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Everything posted by bassnleo

  1. I think the Edge would be a good choice. It's my opinion that 55 lbs would probably be a little better for 3-4 people.
  2. I also use the markers and dip. I have found that making subtle color adjustments are easier with a marker, dipping tails of baits or a whole bait is easier with the dip. Yes, it would make a mess if spilled on carpet!
  3. I've also had the power Drive style of Minn Kota, I'll never own one again. As mentioned it's way too slow turning and will give you absolute fits in the wind. Also, with a cable style tm, when you put your foot on the pedal you know here the head is pointing. With the pd style foot pads you have to contstantly look down to see where the head is. That did actually did cause me some missed strikes when looking down and not watching my line or bait. I went back to an All Terrain.........
  4. BTW, If you guys don't think that your wives also smuggle stuff in, WAKE UP, lol. Mine has a fascination with QVC. She tried having her stuff shipped to her mothers address. Well, found more than 1 package stashed in her trunk. I let it go for awhile till she corned me on a purchase then I sprung it on her that I know she's a QVC junkie. No problems anymore, she's got her secret, I've got mine
  5. Tried that, she found out : Now I just buy her one too!
  6. One of the lakes I have been fishing has come up about 2 feet from the rain. Today I caught bass in 1 foot of water around newly flooded cover. In past outings the same cover was fishless.........
  7. Jet drive is definately the way to go for you. A 20 hp jet (head would be 30hp) would do nicely for you.
  8. NO, THANK YOU! God bless and WELCOME HOME. I sincerely hope that your bassin is the best of your life when you return home.
  9. Check this website: www.smallmouthquest.com Darl Black is very knowledgable about Lake Erie smallmouths and I'm sure if you contact him he will know of books you can look for.
  10. 6'6" MH spinnng, 12 lb P-Line floroclear. Skipping a bait is kind of like skipping a stone, just imagine your bait doing what the stone would. Then, make the same motion with your rod/arm that you would when you throw a stone (to skip it). A quick short motion coupled with you keeping the bait horizontal to the water surface is what your trying to acheive. I highly recommend another type of cast also. Once you are able to skip the way I described above, practice pitching the bait with spinning gear. Once you can pitch ok, you can actually get the bait to skip using a pitching motion. This is a highly effective way to fish from the back of someone's boat or to put baits in really tight places often overlooked by other anglers.
  11. It's my understanding that St. Clair is a fairy shallow lake so any breakline you can find should produce. In the end of May you will probably encounter, pre, post and spawning fish. From what I've read and heard about the lake, tubes are hard to beat, soft jerkbaits, and topwater, spinnerbaits, are good choies. I've also read that certain ares of what are called pencil reeds can be good. Good luck!
  12. I'm a member, but only because one of the club's I'm in require's it.
  13. I've had same issues and decided I could make my own to my liking. I order componenets from Stamina and build my own baits so I can customize them to exactly how I want them plus it's fun/rewarding to catch fish of stuff you made.
  14. PR, amen. My father has had skin cancer and I'm determined not to follow that path. I'm fair skinned and always use sunscreen.
  15. Good luck with your search. I know it's tough to find a good used boat but when you do it will be really woth it.
  16. Sounds like you will have to put alot of money into it, I say NO!
  17. I purchased Blue Lizard a few weeks ago, have used it 2 times so far, didn't get burned and only had to apply it 1 time.
  18. I have same boat and use a 100 quart cooler I purchased at Wal-Mart for abot $40.00 Wal-Mart also sells a 12V pump w/ spray bar. I use this set up and never have had a dead fish. I also use Rejuvenade and change the water 2 or 3 times a tournament depending on how warm the water is. I've modfied my spray bar some, I'll try to take some pics of it and post them to give you some ideas.
  19. Could be any of the answers, depends on the day's conditions.
  20. I agree w/ previous reply's, steer clear of that heap. What shocks me is that boat is a 1998? and sounds absolutely trashed.
  21. That's a TOAD. Congrats, nice fish.
  22. I like the the idea of a bait on the surface over the beds. I have several Rapala floating stickbaits that I've modified. I cast them to he general areas of the beds, give the short jerk, let it sit. The bait was modified by shaving some of the bills off so it dosen't dive. I also weight the tail w/ suspend strips so it sits tail downward when at rest. When it's jerked it kind of just fizzes the surface. Dunno why it works, but have had great success with it around bedded fish.
  23. I like everything already mentioned! My favorite is that pzzzzztt that braid makes when you cross a bass's eyes after a perfect pitch or flip. Another favorite is the sound of mono or floro singing when your fighting a fish.
  24. I went to a local shoe store and asked if they would save some for me. I was suprised when they handed me 30 or so that were just lying around the stockroom. I have 2 in each box, they definately do the trick.
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