4 yrs. old and in the boat with my brother (6 at the time) and Dad on Lake Caleveras, TX. Dad had just fished and won a tourney there a week prior and took us to his honey hole, some mid-lake hump or ridge. I remember vividly sitting on the port side of his bathtub style bass boat and my brother on the starboard side. He had us fishing big minnows on the bottom and he threw a strawberry Manns worm TX rigged. Dad didn't get to fish much that day. My bro got seven keepers and I had six with the BB of the day at 3.5 - 4 lbs. I love to hear my Dad tell the story of that day, especially of the big fish I happened across. We were using his bass fishing rods with the old ABU 5000s on them. He would bait us up and cast them out, then hand us each a rod and say 'Don't let loose of that pole for even a second'. I took it to heart I reckon. In the instant it took for him to re-bait my brother's rod, the biggie ate my minnow and made a hard run directly underneath the boat. 'Don't let go of the rod'. What he saw next was me about to go swimming with my four year-old death grip on graphite. I was half-way over the gunnel when he yanked me back in the boat by the seat of my pants. Now securely in the boat, I gave that greenie everything I had and then some. We took all those beauties home and filled the freezer. Every now and then I run across the pics of those fish and get that "feeling" that cannot be put into words. That day sparked the inferno for me.
Great thread, LBH.