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Everything posted by NCbassmaster4Life

  1. If you go into iraq I know some decent spots.
  2. Community service and how many tournements you have won.
  3. Topo map anywhere, doesn't matter about the high tech equipment for me. Find the patterns.
  4. Stick with the rules and regulations of the state and there shouldn't be a problem.
  5. The club should help you, but you have a lot of work to do first. Also your typing skills included. Pay your dues,win tournements,then you can build a re'sume'.
  6. Rapala, don't waste ur $ they are so cheap and unreadable had 3, all broke and not damaged that's more than enough to never do business with that company any more.
  7. A plastic bag with lures hooked on it. It was bad cause the lures were all rusted...
  8. Bassman Dan - Little river opens up next Thurs. should be some hawgs caught, during the first week usually 20 bass over 8lbs are caught including dd.
  9. Gander also had a clearence sale on a lot of good baits people over look.
  10. Get out there and do the pre-spawn fishing, of course bass are gonna be hesitant to go on the beds, but they're already prestaging...follow the seasonal pattern....the bass shouldn't be to far from shallow water you just have to find them....if they're not on the beds go a little deeper...spinnerbait,shallow diving cranks,texas rig...creature baits. Hope this helps. -Andrew
  11. Tim could do better than that pfff she'll just make another freakin' song about a bf...
  12. My advice exactly, don't be scared to ask the manufactuer.
  13. Bet a buzzbait would work
  14. Agreed, you don't need advanced technology to do so...though...all the technology is gonna eventually take away from the sport IMO.
  15. Of course everything is 3d, all i'm tryin to say is how far do you go with technology,we mine as well start putting inferred cameras and night vision on the units.
  16. Those of you who missed out...here ya go Mon 3/12/2012 4:00 - 5:00 PM 2012 BASSMASTER CLASSIC - DAY 1 WEIGH IN Mon 3/12/2012 5:00 -7:00 PM 2012 BASSMASTER CLASSIC - DAY 2 WEIGH IN Mon 3/12/2012 7:00 - 9:00 PM 2012 BASSMASTER CLASSIC - DAY 3 WEIGH IN
  17. I may be able to make this trip if all my paper work is good to go by the 15th of Apr. I would love the chance to meet all you interesting folks.
  18. Basically in my opinion the black/blue is to mimic a crawfish in colder water,they are a blue color. In deeper water all you need is a little sun light and you have a shadow mimicing image of a crawfish.
  19. What's the water clarity?
  20. I agree on the scientific point of scaring the fish at a certain frequency but I have used deepthfinders to find structure and fish and I have caught them underneath the boat no problem. And the rattles used in baits is more for a reaction strike if anything also in murky water, bass do feed off of vibration.
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