First off, you will notice this is my first post. I have been a member since Jan but until now I have just been reading the posts soaking up the information that is given. I have found it very informative and entertaining. I just had to comment on this. I have been fishing for over 40 years now and I hav bought everything that has brrn made to catch a fish with. In fact, I have rushed out to buy something new, hot, and a sure fish catcher, just to find out that I have 2 or 3 more just like it. I tell you it is an addiction. I could open a retail store with all the baits I have purchased over the years. And, what is really sad, I love having all the "stuff". I spend lots of time going through my "stuff" and wonder where , when, and why I bought it. I have plastic boxes full, soft wraps full, "stuff" hanging in my garag, hanging in my storage building, "stuff" everywhere. I give some away, but I don't know why, because I just go buy more. I catch fish on less than 10% of the collection I have but I just might need that bait that I bought for some reason, somewhere, sometime. I bought it so it must be valuable. You can't discard valuable lures can you. I just might have the bait that no one is using or has but me. I am going to be able to fill my livewells because I have something that everyone else has discarded. I can't sell my lures to you because then you would have the "secret weapon" and I wouldn't. Man I'm not addicted, I'm using my head. Everyone is going to be reading about me in the bass magazines , me and my secret weapon. I just need more boxes, more storage, more baits. My wife thinks this is true about me----Perhaps. You be the judge. Thanks for the fun. Larry