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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Ahh yes the dreaded Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator.
  2. It happens to the best of us, no harm no foul.
  3. This is exactly how you hook up a series circuit. It's how you get 24V from two 12V batteries, much the same as when you stack batteries in a flashlight they are + to -. A parallel circuit is when you hook + to + and - to - , your voltage stays the same but available amperage increases.
  4. I can't debate that, I don't have a dog in the fight because I don't own either of the reels , I just thought that the Air was worthy of consideration for a guy with his budget and inquiring about Daiwa reels. If it was my decision to make I would probably go with the PX-68R and call it a day. I can see where braided line may damage the spool on the air, but I would think that 6lb FC line would be fine.
  5. I hear people say they are fragile but I have seen nothing from owners indicating that is the case, as far as performance some say it's the very best finesse reel on the planet others follow your line of thinking.
  6. Daiwa T3 Air would be another reel to look at with your budget, good comparison of it and the BFS on another fishing board.
  7. Gen 1 Premier - magnetic braking, Gen 2 Premier- dual braking, Gen 3 Premier - dual braking with new form factor and large gearbox.
  8. Pixy, Presso, Alphas, TDZ, Sol, Fuego and don't forget the Steez all good finesse reels, some require a little modification to make truly great finesse casters while others like the Pixy have long been the standard.
  9. This looks like a lot more fun than cow tipping.
  10. I am going to go with Godzilla, he is a beast for sure.
  11. I would say that a pre requisite would be to fish and finish high in an Elite series event, although Byron Velvick does fish in MLF.
  12. Raul, I would agree, the Gen 3 reels have left me disappointed and I continue to fish my Gen 2 Premiers, I hope ABU steps their game up or I will increase the number of Daiwa reels I own.
  13. Just remember once they make a poor enough decision about how to drive in poor conditions they are most likely to never contaminate the gene pool again.
  14. They are and Shimano is playing the supply and demand game. I am sure once the new wears off they will become readily available.
  15. Not sure what you didn't care for with the MGX but the LTx is a similar reel, has a shallow spool and magnetic braking , maybe enough for you to like it.
  16. I guess I am the other guy, just traded a nice Core 100mg for an Abu MGX, I much prefer the MGX. It was the last Shimano I had, all others were replaced with Abu Gen 2 Premier.
  17. They only got 4 reels the same day I was there, they had 2 left and they were in the box behind the counter. I do understand what your saying though.
  18. I got to handle one at the Bass Pro in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, there were some things that really impressed me about the reel, and it is definitely a step up from the G series reels. I was however disappointed in how smooth the reel felt, especially after all the acclaim on the message boards. I will say that the one I handled was a low gear ratio and maybe that was the difference.
  19. Thanks for the advice, I know a lot of folks like braid for everything, but it is not a line I consider good for treble hook type baits.
  20. A trip KSRon and I made to Amistad last year, see if you can tell what is hangin out of this hogs mouth.
  21. I like the green pumpkin color in clear water, I also have very good luck with the pumpkin seed and watermelon pepper neon with the tentacles died chartreuse.
  22. I'll give it a try, are you using the larger 6" bait with this rig?
  23. It's another way of saying weighted TX rig.
  24. I use 12lb Tatsu, but can not reach 20ft depth on a regular basis with baits like the DD22, 6th Sense 300DD and Spro DD. Seems to be a magic depth that is hard to obtain on a regular basis.
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