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Everything posted by rogvegas

  1. I recently bought a lcx-18 used. The power cable was missing and the transducer was broke. I contacted lowrance and they say those parts are discontinued... Just wondering if any you guys have any ideas??? The part #'s are as follows: pd-wdx #106-27 shoot thru transducer and pc-25 #99-73. I have checked ebay and online stores, and nothing...
  2. 6xd Just have had better luck with em.
  3. Also had trouble with vanish... Went to berkley 100%, also invizx, and suffix. Have had great luck with all.
  4. 1. spro little john dd 2. Rapala dt20 3. juhr jensen hot lips 4.bomber fat free shad bd7 5. strike king 6xd 6.manns 30+ Just how i rate em. Just threw the lj dd this year, with good results. The hot lips has been a ol standby for years for me... I always have got away with 8lb mono(pline cxx), but gonna try 10lb flouro this year. I have a friend who shaved the bill of a 30+ and was hung in top of a tree in 32ft of water... Tree was like 5ft tall. So like 27ft. At least thats what the lcx said..Plug knocker got it back though... gotta love those things .
  5. I like the spros. with a tiny paca chunk. Tackle warehouse has em on sale right now too!!
  6. Does anybody know when the big daddy and baby little john dd will be out? Tackle warehouse site says winter. Eager to try em, have had good luck with the other cranks..
  7. Great show. Great host. Worth every bit of my 30 mins....
  8. Thanks guys.
  9. This just mainly for clear water situations? Not alot of clear water where i live. I dont hear of alot of people doing it around here either. Whens the best time to do it?
  10. They are available on bp.com $10.50 i think.
  11. Im a deer and turkey hunter, so the hunting shows dont bother me.(except by now they are on their third rotation) Have been watching wfn alot. Guess im lucky where i live, i have wfn, outdoor channel, and the sportsmans channel. There alot of good shows on vs too, but i think they are changing the name of the channel. But wfn(world fishing network) has got the best fishing shows by far.
  12. 3 new crucials 3 curado 200e 2 lc pointer 78 2 spro lj md 6 spro aruku shad 4 spro aruku jr 7 spro bronzeye frogs(6 used) And a partrage in a pear tree..
  13. So im finally moving over completely to flouro. (except for tw) Has anybody used the two? Ive narrowed it down to these. They seem to get the best reviews, allthough the trilene also gets good reviews. Any experiance would be welcomed thanks..
  14. I personally like the centrafugal(sp). You have better control. With the magnetic, it just moves a magnet in or out closer to or further from your spool. With cent. you can move pins in or out depending on the bait, line, wind or whatever. If you are very experienced with a baitcaster then its proably not that big a deal. I would try both out if you can, but overall i would say the cent. pins give you more adjustment. JMO
  15. Oh yea, and thanks for the help..
  16. I am new to site too. feel free to shoot me a pm anytime and hope you do good on all ur trips this yr... retired ugh i got 30 more yrs for that... lol. good luck bud..
  17. Picked up 3 today.. 7' 11" swimbait, 7' 2" crankn, and a 7' 6" crankn. Didnt think they would be the same as a cumara because of price. $130 ea. I will put up a review as soon as i get a chance to use em.. Thanks for the help.
  18. My local shop had the curados on sale. $130 I picked up an e7 and a e5. Didnt see any reason to spend $70 more. Thanks for the help..
  19. They kinda look like the same reel, gonna pick a couple up. Just wondering if the chronarch is worth 60 more bucks..
  20. 27 series deka marines from walmart $68 and tax. 2yr replacement.
  21. Would have defenately gone with the maxxum pro, but couldnt find one.. I think they must have quit making them.. Thanks for the info..
  22. I use a lucky strike football shakey head. Just kinda pop it along like a jig. Make sure to seperate the legs as they will flutter on the fall.
  23. Was looking at the new shimano crucials. Look alot like last years cumaras. Just wondering if anyone has tried em. They sure do feel good!!
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