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Everything posted by HEEF

  1. I'll be heading out to the lake in a few hours. I'll for sure be tying on an X-rap and a jig and posting up on the sunny side of the lake to see how it goes. Its 77 degrees here today, so maybe that'll get the fish more excited. Thanks for the help so far guys. I'll let you know what happens
  2. Thanks for the suggestions fellas. I really appreciate it. Not a huge fan of the jig. I'd rather slow roll a spinnerbait, but I need to learn the jig fishing better. Keep the suggestions coming please.
  3. HEEF

    IMG 1258

    From the album: Kickin' some bass

  4. Alright, so I need some help figuring a fall pattern out at my favorite mountain lake in the hills of North Central WV. We're having an Indian summer right now and I'm trying to squeeze the last good fishing days out best I can. I drug my kayak up to the lake last night and started fishing with a white willow leaf spinner bait, square bill crankbait and a green pumpkin tube. I headed to the north west end of the lake where the creek lets in. I was trolling with the squarebill out one side and spinner bait out the other. Long story short I only ended up catching one 13 1/2" on spinnerbait and 9" on square. I went up the creek and tried the tube and then a worm. I could see the fish but they weren't having it. What I also did see was lizards/knutes swimming in the water. The weren't eating those either. I need help figuring out how to target these fish for the fall. The water temp is low 50's right now. There are steep drop offs on the east side and tall grass/cattails all around the lake. All spring and summer I was killing them on rubber worm t-rig and top water. Can you give me some ideas please!!!
  5. Well its nice to know that other people struggle with the same techniques as I do! I just caught my first on the drop shot last week. I've fished several tournys with the FLW college fishing circuit and never used it. In hind sight I should have learned it prior to doing those tournys! Glad you got your first one on the DS! It looks to be about the same size as my first "monster" on that technique!
  6. In that heat 8 fish would be a great morning for me! In WV where I'm at now those fish would be quite large. Congrats on the frogging! Its always a blast when they blow the frog up.
  7. So I was in Charlotte with my buddy and our girlfriends. We went to the National White Water Center and it was so dang hot we decided to get in their kayaks just to get in the water. It was my first time on the Catawba and it looks like a nice river. My friend and I got an idea to get our kayaks and do a float trip. So here are my questions to you anglers and boaters... 1. We are thinking of floating from just below Lake Norman down to Wylie Lake. Are there any river maps or river trails? 2. How is the fishing on that river? 3. What are some good lures for that river? 4. Are there any places for us to stop half way ish and camp? If you can help me out I would really appreciate it. We are looking to get a few other guys together and go the Labor day weekend on a 2 day float. I posted this in another forum but no one replied at all. So thanks in advance if you can help at all.
  8. So I was in Charlotte with my buddy and our girlfriends. We went to the National White Water Center and it was so dang hot we decided to get in their kayaks just to get in the water. It was my first time on the Catawba and it looks like a nice river. My friend and I got an idea to get our kayaks and do a float trip. So here are my questions to you anglers and boaters... 1. We are thinking of floating from just below Lake Norman down to Wylie Lake. Are there any river maps or river trails? 2. How is the fishing on that river? 3. What are some good lures for that river? 4. Are there any places for us to stop half way ish and camp? If you can help me out I would really appreciate it. We are looking to get a few other guys together and go the Labor day weekend on a 2 day float. I posted this in another forum but no one replied at all. So thanks in advance if you can help at all.
  9. They have several solutions for the interior of your van at BPS. Some just hook right on your plastic brackets. I tried to find something for my Jeep Patriot. I couldn't find anything I liked for the interior so I ended up getting a tube rod holder for on top of the Jeep. It holds up to 8 rods. Only drawback is that it doesn't allow for reels to be attached. I have a lock on it and its secured to the roof racks. I honestly like it a lot better than on the inside because I don't have the room.
  10. So I was in Charlotte with my buddy and our girlfriends. We went to the National White Water Center and it was so dang hot we decided to get in their kayaks just to get in the water. It was my first time on the Catawba and it looks like a nice river. My friend and I got an idea to get our kayaks and do a float trip. So here are my questions to you anglers and boaters... 1. We are thinking of floating from just below Lake Norman down to Wylie Lake. Are there any river maps or river trails? 2. How is the fishing on that river? 3. What are some good lures for that river? 4. Are there any places for us to stop half way ish and camp? If you can help me out I would really appreciate it. We are looking to get a few other guys together and go the Labor day weekend on a 2 day float. Thanks in advance.
  11. Holy smokes that is SOOOO cool. Man there is nothing like fishing stories good thing you have the pictures to back it up! It would be a hard one to believe otherwise! I doubt I would have thought to get the camera out because I would have been so fascinated! That would be sweet to see all that! Congrats on seeing that once in six lifetime things!
  12. @bankbeater- Coming back with half a worm or tube happens to me all the time at certain ponds, and I'd say 9 times out of 10 its a turtle. Thanks for all the input guys. This pond is small, I'm talking probably 35-40yds length x width, and thats just a rough estimate. I just left the snapper alone. Its not my pond so I'm not going to change it. Like some of you have stated, leave it like you found it. I was just wondering if they mess up that ecosystem or not.
  13. So I'm fishing a young small farm pond the other day. I tied on my old faithful, a green pumpkin with red flake tube. First cast BAM a nice little 1pounder, next cast the lure sinks to the bottom, I bump it twice and another bass sucks it in. I'm thinking to myself its going to be a really good after work stop. Third cast, sinks to the bottom I bump it and get a thump, lift the rod and it comes loose. I bump it again and thump again so I set the hook, only to hear my drag scream. I had 20lb power pro on so I'm not worrying about it too much. I reel it in and there is an big ole ugly snapper. Just mad as hell! My question is how detrimental are snapping turtles to a young fishery?! I sure hate losing lures to those creatures lurking beneath.
  14. Just to let you guys know, those that are interested. I ended up getting a bushnell banner. It seems like a pretty stout scope and I pretty much stole it for the price of $45. It was used twice by a guy who wanted a "bigger name" scope, a Luepold I believe that was something in the $600-700 range. I was all too happy to take that off his hands for that price. I'll let you know how it shoots on top of my .308 model '88.
  15. It was a LC and i was crushing fish with it that day. I swim and dive well, I sure wasn't expecting to do that deep though. It was rough, but totally worth it!
  16. I got on wvbass.com and went to the forums to post and inquire about clubs, but I still haven't gotten access yet. I'm not sure what the deal is. It says I need approval from the administrator after two weeks of waiting I'm thinking no one is home!
  17. not going to lie, Rapala X-rap. One hell of a jerk/slash bait! was killing them up north in NY in the summer. Lakes up there are crystal clear though. I have fished it down on Smith Mountain Lake in cloudy water. Had a few fish on the ghost white color. I think that the X-rap is worth a shot if you are looking at picking up some jerkbaits.
  18. I didn't know they had an age limit. If that is what you are meaning you won't be eligible to fish tournaments. Its a club team for us so it only has a few rules. I think thats how most teams are set up at other schools
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