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Everything posted by JigMe

  1. Thanks. Time to go shopping.
  2. I won't be able to see the fish, since the pond is sort of deep. Tournament policy stated fishermen only allow using live bait during the tournament. And the official said, Anything none artificial should be ok to use. So I guess pink Powerbait should work. How do you rig a powerbait? I have never fished for trout before. What size hook should I use?
  3. What size hook were you guys use? Also, I have read somewhere that cricket works very well. Anyone ever used them? How do you hook one anyway?
  4. My company is hosting a trout fishing tournament in a stock local pond, and it is to benefit a charity for seniors. The rule of engagement is live bait. I believe they are stocking the pond with rainbows, and we are able to bring our own baits. What would you guys recommending for live baits?
  5. My vote goes to shimano as well. I use my compre for all single hook lures, and never had a problem. I have heard good things about Abu Garcia Vendetta, and it doesn't feel comfortable when I am holding it.
  6. I agree with bear that In-fisherman is worth is money. I have had several different magazines, but most of them doesn't talk about bass fishing that much.
  7. Nice Fish...still too cold for me to go out and fish.
  8. Huge Reality check huh? Yeah, I am here putting down few hundred for a reel. Sometimes, it gets me thinking... :-[ P.S. I am still getting the reel
  9. Happy birthday. Is *** running a special birthday discount? ;D
  10. I was at China few times for accounting conference; this is definitely not new to the Chinese. I have traveled into small towns, and one place called An Ting, which they have kids on the leash like poodles. Parents have to work during the day, and can't afford child careI guess this is the best option they can came up with. It might be a repellent behavior, but they are tryingmy wife cried so hard when she saw the kids, and given all the cash away
  11. Frogs should be very effective when lily pad starts to appear in the early summer.
  12. Its that serious huh?
  13. I agree. You gotta have at least one spinnerbait. x3. Spinnerbait and soft plastic, don't leave home without it.
  14. I have nothing against using the ipod while fishing. But for me, I dont get on the lake as much as I like to. And listening to the sound of nature relaxes me. ;D
  15. Nice fish.
  16. I am the newbee for firearms, but don't you need some sort of license if you are carrying it? I have my gun permit, but it doesn't allow me to conceal the weapon.
  17. I don't use my ipod while fishing. Since I am out at the lake, I will take full advantage of it by listening to the sounds of nature.
  18. Actually, I was at the BPS store this past Saturday. The nice cashier told me that, the spring sale flyer should be out a week before.
  19. If you want to turn it off permanently, you would need to launch REGEDIT and set your HibernateEnable to zero. If not, huberfil.sys will just stay in your system, and taken up a good portion of your C dirve. It is not like windows XP, if you turn it off in your control panel, and then you are all set. For window 7, you will have to do it manually.
  20. I have contacted Microsoft regards to my iphone problems, and they even recognized it. The explanation from Microsoft is a 64bit windows 7 system is based on P55 chipset. And my iphone can't stay connected. It will give me an error code "unknown error, 0xE8000065." I have installed the windows 7 with a full format of C, and it will connect if I keep trying it. But I don't think it is worth the trouble for me to figure this out.
  21. If you are looking for a rod, then I would say shimano crucial or BPS xps extreme spinning rod. But, you might want to upgrade that reel as well to match up with the rod you are getting.
  22. I have upgraded my laptop to windows 7, and my iPhone won't sync. Also, I can't disable hibernation, which is a pain in the butt. After many hours of diagnose, I went back to XP.
  23. I agree. I am using 3,000 because I will fish for sea bass few times a year, and 2,500 is enough for freshwater.
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