Since no one else has posted yet, I will offer some food for thought. My disclaimer is that this post is in no way meant to challenge the knowledge of anyone who may have more knowledge than myself on the way bass see underwater.
With that said, red and orange are long wavelength colors, what this means in common terms is that they are the first to lose their ability to reflect light when submersed in water. Water clarity and a host of other variables combine to determine at what depth these colors lose their light reflecting ability. It is generally thought that red and orange can lose this ability is as little as 3 to 4 foot of water, and then appear as shades of gray.
If you take a look at the baby bass scheme and think about it in terms of contrasting grays the orange color starts to matter less and the color it is paired with become more important.
Colors are believed to lose their ability to reflect light in this order, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. Each lose their ability at a slightly different depth.
Next time you look at a bait, think about the depth that it is designed to run and which colors will actually display as color and which will display as a shade of gray. Makes for an interesting discussion if nothing else.