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Everything posted by NoBassPro

  1. Best sandwich I have had was a simple crab sandwich. Nothing more than fresh crab and mayo I believe. Locally, i prefer Italian subs with hot peppers on them.
  2. I'd find the thickest cover you can and either try punching thru it or finding holes and putting jigs or soft plastics in them. Landing fish caught this way from shore poses another issue LOL.
  3. I'm not going to disagree with most of what you are saying, but for many of the major tournament locations the boat and motor are kind of a necessity. For example, I would never recommend going out on L. St Clair in a jonboat, it can get too choppy real fast. Also, when I was younger we took a few trips to Toledo Bend. My dad would rent a small boat and put a 15 horse motor on it for one of my cousins and I while he and my uncle went out in his boat. Basically, in the course of a days fishing we couldn't get far out of the creek arm we were camped on. We caught fish, but there was little way to compete against people that could get out and cover more water. As a side note, on one of those trips they had a crappiethon usa tournament going on. I don't know is they still do that or not, but the way it worked you bought a $5 ticket and could get prizes for certain things, one of which was $50 for every crappie over 2 lbs. Well, we got into some small bass real shallow and decided to work the creek channel looking for some bigger bass. Happened into a school of some the biggest crappie we'd ever seen. Go back, buy a ticket, head out for a few more hours. Ended up with a bucketful of fish that all went from 1-12 to 1-15. Guess thats what we got for trying to cheat.
  4. Well the obvious answer is if I bought another one I didn't have enough. But for me, crankbaits. I don't even know how many tackle boxes I have full of them anymore.
  5. Ha Ha, he's been deceased for quite some time, actually. I thought maybe she found a man friend.
  6. I have no idea if this would be beneficial at all to the shore bound bass anglers on this site, but one of the tricks I've seen shorebound salmon anglers do in some places is fish crankbaits off of planer boards. There is a bit of a difference in general presentation technique with cranks for salmon v bass, but it allowed them to cover more water and keep their bait in holes where the fish were holding. Anyway, some other thread on here reminded me of that and there seem to be alot of questions about shore fishing, so if anyone has any input on whether or not they think it would be effective or beneficial for the shore bound river bass angler please chime in.
  7. Well this week has had its share of odd happenings, but now the quiet as a mouse 70 year old lady down the road is lighting off fireworks. On June 14 for no known reason, she never even lights them off on the 4th of July.
  8. That is one trip I have been able to make, except we were on the Orinoco. There's nothing like drifting through the jungle at night in a dugout setting juglines baited with whole piranha and shining for caimen with a local. At least at the time I was there (early 90's) once you got far enough upstream it was an entirely different world.
  9. I'd like to hear what other people have on their "really want to catch but haven't yet" list. For me its a tarpon that weighs more than I do. I've never caught one at all, but have been interested in them for as long as I can remember. Something about the mouth, giant scales, and fighting ability that just gets me excited. One of these years I'm going to make a trip to catch one, too. So who else has a fish they've always wanted to get, but just never have? I've got a few others, that is just number one.
  10. I used to tip those with 6" sucker minnows for a good time..
  11. I'll second this, but if a front is moving in it seems to put them on the prowl.
  12. Not sure on largemouth, but I know smallmouth will migrate to winter holding areas that may not even be in the same stream. Could well be as they get larger they find suitable areas closer to the wintering grounds where they are able to feed year round. I tend to believe large fish are lazy.
  13. FWIW when I was 18 I would have jumped at it. The experience and chance at a big paycheck would have been all I cared about.
  14. Tell you what, my oldest boy and I would pretty much be in heaven if he could stay busy catching baitfish while I fished for other species.
  15. All you need now is a 3' lightninq mcqueen rod and you're set for anything
  16. This, plus what Rhino had to say should be considerations. If it all possible before packing up and going a few thousand miles, find out what you can about this boat your friend can get you on. Things like how long they've been crabbing and how much of their crew is returning might give you some insight. One other thing, I have heard from a few different people that the drug abuse rate among commercial fisherman and in the fishing villages is high. Point is, there will be lots of pitfalls to avoid to return with a check at all.
  17. The one question I do have is where are the landowners now launching their boats? Its not like you can launch in your backyard for the most part, so do they have a deeded launch site somewhere? I doubt any one person is going to voluntarily open his land up for others to use. If so, find it and read the dedication. I'm not at all familiar with Florida law, but here in Michigan the scope of dedication and area of land dedicated make a huge impact on what is allowed.
  18. On the St. Joe crawfish colors work well as well as bright oranges and chartreuse for the most part, at least in the stretch between Niles and L. Michigan. For grubs try watermelonseed and pumpkinseed as a base color, haven't really used them in the river, but should work.
  19. I have never caught a bass of that size, but if they are like most other fish I'd be excited about the size and dissappointed about the fight at the same time lol
  20. Man its funny how the brain works when tired. Been putting in some long days the last few months, which is good thing as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, on the way home tonight after 80 plus hours this week I totally blank out and ended up right back where I started. Well, only one more day before some fishing and rest.
  21. Thats not entirely true. One dock is allowed as long as it is for public use as they consider that an aid to access. Overnight mooring, partying, swimming, etc are not. I have never seen a case where they even upheld the access rights when the road parallels the lake in this state, I know they've overturned some rulings on that lately. I feel I should qualify that statement. At the lower court levels the decisions will be far more varied depending on the leanings of the presiding judge. If the case works its way up the appellate court system there is fairly clear precedent which so far has been followed. You will also see people frequently arguing or trying to change the law on access to the Great Lakes, where currently anything below the mean high water mark is public, simply because some people don't like watching others walk up and down the beach. It only takes one person with the audacity to go far a walk on public land to launch a court case spanning years and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. As far as your last statement, well some people have problems if they can so much as see a person, boat, or dock out their window, so just saying he had problems with it doesn't mean a thing without some legitimate documentation. Particularly if he recently purchased the property, he may not have performed due diligence and realized what was there, or he may have had plans of revoking others access at the time of purchase. Not like he'd admit it, though.
  22. I know some musky guys that swear by wood crankbaits for that very reason. They believe the inherent differences between pieces of wood are far more likely to give them that special bait as compared to the strict quality controls of plastics. Whether its true or not, I don't know, both work. But its worth consideration.
  23. If I were to go off my years keeping fish, I would have to say the color of substrate and surroundings, diet, stress, hormones, and genetics all can play a role in coloration. Never kept a bass in a tank, though.
  24. Kind of beating a dead horse here, but I will attach this part of a filing just to show you that, at least in Michigan, it is possible for a private citizen to claim a public access site through court order.
  25. Well consider yourself lucky, I just got my monthly update and the lawyer has gone through 5K, and expects it to reach 15k to complete all pretrial filings, the new amended complaint states they are seeking quiet title over public land but don't want to change the plat, the prior complaint stated that we all were trespassing on land they clearly don't own. Some people..
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