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Everything posted by dink

  1. This thought pops into my noggin a few times every year. The question is directed at anyone who "knows" a body of water particularly well. Why don't "prime spots" produce EVERY year? To clarify, Spot A, that is a secondary point with a steep four foot drop and old stumps on top, holds fish predictably for four years in a row and then holds little to nothing for the next two, only to rebound the next three. Why? I have my own theories on this, most of which revolve around weather patterns and water levels. I also try to take into account available food-fish and timing of the spawn. Every year, I am fine tuning this skill more, yet this one point has always intrigued me. So, what do you guys think?
  2. Being from Illinois, I remember seeing that same article (that ghoti posted). What the article does not say is how license monies are put into a "superfund" and are not necessarily routed back to conservation. Many times these monies are spent on social programs completely unrelated to fishing and hunting. Thus, if license sales are down, the less money the politicians in "Crook County" have to spend. When license sales were actually increasing a number of years ago, there was no noticable difference in the management of conservation areas with the exception of a select few. I can look across the river (at Missouri) and see a huge difference in conservation management. Personally, I do believe there is an "interest" politically in getting people excited about the outdoors again and in turn buying licenses and such.
  3. Oh yeah! I don't even like fishing anymore. I'm hanging it up as soon as I use up the rest of my soft plastics..... sometime around 2078. ;D ;D
  4. Hey Muddy. As aggravating as it can be sometimes, don't waste your breath on it. Rest assured, those who know you, know what you meant to begin with. There are just some people who are just defensive about everything and can't wait to tell SOMEONE about it. You seem like a very laid-back type with your head on straight. So don't sweat it... I think your idea is cool and could be alot of fun among fellow fisherman. Reelmn. dink
  5. The OLD Cordell Spots ...the 'one-knockers'. I have six that I picked up at a boat show. Talk about good on a pressured lake .
  6. Spots and Traps (especially the OLD Spots )
  7. First of all, don't let anyone "pigeonhole" you you into thinking that you only need this color or that blade. The very nature of the spinnerbait is versatility and variety. My best spinnerbaits in my collection are homemades that I was told would not catch anything on a number of occasions. One of them caught me a 5-fish limit last year that was just shy of 27 lbs! Another example being a lake near me that is notorious for kicking out huge bass in late winter/early spring on the gaudiest, wierdest color HUGE spinnerbaits you can find. My suggestion would be to get any of the ones already mentioned and tinker with them a bit. You may find that making your own spinnerbaits will be the answer. I haven't bought a manufactured spinnerbait in ten years.
  8. I would recommend the Revo S for reels in the $100 range. If you fish 100 - 200 days a year, you might want to stay away from BPS reels. I have yet to find one that I cannot wear out (i.e. worm gear, pawl, return springs, etc.) in two years or less. I currently have some Pfleugers that have been great so far. Another season or two will tell the tale on those. My next reel (or reels) will be Revos.... or maybe a Shimano.
  9. There's OTHER forums???? ;D Welcome aboard!
  10. Kinda along those lines for a "limited tourney", Wizard Fishing Rods (no longer in business) in the past held "Rogue Only" tournaments on Lake of the Ozarks. I never fished one, but I understand they were pretty popular around here.
  11. I sure am glad my wife got rid of her Hyundai Accent after almost 200,000 miles. It was OBVIOUSLY ready to die. ;D ;D. Seriously, any car you buy... do your homework on it. And once you buy it, regular scheduled maintenance is the most valuable thing you can put into it.
  12. They're STILL drinking. I watched one drink non-stop for at least five minutes. Thanks for the link, Lightninrod.
  13. Sign me up. I have a few "customs" I can contribute.
  14. Like Avid and Catt, no trailer hook here.... ever. A skirt color change or length adjustment to the skirt will usually remedy the short strike. One thing I do to my buzzers is to replace the original rivet (aluminum) with a steel one that has sat outside a little while. These squeal better and last alot longer.
  15. Kinda like a roller coaster. My all-time largest 5 (and 6) fish limits were caught this year... and I totalled my new bass boat. I caught more fish over 5 lbs. this year than any other year... and I lost my job. Although, I did get to fish over 230 days this year (thak you, wifey) and I found a good place to talk fishin' (BassResource.com). Pretty good year if you ask me.
  16. No... but I sing. It keeps everyone out of my fishing holes. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  17. In late winter/early spring when the water temps are in the low 40s, the slow roll spinnerbait can be a killer. I personally like to upsize blades to get even a slower retrieve. Many people this time of year are throwing alot of jigs and jerkbaits. This makes the spinnerbait that much more effective-- a different look.
  18. Know your water. Commit yourself to learning as much as possible about the subtle features near and away from the shoreline. Dissect those areas and over time you will have TRUE honeyholes.
  19. The media has to cover something. Like someone said before, in the 70s it was the next Ice Age. In the 80s, the Cold War dominated headlines. Then it was Y2K. The Chicken Littles of the world will ALWAYS be screaming about something. Fact is, you will not stop Nature. Man is a part of nature and thus part of its processes.
  20. It would start on Barkley and end at Tellico.
  21. HOW muddy, GMAN? When my lake has 2 feet visibility, it is "clearing up and a little stained". ;D But it did give up a 4.0 yesterday.... on a jig.... 2 feet of water.... against the bank.... 42 degrees on the surface.... 1 foot visibility. The fish are still biting around here, no doubt.
  22. I am not really a college basketball fan, but I just had to watch the Texas Tech/N.M. game today. Personally, I am a Bob Knight fan and found myself cheering for him after the game. It was a pretty neat moment to watch live. Like him or not, you have to admire his work ethic and graduation rate.
  23. Now THAT is a well told story. Bravo!
  24. Maybe go check with a T- Shirt shop that does silk screening. They may be able to recommend something to use on your carpet.
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