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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. I always hate it when someone asks a legitimate question and it is answered with "did you use the search feature" but dude there must be at least half a dozen threads that are either ongoing or have taken place just recently on jerkbaits, read through them and if you still have questions fire away.
  2. No, I had quite a few Shimano, ABU, LEWS reels as well as a few others. I decided that I would no longer support Shimano based on their explanation of cheapening their product line, and decided to replace the reels I had with a company that I was more comfortable with. It is weird to me that when the Caenan came out everyone was up in arms at the thought of reel with anything less than an aluminum frame, guess it must be ok if it says Chronarch on it.
  3. Lost interest in Shimano Curado at the release of the G series. Sold every Shimano I had except for a Core 100 and have never looked back. The company's justification and the Shimano fan's stance on the G being just as good as previous models was more than I could take.
  4. I peg my weights most of the time, but here is something you might try in the spring when the craws get active and the fish start keying on them. Instead of pegging your bullet weight with the flat edge against the knot, turn the weight around and peg it with the pointed end towards the hook/bait. When you are dragging the craw/creature bait back to you the flat edges tend to stir up sand and debris on the bottom better than the round edge of the bullet weight, it also lets them hit a little harder against objects as well due to the decrease in deflection.
  5. I think any monument of this type without KVD included on it would be a complete fail.
  6. For these application and most times in general don't be as concerned about the gear ratio, as you are the I.P.T. you may find that the 6.5:1 reel has an equally high I.P.T as the 7:1:1 reels your using, just depends on spool diameter. Any of the reels you have listed will work fine for any of the techniques you listed. Pair them up so they balance well with the rod you intend to use.
  7. Losing a good friend is always hard, especially one as faithful as Diesel. Sorry Man
  8. There are a bunch of rods that are good in the price range that you are looking at, but in my opinion none of them are enough different from one another to really stand out and separate themselves from the herd. Bottom contact rods are where paying for a top quality product pays off. Save your money, use what you have now to get by until you can afford a true high performance rod. NRX, ZBone, Legend Extreme, Megabass, spend the money for one top quality rod and you will see what all the fuss is about.
  9. I use the Jackal Iobee frog, and I have 1 SPRO in the killer gill color.
  10. Put me in the boat of braid with a leader also, as I have seen no down side to it. If you want to run straight FC, it needs to be a quality line and fairly light, otherwise you will have problems. I would recommend Tatsu or Invisx
  11. Fair enough if I am not being detained then I would be on my way. Just to be fair though I have seen videos where the LEO was clearly in the wrong. I think these laws are sensitive and everyone is better learning how to comply and enforce them. Me, there might be a few skeletons in the closet, but I feel sure the statute of limitations has probably expired. LOL good conversation
  12. All good points, but here is the difference, the tag office, the voter registration official and the person who needs to see to sale you cold meds, does not then go and run a background check on you to see if you have any priors or outstanding warrants. Now good or bad, that is against your constitutional rights because that information was gained through unlawful search and seisure. Why should I ever be detained and have to prove myself innocent if I am obeying all laws and you have no reason to suspect me any crime.
  13. I try to scream, but usually find myself too winded from all the break dancing on the front deck.
  14. When a citizen obeys the laws of the City and State in which he is in, why should he be detained and forced to provide ID?
  15. I have not tried the samurai braid, but of the others I much prefer the FX2 for frog fishing.
  16. IVCB VS Dual braking, carbon fiber handle, not much else really
  17. Apparently hoola-hooping on the tables at Hooters is frowned upon.
  18. elaztech worms by Strike king or Zman float well as does one of my older favorites the Giggy Stick by Gambler, don't ever use the blueberry muffin color..
  19. Flirt is a great bait, but I have not found any that float.
  20. I use Cals for most everything grease related, I have many reels with Carbontex drag washers and have not observed any ill effects. I use to run them dry and find that it takes a little more startup pressure but it does increase the max drag pressure available. I like to use them greased as it seems to me that they are more consistant throughtout all ranges of the drag, and I have not had any sticking or jerking. Everyone's fishing is different and you have to go with what works for your style.
  21. Why the hesitation to use it on drag washers, that is what it is designed for?
  22. I choose what technique the rod that I am going to be purchasing will primarily be used for. I then research and understand the characteristics that a rod used for my decided technique should have. I decided on what my budget is going to be and then research what some of the top rods that meet my criteria are. If I have the ability I try them with a reel on them, if not, I read and ask questions of owners of the particular rod that I have decided on like and dislike about the rod. I then make my decision based on the best information that I have.
  23. Here is an idea, purchase the rods from TW, they will give you one of their hats or shirts free, and then you can use the receipt to send in for the St.Croix offer as well.
  24. There's always tomorrow, is it going to be the difference in purchasing the rods or not?
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