I don't begrudge anyone for trying to make some money. What I am questioning is the ethics behind how that money is earned. If I was famous on any level (which obviously, I'm not), I would only promote or represent products I believe in and use. I can't imagine Roland really believes in or uses the helicopter lure or the Rocket Fishing Pole. For example, I'm not a big fan of the Ugly Stick Rod and I don't really recommend it to people who ask my advice on it, but wouldn't you think I would be a hypocrite if all of a sudden you gave me let's say $20,000 to go around the country proclaiming how great the Ugly Stick is. That's the only point I am trying to make.
I think both of their attitudes suck. I met Roland but not Scott. Quote by Scott in ad, "Never give 100% when you can get by with 50". They are Lazy 'want-to-be' and 'has-been'.