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Everything posted by dink

  1. I hear you Avid. Believe it or not, I had tennis and golf elbow on the same arm simultaneously (both sides quite tender). I remedied both of them by wearing a brace that goes over your forearm and is adjustable. That was about three years ago. I'm done with the brace, but I stretch out my wrists and forearms before I fish now. Get better soon, man.....they are bitin'!
  2. Believe in the dream! Don't let anyone tell you different.
  3. I fished on Sat. (Feb 25) on a lake here (Southern Illinois) with 43 -45 degree surface temps and 15 -25 mph winds from the north. The day before that there was winds from the south. I found a 1 to 2 degree difference between the north banks of coves and the south banks of coves. The water had maybe ONE foot of visibility. Yet, I somehow managed to catch two keepers (over 14") and a sweet beaver flipping and pitching brush and wood on secondary points in about three to five feet of water. The bigger keeper was just under three pounds and the smaller one was just under two. I did mention that I was in the coves because a 20 mph wind and 40 degrees for an air temp do not mix well for me. So I basically got out of the wind where I could slow down my presentation and have more focus on the area I was fishing. Maybe there is something in this that you can use. Good luck!
  4. My condolences as well, Randall. My prayers have been said for you and your family. There is MUCH LOVE being sent your way....just look at the outpouring of compassion that a few ol' bass fishermen are capable of. Everyone at Bassresource makes me proud to be a part of it!
  5. My old 14' V is next Mike. ;D That rig is top-notch! Good job. dink
  6. Hey Triton, We can call the shop "Threads and Fibs" ;D
  7. Original bags and, like ikeslayer, the plastic Wal-Mart "shoebox". You can get 15-20 bags in them. I have seven of them completely full. Thinking about opening my own bait shop next week. ;D
  8. 05 G3 Eagle, 4 stroke Yamaha 25hp, Minn Kota 40 All-Terrain, Lowrance on bow, Garmin on console... soon to be 06 G3 Eagle 165 (see post "sick feeling") 71 Cherokee aluminum 14' V, 7.5 Gamefisher, Minn Kota 40 powerdrive, Humminbird Pirranah 10max... soon to be sold to my buddy. 9' BPS two man boat, Minn Kota 35 Endura, pool thermometer Caddis float tube powered by my size 9.5s!
  9. Here's a few I do, some may seem gimmicky but they work for me: 1. Replace the front hook of a Shad Rap SR5 with a Mustad #4 treble....it now suspends (balsa version). 2. Run a toothpick through the worm hook eye AFTER it is imbedded in the plastic. Now trim it flush with the bait. The plastic bait won't slide down the hook as easily. 3. Replace the skirt of a buzzbait with a tube. You'd be amazed how far you can wing it! 4. Use a red glass bead between the worm hook and bullet sinker when night fishing. 5. Always remember to put the plug in!lol
  10. Note to all: Your concern is appreciated greatly. I've already been back out fishing and it looks like everything is going to work out just fine with the insurance and boat replacement. Tight lines everyone!
  11. There is a possiblility that I can get a 2006 as a replacement. The engine turned out to be ok (broken skag that will be replaced) and all the rigging including the TM, electronics, etc. will be put on the new hull and new trailer....hopefully.
  12. St. Louis area (Belleville, IL)
  13. I'm with you KU. Bass fishing is not a sport.......it's a way of life! ;D The entire Winter Olympics are a joke if you really think about it. They were created. Winter sports did not exist in Ancient Greece. I've never seen one of those statues of an Olympian with skis or skates. Maybe in a hundred years or so we'll also have the Fall Olympics and there will be a Dream Team for leaf raking or something. Or maybe the Spring Olympics with events like the 100m spawn. OK that's enough for now. ;D ;D
  14. 2005 G3 Eagle 165 2006 Yamaha 4-stroke 2004 Bear trailer. I picked it up last Halloween.
  15. Preach, WOW! I really hardly feel bad for myself at all now. WOW! Sorry. Well, I already got the ball rolling. My boat is going back to the dealer tomorrow (it's in a towing yard now) and they are going to do all the estimates and legwork with my insurance company. I might be their best customer for years to come. I'll let everyone know how it turns out.
  16. Oh yeah....I was on my way to tournament at a power plant lake.
  17. Everyone is OK. Thanks for asking guys. I've had the boat three months so insurance should cover it just fine. I got all the options (GAP and other) when I financed and insured. My truck only got a dent next to the tailgate. Trailer tongue was bent at 90 degree angle to left and boat was off of it and laying next to it. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress.
  18. Snow, low visibility, slick roads, brain fart.
  19. Anyone out there ever "total" their boat on the way tio the lake? I did it this morning. :'(
  20. I have a 2006 Yamaha 4-stroke 25 hp (got it in October '05) and I love it so far. Let you know more in a couple of years. ;D
  21. LBH, How long do your batteries last before you have to replace them? Also. I found deep cycle 34 and 31 class Optima batteries for about 140 -150 dollars. What kind were you looking at that cost 300?
  22. I am also looking at some new batteries and went to the Optima website. Please someone correct me if I am wrong, but hours used in a days fishing would be related to the reserve capacity. The Optimas I looked at had around the same reserve capacities as other batteries in their classes. It seemed to me that they were selling the lighter weight comparitively as well as the useful life of the battery (number of charging cycles). If you go to their site check out the technical data and let me know if I am on the right track.
  23. Thank you RW! Guys in here can get pretty wrapped up in these forums sometimes. And to dixon...Keep looking because with that kind of passion you just might be "the one".
  24. Ditto to everything already said. Also, my Yamaha has an access hose to the water line (cooling) that unscrews like a garden hose. I undo that also after loading up at the ramp and blow it out or let it drain. VERY IMPORTANT!!!.....If you fish one day and temps go below freezing that night and you plan on going the following day, do NOT unhook the front strap from the bow eye until your boat is in the water. Your trailer bunks will freeze and your boat could slide right off the trailer should you brake check before you are in the water. I have seen it countless times and is sickening every time!
  25. Luv2fish, you got the swing away tongue on your trailer? I don't and mine is solid going down the road. (2005 boat, 2006 engine, 2004 trailer)
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