1. Wake boats that give off a sunami at the back of their boat.
2. Reckless jet ski operators
3. Other boaters in general, on the lake and at the ramp.
4. Hitting an underwater stump or running aground in shallow water.
5. Storms/Wind/Lightning
6. Engine won't start when you are miles from the ramp, no one is around, and losing daylight rapidly.
7. Tow vehicle breaks down and you do not dare leave your rig on the side of the road due to thiefs.
8. Tire blows out on truck or trailer at highway speeds, real pucker factor.
9. Buddy rips treble hooks into you on the backcast.
10. Falling overboard, - cold in winter, drowning, or possible gator attack if in the deep south.
11. A great hookset that sends a bullet weight into any part of you.
(Just off the top of my head, I am sure there are many more) (after fishing for many years, some of these have happened to me and it ruins your fishing trip). 😬