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Everything posted by Triton21

  1. Buy the most lb thrust your wallet will handle. You won't be sorry. I have a Motor Guide 109 Digital and love it. Kelley
  2. Wire a snap swivel to a 1oz bass casting sinker. Snap the swivel on the hung line. Jiggle when weight hits the lure. Will work 90% of the time. Better do 2 or 3 as you will lose the sinker and swivel the other 10% of the time. Kelley
  3. You near Radford? By the way, Nice fish. Kelley
  4. Y'All will just have to make the '08 trip to see how much fun it really is. LBH, PM me when you get a date so I can make my Reservations. Kelley
  5. Good Luck on your tournament NFMom. Kelley
  6. Thanks for all the nice thoughts Guys and Gal(s). Now go to the Lake Fork video thread for 'The Rest Of The Story". Kelley
  7. My "Caught a Bass twice" story is now posted on the Lake Fork video thread. Kelley
  8. Triton21


    Welcome aboard Solo. Kelley
  9. Nice Pond, sounds like mine. The first thing I would do is spray with Copper Sulfate to get rid of the algae. I do this to my pond and it makes the fishing a lot easier. My pond is a 'Run-Off' pond and does not have a "running water" supply. Algae depletes oxygen so I deplete the algae. Dosen't hurt the fish. I agreee with Cigarlover on the way to fish it. Kelley
  10. I have been fishing and just got home. The 2 of us had a 100 fish day, sadly the largest was only around 2 lbs. Now for my Lake Fork story. If I didn't have witnesses I would not believe it. Ken (my fishing pardner from IL) and I arrived at Lake Fork on Friday afternoon March 16. We checked in at Fisherman's Cove, got our fishing license, decided to launch our boat and fish a while. We were on the lake about 3 hours and didn't catch a fish. We fished Sat., Sun., and Monday catching 10 fish a day, from 3 to 5 lbs. On Tuesday we were fishing on the North side of Mustang Island. We had caught three or four bass in the 3 to 5 lb range. Ken was working a 4 or 5 lb bass on a bed and I was blind casting a watermelon/bk flake Sticko with a chartuse tail, wacky rigged, on a Gaemaketsu EWG Weedless Finese hook. I made a cast to some stumps. I worked the bait a couple of times when TAP!!! I CROSSED IT'S EYES!!! I knew immediately it was a large fish. I fought the fish for about a minute and it broke my line. I sat down distraught, knowing I had just lost the largest fish I had hooked since I had been at Fork, and it was my fault. I had caught three or four 3 - 5 lb bass and hadn't retied my hook. A local saw me lose the fish and asked me how large it was. I told him it was at least seven pounds. After a couple of minutes, I regained my composure, tied on another Gaemaketsu EWG Weedless Finese hook, dug out another watermelon/bk flake Sticko, dipped the tail in Spike-It, put it on the hook, cast to the same stumps, worked it a couple times, TAP!!! I CROSSED IT'S EYES!!! I knew immediately it was another large fish. I fought the fish for two to three minutes, around snags, witih it tail-walking because it was too heavy to jump out of the water. I brought it to the boat where Ken netted the bass for me. The local saw me catch this fish and ask me how large it was. I got my scales out of the glove box and weighed the fish, it weighed 8 lbs, 9 oz. I told the local how much it weighed. NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY!!!! As I removed my hook from the fish's mouth, I noticed another hook with a watermelon/bk flake chartruse tail Stiko in it's mouth. I HAD CAUGHT THE FISH I HAD JUST BROKE OFF!!! I was amazed! This is the first time in my life that I have ever caught the same fish back-to-back. This is a new PB for me making it a double memorable fish for me. Kelley
  11. Sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend 6 mo. ago. Kelley
  12. Burley, mine is a 4 stick aluminum that came in a $1 box-lot at an estate auction. Kelley
  13. I use a cornstick pan. Kelley
  14. I have been told I looked a lot worse than that. Not a bad compliment as Muddy is such an awesome character. Quite a comedian also. I hope he isn't offended at the compairson. ;D Kelley
  15. Mine is 8lb 9oz also. Lake Fork 2nd Annual Lake Fork Road Trip. See picture in My trip or Outing section of Forum. Kelley
  16. 5lb smile: 8lb 90z SMILE:
  17. Thanks Guys. Wait till you hear the story behind the catch. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't have a witness. Kelley
  18. 2/0 finesse ewg weedless gamakatsu.
  19. Try it now Avid. The Sticko is a BP knock-off. I can catch 5 or 6 fish on 1 lure. We caught an average of 10 fish a day for 5 days on the 5 3/8 model fished wacky both off beds and blind casting. The 8lb 9oz was caught blind casting on N side of Mustang Island. Kelley
  20. Here is a picture of my new PB caught at Lake Fork. It was caught on a watermelon sticko diped in spike-it. Weighed 8lb 9oz. There is a very interesting story about the catch. Muddy got it on video and if LBH don't post it I will tell it later. Kelley
  21. JT, you are the only other person I have heard of using this technique other than people I have taught. Kelley
  22. Ken and I made it home safely. We had a great 5 days at Fork. We averaged 10 nice bass a day with the 8lb 9oz new PB for me. Meeting the other members was great. Now I have a face to place with a handle. It was also nice to see the 3 other members that were there from last year, Matt Fly, LBH, and Art. Last night was a blast fishing at the dock with Fluke's 'Famous Snoopy Rod'. I am sure many of the attendees, like myself and Ken, are looking forward to the "3rd Annual Road Trip". Meeting Glen and Keri was great also. The top social events of the trip were the dinners prepared by Alpster, Muddy Man, and Road Warrior. Also a special thanks to RWHusker for putting me on fish. Without him My new PB would not have been possible. Bert (Bighead) also needs a special thanks as it was he who told RWHusker where those fish were. A very special thanks to Matt Fly who was very helpful as always. Hi Cris, (Matt's Sexy Lady). Kelley
  23. Bighead, My pardner, Ken, and I will be there Late tomorrow afternoon. I think we will be in Rm. 6 at Fisherman's Cove. Just look for a 21' Black Triton hooked to a Silver Tundra. Will be glad to meet you. Gotta go finish packing. Kelley
  24. Welcome the forrum S.carey. There will be seceral of us (20-30) at Fishermans Cove for the next week. I will arrive tomorrow late afternoon. Look at 2nd annual BassResource.com roadtrip!!! thread at the top of this page. My fishing pardner & I will be in room 6. Most of the others are arriving Sunday. You are more than welcome to come over and join the crowd. Kelley
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