WD-40's formula is a trade secret. The product is not patented to avoid completely disclosing its ingredients.[2][3] WD-40's main ingredients, according to U.S. Material Safety Data Sheet information, are:
50% Stoddard solvent (i.e., mineral spirits: primarily hexane, somewhat similar to kerosene)
25% Liquefied petroleum gas (presumably as a propellant; carbon dioxide is now used instead to reduce WD-40's considerable flammability)
15+% Mineral oil (light lubricating oil)
10-% Inert ingredients
The German version of the mandatory EU safety sheet lists the following safety-relevant ingredients:
60–80% Heavy Naphtha (petroleum product), hydrogen treated
1–5% Carbon dioxide
It further lists flammability and effects to the human skin when repeatedly exposed to WD-40 as risks when using WD-40. Nitrile rubber gloves and safety glasses should be used. Water is unsuitable for extinguishing burning WD-40.
There is a popular urban legend that the key ingredient in WD-40 is fish oil.[4] However, the WD-40 web site states that it is a petroleum based product