I got a couple you guys might enjoy.
First one starts with my buddy and myself in a two-man boat on a small lake. There is a spot on the lake where a road passes over it and a tube or tunnel connects the two sides. We had been through this 100 foot long tunnel countless times. My buddy is a former marine and a pretty tough cookie, yet is DEATHLY afraid of spiders. We no sooner get in the tunnel and a very small spider is crawling on his shoulder. He let out this blood-curdling scream in frequencies only a five year old little girl can hit. I thought he was on fire or something the way he almost flipped us over in that tunnel. Seven years later I still tease him about that. All he can do is laugh! ;D
This one was just amazing. Late November and I am on my way in for the day. I have the entire lake to myself and the light breeze that had been blowing had ceased. It was quite serene and I was just taking in the peacefulness of the moment when KERSPLASH!!! I look about 400 yds. behind me to see a doe that had just jumped into the lake. No big deal, I have seen deer swimming before. As I am watching her, I hear something in the same vicinity rustling about in the woods. Along comes a big buck and KERSPLASH!!! the chase is on! So here is a buck swimming after a doe crossing the lake. The buck catches up to her in the middle of the lake (12 or 13 feet deep) and attempts to mount her, dunking her under. I can't believe what I am seeing and I look around to see if anyone else is around. Nobody. The doe gets away from him and surfaces about ten feet from him and he chases her down again! Once again the doe goes under and all that I can see is a big rack and a nose swimming around in circles. After ten more seconds she surfaces again, this time about thirty feet away and makes a beeline for the other bank. The buck, realizing the futility of his efforts, turns around and heads back to where he came in. Both deer made it to their respective banks and shook off. But before either walked away, they turned and looked at each other for a brief moment. They both walked off into the woods and I sat in my boat in the middle of the lake in utter disbelief to what I just witnessed. You gotta love Mom Nature!