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Everything posted by NCbassmaster4Life

  1. Shallow crankbait, imitation of bluegill....or a fluke. Xcalibur and Strikeking both have great imitations for the $. Lucky Craft BDS 3 is awsume, but man quite $$. Oh and Livetarget.
  2. Gotta love some Golf Course ponds...
  3. In all honesty I try not to think about the inevitable of it ever happening, just that it may just like anything else, we are not promised tomorrow just today, so I reakon I will just keep fishing until it happens or I go away.
  4. Haha, know what ya mean.
  5. Texas-rigged or drop shot.
  6. Not to start an argument or even have scientific proof or evidence, reading many articles about the environment and how the U.N. has many scientist stating that we are in danger of possible extiniction of certain species of fish and other life forms of organisms. If what the scientist say is true...what if Bass dissapear, what then will we fisherman do, that love this past time so much? Not that it wouldn't take awhile, just askin on opinion not tryin to start an agrument and get this topic locked.
  7. nice fish.
  8. Yes or even slow down the presentation, me personally, I pause, spin fast, and pause, slow reel.
  9. I plan on quitting soon, but I like Grizzly straight.
  10. K I will in a couple of weeks.
  11. Spro frog does the same thing.
  12. I'd have to say I have many. 1. Buzzbait black/purple 2. Nickel plated colorado blade spinner bait bluke/blk or purple 3. Pop-r 4. Devil Horse (old school) 5. Jitter-bug
  13. Big O, you think you ever catch the same female lol
  14. Nice bass man!
  15. When it comes to my command I am the go-to bass fisherman, all others like saltwater more...just not my thing.
  16. Need advice and any help on fishing on the Chowan river,Tunis,NC.
  17. All the ponds I fish are off of Butler,yes some you cannot or you're not allowed to trespass but working for the gov't has it's perks.
  18. Cool, just needed some inputs...i'm not a big crankbait guy, but do throw them never had any success on deep divers though.
  19. yeah a solid 3 and a half.
  20. Top 20 spot.
  21. Anyone fished these lures yet? And if so at what deepth...they say 17ft+.
  22. Well just go online and compare pros and cons, you can even get a decent one that's portable.
  23. Usually over two pounds + does it for me.
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