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Everything posted by JigMe

  1. Anyone having much luck? Been out 4 times in April, but didn't pick up anything.
  2. Usually I buy two, MD and FL (I go to FL every year for a week and fish lake O with my buddies)
  3. They cant catch a break, cant they.
  4. I will pitch a Jig first, if I am not getting a bite then I will try a sweet beaver.
  5. In no particular order 1. Zoom Trick worm 2. Zoom Finesse Worm 3. SK baby craw 4. Senko 4 inch 5. Reaction Innovations Sweet Beaver 6. Stanley soft body frog 7. Fat Ika 8. 4” Grub
  6. I bought a pack of bubble Gum this morning, come on, this is a social site and no need to be all “jumpy”
  7. Nice looking ride.
  8. The layout and design are great, and it is much easier to surf the forum. Many appreciation to Bass Resource Staffs for making this happen, you guys ROCK.
  9. JigMe


    I am placing an order soon, do you guys prefer pointer 78 or 100?
  10. Had some luck with SK red eye lipless cranks, and weightless zoom trick worms.
  11. JigMe


    whats the depth pointer 100 goes down to?
  12. JigMe


    Hooligan, what three colors do you get on the pointers?
  13. JigMe


    nah, money is not the primary consideration. I have had few LC crankbaits and topwater sammy, but somehow I dont catch many fish on them compare to Norman, or SK.
  14. JigMe


    Hey guys, I have never fished Jerkbait in my life, but I want to try it this season. What are some good suspending Jerkbaits and wont break my bank? Thanks for the input guys.
  15. hahaha. Nice looking dogs bro.
  16. I am with T-Mobile, and called their customer service. They told me my rates will increase when my contract expires in 2 months, so it will be inline with the AT&T....
  17. JigMe


    Here we go...
  18. I am experiencing that as well, I had over 10 packages in the cart then contiune to shop. By the time I am ready to check out, 6 packages disappeared this is so not kool!!! >
  19. Thats wasting money. You are literally spending double the amount of money on oil over the life of a car. The truth is most conventional oils can normally go up to 5K. Synthetics twice that. I was told by an valvoline rep at a service station I worked at in HS that "most can do 5k with ease. The 3k reccomendation is to sell more oil" There are lot of variables involved, and some engines need to be changed more often than others. Visually inspecting your oil can tell you alot about your engine. yeah, I guess so. But my 1990 civic is really hold up, it takes me from home to work and that's all Im asking from her. But I also own a Q7, and a GS450 which I change oil every 5k.
  20. I stopped buying tickets when it hitted 100 bucks years ago, now I just spend Sunday on the water and FIOS the game and watch it at night.
  21. He is a standup guy? Ohh please! And I did read the entire interview online. He made the decision to play football, and nobody forced him. I don't see anybody pointing a gun at him, and force him to work. How can he compare making 11 MILLION dollars a year to slavery?
  22. I'm just sick of listening to racial issues, everything can be turned into black vs. white... isn't there something else Peterson needs to worry about, like the earth quake, saving life? A battle between billionaire and millionaire, I couldn't care less.
  23. I'm no expert on cars, but my mechanic recommended to use ligher oil just like bilgerat said. And change oil every 2500 miles, I have been doing that on my everyday drive car and it is about to hit 300k miles.
  24. Rule 1 about fishing the rock: you will loss lots of bait. I probably average out 4-5 cranks each time I go to fish the rock plus few Jigs... :'(
  25. How do you fish hair Jig? same as a regular Jig and Pig?
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