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Everything posted by Triton21

  1. So that's the "some other expenses"? Kelley
  2. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you caught a ton of 'strippers' today. Glad you finally qualified for Medicare. Kelley
  3. Leo, I have learned a lot about computers and the routes taken to get a website to get to them in the last week. I hope it doesn't happen again. I like the knowledge acquired tho. Kelley
  4. Dom, the first cabin that was reserved will be shared with Uncle Leo,and his fishing buddy, CWB, and I. Looking forward to seeing you also. Kelley
  5. I'm still around. My Grandson just went home after being here dor 2 wks. We fished every day, mostly ponds. Caught a lot of bass and bluegill. Sent him back to Ohio with a cooler full of fillets. Kelley
  6. I fished Yatesville 4 or 5 times a week from the day it opened until 5 1/2 years ago. I lived about 20 miles South East of it. Won a bunch of money there. I don't if it still holds but my pardner and held the record for the night jackpot tournament when I left, 19lb 11oz. If I can help you any just let me know. Kelley
  7. That is the one thing I hate about calling any tech support line. They always try to make it your problem. I was on with Dish Network for about 2 hours on Tues. night trying to figure out a problem with an external HDD and a problem with my DVR's broadband connection. I realize they have to cater to the lowest common denominator, but you don't have to tell me how to reboot my computer or router/modem. I know how to plug a network cable into the jack. At least the homegrown tech support people will work with you a bit. The India people stick to their script 100% of the time. Good job setting the guy straight Kelley. I hate it when they pull that nuts. I always ask for someone that can speak and understand "Hillbilly". That usually gets me someone in the USA. Kelley
  8. Back in business. My forum is 'Lighting Fast' again. Called my ISP guy and he told me that they had not found a problem. Said it might be intermittent and to let him know if it happened again. Again I want to thank Brian and Glenn and the others that contacted me offering to help. Sure is frustrating being used to High Speed Internet and having to wait 90 seconds for a page to load. Kelley
  9. I tried that last year Dom when I had the same problem. It cost me a chunk of change!!!! Kelley
  10. I just got off the phone with the head guy of Internet at my ISP. He tried to double talk me into believing it was not his problem. I set his 'SH!T" straight in a heartbeat. They are now working on it at their end. I am dumb as a rock when it comes to computers but I can read what the experts say. I had plenty of ammo to use on him. Thanks Glenn and Brian for the 'ammo'. Kelley
  11. I am barely back Leo. It is still taking me 10 minutes to do what I am used to doing in 2. Maybe between Glenn, Brian, and my wife we can get it straightened out. Kelley
  12. Glenn, Thanks for the suggestions. Wife is familar with this. We have a few buzy days ahead and may be Sun or Mon before she gets to it. Kelley
  13. I am so angry at my ISP I could spit nails. If there was another provider in area I would switch. It's a B!tch living in the country sometimes. Brian and my wife worked on this problem for the better part of 2 days and Still same problem. I guess I will just log-in and ck for messages. I still am amazed at the knowledge Brian has about computers. My problem is I know how to turn mine on and post mu frustration!! Kelley
  14. Just reconfigured router and got a new modem from ISP, Same problem. Kelley
  15. I posted "HELP GEEKS" yesterday. dick came to my aid. He spent many hours online yesterday and today,(with my wife, the 'geek' in our family), trying to straighten out my problem with this site. He narrowed down the location of the 'bottleneck' in the system and gave great tips on how to proceed from here. Brian, I don't know how to thank you for your time. You have gone above and be-on to help. You have some liquid refreshment coming at Pickwick. Kelley PS: Still slow but wife is still working on it.
  16. This site has been extremely slow for about a month. I have had my entire network(in home) gone thru, My ISP has spent over 20 man hours on it(in home and at server, it helps when my Nephew is president of CO-OP), Glenn has ck'ed on his end and no one has found the problem. I am using vista and my other 2 'puters are XP. All are slow. This site will start to load fast and then it starts over loading slow. This is the only site that is slow, all others are lighting fast. HELP. I am going nuts not being able to be here as much as I want. Kelley
  17. Never played the game. You can'teat golf balls. Kelley
  18. I buy ans sell on Ebay. If I don't receive my item within 10 days I ask the seller for a tracking #. If he won't provide one I file a dispute claim with PayPal. I have never lost a dispute claim and have filed several. Kelley
  19. I love my '04 Tundra. Has towed my TR21 all over without a hiccup. Kelley
  20. Who has the best maps of Pickwick? Kelley
  21. Alabama NR 7 day fishing licence $26.00. Kelley
  22. Triton21


    Nothing in the world like Grandchildren Tommy. My 15yo Grandson is coming next week to fish with me for 2 weeks. Can hardly wait, he shares my passion. Kelley
  23. I don't but probably should, I caught a ton of good fish on this technique in the 70s and 80s. Kelley
  24. Had one under me twice when I was in my tree stand. Kelley
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