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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. One of LC's better baits, I like the American Shad color.
  2. I prefer oil, I use the TG Rocketfuel line of products and prefer the red for this application.
  3. The S is a centrifugal brake reel and the SX is a magnetic brake reel. The SX has a couple of bearings in the level wind that the S does not, the S also uses a 1 piece spool shaft, while the SX makes use of the Infini spool design. The reels are actually fairly different considering they are in the same family, if I were you I would try to get my hands on them and then make a choice.
  4. Edited, I thought in OP that it stated while turning in one direction only.
  5. In the finals, Ehrler was throwing the same type bait as McClelland, and KVD, (Jerkbait) Jordon was throwing the A-rig, and he finished last I believe.
  6. Not 100% sure, but I believe it was 1994.
  7. I think this was the first quality LP baitcaster that I ever owned.
  8. Good points! The line roller bearing is an often negelected component in spinning reels, but I'm not sure a ceramic is going to offer much in the way of performance over a good AR SS type bearing. The cold would def. affect the the viscosity in bearings lubed with traditional petroleum lubricants, but the gain you would see from running your bearings with dry lube may be negated by the grease and the effects of the cold that is required to lubricate the gears in gear case. I have tried neither of these, so I am just playing the devil's advocate, if you have had good results with this, I would like to know, may be something I could offer to my customers.
  9. Great conversation with many great points. I agree with most of the information, the stock bearings in most reel when properly cleaned and lubed and in good shape provide very good operation. However in finesse type reels where you are routinely casting weights less than 1/4 oz on a baitcaster, ceramic bearings are of benefit IMHO. Spool shafts work as they are, but if you look at them trough a jewlers lens you will see many that have machine marks and are not cut-off clean, a little polishing here is of benefit also. I also don't think that there is much comparison between spinning reels and casting reels when it comes to the type of bearings used in them, nothing in a spinning reel is high speed and upgrading to ceramic bearings in a spinning reel is probably pointless. Sure is nice to have a place to discuss ideas and share opinions with knowledgeable people.
  10. Next time save yourself about 2 hrs of work and start with 1500 grit, 600 is far to coarse a paper for what you are trying to accomplish. We are talking about polishing, not removeing material. I can remove somewhat deep grooves in the old Bantam Curado brass brake rings with 1500 and 2000 grit paper, I would never touch anyone's reel with 600 grit paper.
  11. I use these,(Eagle Claw bobber stop) just make sure to push the stop up the line far enough so you can cut off the part of the line that was doubled up when it went on.
  12. I had to replace a set in a reel I was working on. Get in touch with these folks, he will have what you need. www.dadsoletackle.com
  13. Kansas is a two bait state, we can however use attractors in the form of blades or streamers, a buddy of mine and myself have been working on a few different designs and have come up with these. They look amazing in the water, and are very easy to make yourself.
  14. True that, forgot they did not produce them in wrong handers
  15. I usually just follow up with a good brushing of the threads and the area of the burr with a wire brush.
  16. Your welcome, let me know how it goes.
  17. KVD, Evers, or McClelland
  18. You have a small metal burr on the drive shaft, it is very common, take a wire brush and brush the area of the shaft where it is getting hung up, if that does not fix it, take a close look at it and carefully remove any burrs with an emory board.
  19. Does the Clutch Bar re-engage when you turn the handle?
  20. The Military is an option, they have great training, at 17 a four year tour would go by faster than you can imagine.
  21. The Shimano Citia CI200E is on sale at GM currently for 80. Price and feature wise it compares to most in this price range.
  22. Email them, I am sure that is information that they have available, especially if you are interested in specific models.
  23. Maybe you can have the best of both worlds, if your cell phone is GPS capable, you can mark locations with it in Google Earth. If not, I think I agree and would want to have GPS over DI.
  24. 12lb P-line CX
  25. The bill shape and angle is not the same as the TS 103 or TS 106, the line tie is not in the same location, and the profile is slightly different. I am not familar with the RC series were they designed much different than the 103 or 106.
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