of three other people who fish there. I'm wondering if it's just the fact that there is so much forage, I mean every time you look down there are minnows swimming around and crayfish scooting under rocks. Maybe the older smarter ones just won't hit anything that isn't alive. I'll try catching some crayfish and using those to see if I can get a big one.
  23. I live about an hour east of pittsburgh and it's been done here for about 2 weeks. I agree with you though it was a really weird spawn I only saw fish on beds for about 3 days before a front blew through and never saw em up again.
  24. Yeah I am really hoping it's high, cause I'll pitch cover all day with confidence. Thanks for the tips. It's an FLW college fishing regional qualifier. The thing that sucks is launch is at 6:30 and weigh in is at 1:00. Hopefully my teammate and I can figure something out fast!
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