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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. What is it you find superior about these jigs to other jigs on the market? I have thought about purchasing some to try but I have always used a more pointed type head.
  2. I tried to fish with EVA foam grips but I guess it is just something that I will not be able to get comfortable with. I have fished with cork most of my life and I guess I will continue as long as the option is available.
  3. In 2007 E21 received 3 ICAST awards, best freshwater rod, best saltwater rod, and best overall product. The original rods were endorsed by Boyd Duckett, and the first year they sold something like 69,000 rods at 149 dollars. The original rods were the dark orange LTX series they were light and very sensitive. Of these rods I owned 3, I fished them for 3 years, sold them to a friend, who sold them and as far as I know they are still fishing. The problem was after the original LTX rods were built E21 started compromising on quality and were not building to the original specs. Boyd Duckett soon departed the company and said that he did not want his name associated with a product that he was not comfortable with. Since that time they have been plagued with poor quality and a non existent customer service. While they may be under new ownership/management my advice would be to be very careful with a purchase of this product. I once was an adamant supporter of E21, I loved their product and it was what I considered a rod that fished well above its price. Because of the concerns mentioned above I and many others I know that once enjoyed their product have moved on.
  4. I have them in several sizes and colors, but for some reason it seems that I always have the best luck on the pearl magnum fluke above the rest.
  5. I use the Hula Stixz and the finesse worms. Z-Man deserves a lot of credit for the Chatterbait and Coffin blade design, but as others have mentioned there are other brands that are IMO better now, the hooks on the Chatterbait are in need of a serious upgrade among other things already mentioned.
  6. If I am being taken to a place that routinely produces 5lb bass, I will ride in the trunk of the car for 5 minutes if needed.
  7. Man I hate that for you, but a least your not going to be out a bunch of money. Kind of sounds like there may have been a short in the armature windings, but could have been a bunch of things I guess.
  8. Come on man lets see the goods
  9. The Tatula will be a better quality reel and will perform well for you. If you want to play with the one you have to see the brakes work, if they do in fact work, try this. Take the line off the spool or tape it down, turn the magnetic settings all the way to zero, and remove all tension on the spool tension cap. Press the thumb bar down and spin the spool with your thumb, now turn the magnets all they way up and spin the spool again in a similar fashion, you should be able to see a difference in the amount of time the spool free spins.
  10. Ok, so I pondered on this and I came up with this, let me know what you think. If you have a spool mostly empty and the dia. is 1" and you measure from the bail to the line on the spool, and then crank line onto the spool until it is 2" in dia. and measure from the bail to the line on the spool, the difference is not 1" it is exactly half of that, 1/2 inch. So while the distance between the bail and spool gets closer as the spool fills it does not make up the total difference only half. .So my conclusion is what ever the growth in dia. is to the spool as it fills, you gain exactly half of that in IPT.
  11. That's very possible and something I had not considered, makes for an interesting think.
  12. I use 12lb Tatsu on several of my reels and I agree that it is great line, the best in my opinion.
  13. I understand your logic but I am not sure it is correct. If a spinning reel spool is empty and it measure 3" in diameter, then one complete rotation of the bail will lay down 3" of line, when the spool becomes fuller, let's say that it is 4.5 inches in diameter now, one complete rotation of the bail will lay down 4.5" of line. While the bail stays at a fixed point the changing diameter of the spool will change the IPT.
  14. crazy ingredients in this stuff, red eye of shad and Iaconelli beard hair for starters.
  15. This in my opinion is a tough question to answer because we don't all look for the same qualities in FC line. Some of us look for knot strength, some abrasion resistance, others visibility and sensitivity, then there is line stretch and line management. The problem is that most if any FC lines posses all of these qualities. So we as anglers find a line that has most of the qualities that are most important to us, and because our fishing is different so is our list of priorities. What ends up is each angler giving his recommendation based on his priorities and his particular fishing situation, and there is nothing wrong with that, other than your priorities and situation may be totally different. With all of this said there are some good middle of the road FC lines that have a good set of the major attributes that make FC line a good choice, and many of those have been recommended to you. Good luck finding a FC line that meets your needs.
  16. Great explanation of Daiwa Magforce braking. This is why it is one of the most advanced braking systems available and the 3D braking only enhances its ability to be optimized. With the ability to change the depth the tip of the inductor can reach into the magnetic field, the ability to change the strength of the magnetic field by aligning or misaligning the magnetic poles, and the centrifugal force actuated inductor, you have a lot of ability to finely tune the amount of braking you desire, and the braking system itself has the ability to quickly react to changes such as cross winds and help prevent over runs. Of all the braking systems available ,minus the DC systems, there is nothing that is as advanced as the magforce braking design.
  17. I have seen these grills and others like them, they look interesting to me. You mentioned that they give better flavor than wood or charcoal and I was wondering why that is, my understanding is that they burn wood pellets? I have watched that show grill masters several times and have not seen any of the contestants using these type grills, is that just because of size or what would keep them from using this type of grill if the flavor is better? Not doubting what your saying just trying to get a little understanding as I may be interested in making a purchase myself.
  18. Take one of those split shot, dropshot hooks and hook one of those Yamamoto Senko in the middle throw it all day everyday until you run out of baits, which probably wont take as long as you think, by then you will have figured some things out. Seriously though Blue gave you some great advice.
  19. That thing looks like it is going to eat you.
  20. A new one under warranty or a new one at your cost? If it is a warranty replacement it seems like a no brainer to me.
  21. KVD L and L is a necessity in my fishing, it makes FC line much more manageable and that helps make for a pleasurable day of fishing.
  22. I like to start with a search type bait to cover a lot of water and try to determine what the fish are doing. I throw baits like a crankbait, rat L trap, swim jig, spinnerbait to determine if the fish are chasing and if so where the bites are coming at in the water column. If I have no takers I move to T-rigged plastics and jigs to see if I can catch a fish vertically, if not I go to finesse presentations with drop shot, shakey head, finesse jig. I typically will not start with a top water bait unless there are some signs of bait fish jumping or fish busting them on top. Just my progression, it has worked for me over the years, but I am always looking to learn.
  23. Norman Deep Little N 2 3/4 inches and 12-15 feet. Comes in a bazillion colors.
  24. I once casted my bait into a possessed tree along the bank, I gave a tug at it and the tree shot it back at my face at the speed of light. It was truly frightening.
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