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Everything posted by NoBassPro

  1. Well I'm glad I'm not alone on that. I don't get the apparent randomness of it or the fact they changed my channels with no warning, and explained to the guy I purchased the package I did because there were certain channels that were important to me. They added it back no charge, but I'm with you, I think its crap. Not like I can deduct $5/mo from my payment because I'm no longer getting the channels that matter to me. If I had to guess they put some much crap in the fine print as to make it what I would consider a unilateral nonbinding agreement, but that doesn't mean they'll let you off the hook.
  2. As a side note thats not really relevant this time of year, be extra careful in cold water. It takes alot out of you and its hard not to panic for some reason, even if you do know how to swim. Not to mention, dragging yourself back in the boat with 50 lbs of waterlogged clothes on adds difficulty. Not that I would know from experience or anything
  3. I will try that, I guess no one else had it randomly dropped from their lineup this week?
  4. Did anyone else suddenly find that WFN was no longer on their available channels? I contacted them and they told me it got moved from the package I purchased to the most expensive package they had. I wasn't happy and got it added back, but wondered if anyone else had the same experience this week. I was told the only way to get it now was with the $100/mo more channels than I will ever watch package or to get it with blockbuster@home, which also doesn't interest me. I'm a little ticked, sign up for certain channels just to have them changed. I guess contracts are one sided these days.
  5. I use them frequently, just depends on the day. Even in summer sometimes they seem to work better for me, particularly on small lakes that get decent pressure. Rapala DT's, Bandit FlatMaxx, and the old Poe's are my favorites. For whatever reason, you can get the Poes for $2-3 apiece near me at a couple local stores, so they are a favorite of mine in pike infested waters. They still catch bass, too.
  6. Can't really narrow this down, half my tackle is old school by most of your standards
  7. Availability and the type of fishing involved. I can go to just about any lake and get some decent bass fishing, but opportunities for decent pike or musky are far more limited. I find walleye boring, and salmon and steelhead put up a good fight, but once you learn a few things it seems like you can pretty much do the same thing every time and have decent success,at least in the rivers. Not into trolling all day. On the other hand if I want a fish fry, panfish or perch are my choice. Now I just need to get out and catch some, been working so much I've only been able to get in two hours of fishing since C&R season opened here.
  8. Also on the plus side, they are trying to increase the number of charter schools in our state, which may lead to more openings for a short while.
  9. I was being sarcastic. I have nothing against the lures or high dollar rods, it just seems the newest, latest, greatest and most expensive usually generate the most discussion, although I'm certain they remain a fairly small percentage of what people actually use. There's at least one guy I know who posts on a different message board, always talking about how you need "x" rod or "y" reel. Yet when I see him fishing he's using an ugly stik rod with a $20 spinning reel.
  10. I'm far from jealous, I find it to be unsporting. Like I said, how is it any different from trolling or using live bait or multiple rods in a tournament. Do whatever you want for fun. If the goal wasn't multiple fish it would have one lure on it and 4 attractors. Its a meat rig but as long as it has support from the target market - which it does - it isn't going anywhere. Justify it however you want. Anymore I like catching fish how I want to catch them, its just unfortunate that bass tournament fishing has degraded to the point where sporting and challenge are no longer part of what people consider when allowing certain rigs. Trolling,live bait and multiple rods were all banned before they had catch and release.
  11. The important thing to remember is you just aren't serious about fishing unless you buy at least $500 combos and spend $20lure
  12. If the responses here are any indication fishing lure manufacturers don't need to compete on price anyway.
  13. You can make the same argument for trolling and using live bait, but I don't think I'll see those allowed in BASS tournaments any time soon.
  14. Beyond what is mentioned above, from what I have seen the references you can get from your professors and internships are necessary to get a job a in your chosen field, unless your dad has a job waiting for you. IMO your summer months are far better spent working than studying if grad school isn't in your future. And ignore the naysayers, everyones got an opinion. I've seen guys get fired from every job they've had go on to have successful careers working for others, and I've seen valued and respected employees lose their jobs through no fault of their own never to recover. What you and your education are worth will vary from individual to individual.
  15. They need to be fresh from the ocean, makes one heck of a difference in taste. I've eaten plenty of dime bright fresh from the lake fish, still don't care for them. And I'm talking about the dark meat under the skin, all salmon have it regardless of species or location.
  16. Its just a tradition thing to buy the first of the season at ridiculous prices. Same thing happens with the first sockeye of the season in AK, gets sold much higher than market then usually even gets a private flight to whatever restaurant purchased it. I think its more about bragging rights than economic concerns. Edit: I guess the highest prices are usually paid at the Seattle Airport after the flight, but either way its just a competition/bragging rights thing amongst chefs imo
  17. I've heard that before but never done it. I was always taught you need to remove the mudline when filleting. Large salmon and trout still taste like crap imo, same with bigger pike although I don't keep them anymore.
  18. I like throwing them but usually go about 50/50 bass to pike on them around here
  19. Cold enough the beer froze before we got the holes drilled
  20. That would be the primary reason I'd never want to enter as a non boater. I've seen these guys fish and read the tourny results in the paper often enough to know it would be a crap shoot.
  21. I think some of it just boils down to confidence in a particular bait. I know if I'm trying something new it usually means that my tried and true techniques failed. Also, once I try a different bait or technique and it doesn't work it probably isn't going to see the water much after that either.
  22. I'm pretty sure that car had Illinois plates.
  23. Channel Catfish Bluegill
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