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Everything posted by Mindhunter

  1. Current generation is butchering the English language in general, in Time they’ll dumb down the entire world.
  2. I live in Odessa, got to drive a couple of hours to find any decent water around here. It gets warm in August here in west Texas, fair warning I'm a kayak fisherman, if you feel up to renting a kayak and maybe camping out a night you're more than welcome to join me!
  3. I like to consider myself a conservationist, with that being said every one of the bass I've caught over 10# has been in the middle of the day in the middle of the summer, with one of those being on a day where the air temperature was 105 degrees and the surface temp was 90+. If you're one of those fellas that's worried that fishing will hurt fish then maybe fishing ain't for you, just sayin...And in any case you have the right to fish the way you want within the law, and so do the rest of us. If it bothers you that much stay home in warm weather, I live in Texas and if I didn't fish warm weather I'd only get to fish a few months out of the year, no brainer for me!
  4. I have been using the Academy brand for about 5 years now. 160 bucks for bibs and jacket just can't be beat. I've been in a couple of real soakers while wearing them and didn't get wet at all. They are windproof as well, I use them year round. Add a couple of layers and they work great in winter. Granted I live in Texas and it doesn't get as cold here in the winter as it does up north
  5. I am one of those people that rarely log in, I read the boards often and very seldom log in or post. It's not because I am trying to steal information or anything like that it's simply because I am still learning to bass fish. When I feel that I can contribute to a conversation or help someone then I log in and post. Otherwise I am just reading and trying to learn as I go. I'm the same way in real life. I guess what I'm trying to say is some people are naturally quiet and shy, but just because I don't have thousands of posts doesn't mean that I'm trying to hurt anyone in any way. I try to keep the faith that most fishermen are better than that
  6. I caught my PB in 106 degree weather in less than 4' of water. She was sitting on a brush pile just picking bait fish off as they swam a migration route from deep to shallow. Though she was very shallow there was 20 fow within 10 feet of said brush pile. If I'm fishing shallow in the heat I always look for deep water nearby, big fish will always have that escape route to deeper water close
  7. After you lose the fear of losing lures you'll catch a lot more fish. I used to stay on the edges to and I'll tell ya I lose a lot more lures than I used to but I also catch a lot more fish. As you stated when fishing heavy cover your angle to get the fish out is critical, if you cast to heavy cover and don't have a plan/angle to get em out you're asking for heartbreak. I've heard it said many times and I'm a believer, if you ain't getting hung you're fishing in the wrong spot
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