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Everything posted by JigMe

  1. went out this morning as well to Centennial lake in howard county, picked up few bass less than 10 inches. I guess the larger bass are still holding out in the deeper water, and all bites were on crankbaits 4-6 feet down.
  2. I was thinking about ordering about 15 packs of fat Ika's hahha. What size did you guys get? We picked up 4" in clear, and cinnamon. Wish they have green pumpkin, ohh well.
  3. My buddy and I ordered 15 packs of fat Ika, and we received it 3 days later. Is that legit enough? hehe
  4. another vote for Cavitron, most of my buzzbait bass was caught on 3/8 Ghost minnow with gold blade.
  5. Friend told me about this site, they have all sorts of Gary Yamamoto baits on sale. Check it out!!! www.outletbaitandtackle.com
  6. really. never had that problem with the Ikey head, I have used at least 30-40 of them. Well, on the other hand I haven't really fished them around the rocks.
  7. Lucky Goose, good to be retired huh? It is tax season now, so I will be lucky to go out once a week. After April, I usually fish 1-2 times a week weather permitting. But I do take a week off each year just to fish, and usually head down to FL. ;D
  8. The Gumbo looks tasty bro.
  9. 1. Blazing Flare 2. Murky Craw
  10. I call it Virtue Stick, Virtue ooze, Arctic shad or Drop Crawl.
  11. http://www.***.com/Tru-Tungsten_Iaconelli_Ikey_Head_Ikes_Spike/descpage-TTIS.html Used to go with buckeye shaky Jig, until I discovered this. Luv it
  12. I'm a big teriyaki fan, but how do u prepare the bass? Wouldn't that fall apart when you cook them? They won't stay in a chuck like chicken would.
  13. hahaha, you just caught a baby today dude. Next time I will take you in, and we will fish.
  14. that pond actually holds good size bass. The largest I caught was 4'2 lb, and I have seem folks catching 5lbers in there.
  15. If it is charlestown village, I can get you permission without any problem. Since I work with their directors on a weekly basic, and I still fish there once a while. Man, when I fished there during my college years. No one cared...wth is going on these days.
  16. yeah i have and got no responses That sucks bro, I know many friends who went to UMBC and big on fishing. Did you go out today? I went out for trout fishing, and got my limit after 2 hours. Hehe, this is going to be great dinner. ;D
  17. Never had to hide anything from my wife, she doesn't like the idea I spent hundreds on tackles.
  18. get a cheap car, enough to get you from point A to B. or just fish the school pond tomorrow, haha.
  19. Shoot, my wife will slap the life out of me every time I buy tackles...hahaha
  20. Just go...bro. What's the worst that can happen? If they tell you to leave, then just go and I'll see If I can still find a contact for you. I only went there for a year, then transferred to a different university but I have fished mostly at Howard county. Centennial lake, wilde lake, and there are few pond that I fish at.
  21. When I used to go to UMBC, we got permission from the sale director at Charlestown. But, if you want to try your luck then fish at the back of the pond. You can gain access from the back of Giant Food, we used to do that without a problem.
  22. wth is a student marshall, I went to that college and we used to fish the pond near the library during the weekend. Yes, thats a private pond belongs to Charlestown Village which is a retirement community. The company will stock some trout during spring, and you need permission to fish there.
  23. theres 2, one by the library which has nice bass and bluegill in it (i caught a 2.5lber one night) but you're not allowed to fish it. i got kicked out theres another in the woods and it looks awesome but i have only caught a few 2" green sunfish and bluegill in it. i've fished it a bunch and am convinced there are no bass in it. i will try more in the spring i suppose LOL...who kicked you out? I fished there before, and no one kicked me out...hahahaha
  24. Owners need to open the d**n book, this crap is not going nowhere.
  25. I have to travel frequently for my job, and it doesn't pay to wait for the long minutes. Most of my trips are booked a month or month and half prior, unless it is an emergency. I have always seemed to pay 100-300 dollars more if I purchase next day ticket. There are some last minute specials on the airline's website, but I have never found a destination that I need.
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