So I'm fishing a young small farm pond the other day. I tied on my old faithful, a green pumpkin with red flake tube. First cast BAM a nice little 1pounder, next cast the lure sinks to the bottom, I bump it twice and another bass sucks it in. I'm thinking to myself its going to be a really good after work stop. Third cast, sinks to the bottom I bump it and get a thump, lift the rod and it comes loose. I bump it again and thump again so I set the hook, only to hear my drag scream. I had 20lb power pro on so I'm not worrying about it too much. I reel it in and there is an big ole ugly snapper. Just mad as hell! My question is how detrimental are snapping turtles to a young fishery?! I sure hate losing lures to those creatures lurking beneath.