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Everything posted by Triton21

  1. Mike, you have to remember I went to school in E Ky 5 miles from the W VA border. Kelley
  2. Better have me a place to sleep next year. Kelley
  3. RESPONCE!!!!!!!!!RESPONCE!!!!!!!! Kelly
  4. Dang, I guess I missed the fun!!!! Going to have to hunt less and be here more. Kelley
  5. Here in IL I was able to renew online. Kelley
  6. Ken, Speed's recipe is a bit refined; it's not just something you throw together. He gave it to me and I spent weeks getting it right. Because of the many herbs and spices needed, it becomes a nightmare just getting everything together. His chicken was the best yardbird I ever had! Hey Brian, I think it it was so good because there was no cheese in it. ;D ;D Quite a bit of that cheese ended up in me. Kelley
  7. I agree. Could have walked within 30 yards of my bow. Kelley
  8. I BLEED BLUE ALSO. Kelley
  9. Nice ride Brian. You deserve it. Kelley
  10. Run over them with a TANK. KELLEY
  11. This will be my 4th Roadtrip. Always in the past the the locals have turned us on to what is going on at the lake and has worked out well. Hopefully RW and some of the others will do it this year. Kelley
  12. Thanks FF15. I was jonesing for this site. I still got 3 months of deer hunting but sure missed the people and posts here. Kelley
  13. I am up and running again. I had to threaten the IP guy with my Nephew who is president of the CO-OP. He got off his arse and found that the DNS server had shut down. May tell my nephew anyway that this guy is not doing his job.. Once again, THANKS Glenn, Brian, Brian, (there were at least 2 Brians helping) and all the rest for helping, except Long Mike, he is and always be a crochity old arse hole just like me. Kelley
  14. Thanks everyone for all the replies. Good to see your post Brian. I am getting to put a 'BOOT' where the sun don't shine at my ISP. Kelley
  15. PLEASE Kelley
  16. Keep it up Elongated Michael. It will be funny to see an ILLINI throw your old arse out of your own boat. ;D ;D ;D Need any help? Kelley
  17. I have done all of the above religiously. While I am waiting I get in lower left of page "waiting on hhtp://bassrescorce.com/bass-rescorce-forum/" ect. ect. Kelley
  18. Thanks SS.L. I will try GOOGLE CHROME. Kelley
  19. I haven't been around for a while. I have been Bow hunting a lot and have had the good fortune to harvest 2 doe so far. Have passed several small bucks up to 6 points. Also the site is so slow to load for me in is not as much fun. It takes 2 minutes and 40 seconds to load and I have the highest speed DSL my server offers. I have had my provider's people here and ck everything on their end and all ck's out. Any suggestions? I miss being here!!!!!! Regardless I will be at Pickwick. Hope this slow forum deal gets straightened out soon so I can be here more. Kelley
  20. Mine is slow again also. Have tried everything I can do on this end to no avail. Guess will live with it and not be on here as much. Kelley
  21. Glad you are getting to the lake Ken. Also very, very glad you are fishing with you Dad. Kelley PS The problem I told you about is finally clearing up. K.
  22. I will also take the shots. I too am surprised at the response. We could possibly lose some great members this winter. Kelley
  23. Ken, Know that my thoughts are with you and your family. Kelley
  24. Great to see you moving up to the Big Show. Wish you the best. Kelley
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