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Everything posted by JigMe

  1. Finally...first decent bass of the year, a 17inches 4.2lb female hooked on senko. Caught few small bass as well, total comes to 6 bass from 4 hours of fishing. I have to thank everyone on Bass resource, and my special thank you goes to Roadwarrior. Last year, I was fishing for Sunfish and crappie. Now, with the help of everyone on Bass resource I have started to catch some decent size bass. And thank you Roadwarrior for posting your tips on how to fish Ika and Senko.
  2. Catfish loves my 5" senko and got me all excited few times, because I tho I have hooked a lunker.
  3. Diablo, Lamiglas Excel XL705Glass, that's a glass rod? Hows that compare to Graphite?
  4. The rod looks pretty good. Hard choice between Vendetta and lamiglas. What do you guys think? Need a all purpose crank rod.
  5. Well, this topic is going the wrong direction...
  6. I'd be interested in knowing where you heard that little factoid....seriously, would you fish his signature rods if had the choice of also fishing a Steez? http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1262969990/5#5 Willzx talked about it Ika not using his own product, and few folks said that's why he is going to abu garcia. Maybe it is just a rumor, I dont know...but what's what I have read. Do I believe it? maybe.
  7. That's the first time I've heard of that happening with a Vendetta. Try googling "Cumara broken tip" or "Crucial broken tip" both provide a wealth of reading material! I did exchange for a new Vendetta, and no problem with it right now.
  8. what do you guys think of Daiwa Iaconelli M1781MRB? It is on sale at *** for 99 dollars. I read somewhere Daiwa ended the contract with him, because he doesn't use his own product?
  9. Francho, Is 7' too short for deep crankbaits? I am keep hearing that I would need something at least 7'3 to make long cast, so it will keep the crank in the strike zone?
  10. I will be purchasing a new rod for crankbaits and lipless cranks. There were few posts on rod selections, but it is out of my budget (around $100) at the moment. I am looking for a rod that can handle shallow and deep crank baits, so I will probably need something at least 7'3 for casting distance. I have come up with few possible rods: 1. Abu Garcia Vendetta, 7'3 MH/Moderate, VTC73-6. 2. Quantum Kevin VanDam Crank rod, but BPS only has the 7' 3. Shimano Compre crankbait rod, 7'/XF/MH, CPC-C70MHB. XF is not really made for cranking isn't it? Which one would you guys go for? I will be using it from the bank, and will be using cranks that goes down <12 inches. Any suggestion would be great as well.
  11. Have you guys tried to fish a 4-5 inches senko with ultra light? Would it work?
  12. agree with Tin right there. I bought a vendetta back in march, and went out few times. The rod tip broke off when I tried to set the hook.
  13. Nice looking set up. How do I get in touch with EJtaylor? I might want to get one of those for my wife. ;D
  14. not all the time, probably 90% of the time she might say something...haha ;D
  15. First of all, fishing at a pond should have less pressure but you do need to match the hatch. Use something that resembles bait fish, shad, shiners, etc. I have had good success with power worms, and spinning baits.
  16. d**n...you guys carry a lot stuff! And, that's a big knife...francho.
  17. http://www.studentbooktrades.com/ I have used this site to trade books. Very good deals, and never had a problem.
  18. This might be out of the topic, but do you guys put on a new Ika after each fish? Or how often do you switch it out?
  19. Fished at centennial lake today for 6 hours. man, the weather is so nice but I couldn't land a bass. However, I did manage to "hook" this one with a crankbait.
  20. I have just started to use Fat Ika as well, and 5/0 is too big to rig them. Never tried the 3/0.
  21. Buddy system worked for me in college, I have always shared my book with few classmates and we just split the cost.
  22. hopefully we can get our package soon.
  23. Bass please read the post before you make a comment. I asked for shipping comfirmation...not to receive the item.
  24. whatever...you would be in the same shoes, if u had a 11 years old boy on a wheelchair crying. and Blee, only take 3-4 business day. <----I worked for a bank!
  25. I agree on the communcation...and it doesn't take 5 days to clear a check. Hopefully everyone else has receive their stuff, ;D I might be over reacting a bit yesterday, but hey hearing that boy cry got me all pumped up.
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