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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Jackall Iobee frog, walks like a champ.
  2. The 7.1:1 has a higher IPT and gets you back to the boat faster for another cast.
  3. I tried to use a spinning rod for fishing jerkbaits just could not find the rhythm if that makes sense. I kept ending up with slack line loops on my spool and eventually went back to a baitcaster. Good Luck.
  4. Last one for a while, I promise, this one I tried going with flatter colors, changed the purple to broken blue, still not quite what I want but much closer. If you have suggestions, let me have them, I have gone color blind after looking at all the different colored tabs.
  5. This was my first attempt at a more dulled down version, while I like the color, it is not exactly what I am after, so I am going to do a few more to see if I can come up with something I like a little better.
  6. Thanks Blue, I have seen your baits and they all look great, if you get the chance could you post a pic of just the bait, for some reason building a good bluegill color is beating me up.
  7. What he is telling you is that instead of using 100 yards and being able to fill twice, use 65 yards and get three fills from the same spool.
  8. Congrats, nice job and way to stay with it.
  9. Cheap Mono makes perfect backing. If your setting up for finesse fishing you may want to experiment with using some old braid as backing.
  10. I don't have any reason other than I just don't typically fish spinnerbaits with a trailer.
  11. Last year in one of the pits I fish the shad became very balled up and the bass were close behind, actually underneath. The only bait that we could consistently catch fish with was a large kastmaster spoon. A year ago we went to TX to fish Amistad, the wind got high so we went to the river (a little more protected) and proceeded to wear the white bass ( Sand Bass for you Okies) out with spoons.
  12. Thanks for the advice, I am thinking now of how to put together something a little more subdued, but using a similar color palette.
  13. Congrats on the classic win, and sounds like you had a good tournament series last year. I don't think that anyone is saying that braid prevents you from catching fish. Heck you could catch fish on yarn if you had to. I think the debate is if braid is a good choice for all situations. My thought is that it is not the best choice for every situation,no more than yarn, and no more than FC is the right choice in every situation. Mono, Copoly, FC,braid all excel when the line is matched to the situation, rod, reel and technique. It's good to have choices. When you finished 4th, did you happen to see what line the other guys were using? JK I am sure there were a lot of variables.
  14. Search for Alberto knot, or Double Uni knot.
  15. Visibility is but one aspect of FC line, what you have to ask yourself is why do the Pro's use FC line, I mean this is how they make a living, and lost fish can mean the difference between a paycheck and a long weekend. If there were no benefits to FC line it seem unlikely the Elite fishermen would trust their livelihood to it.
  16. With 30ft of line out it is challenging to get a good hookset. An XF action rod should help some, you will loose a little flex in the rod and get to the backbone just a little quicker. When fishing this deep, rod length helps also as you can move more line in the same motion. What line are your using for this fishing, as a low stretch line would be of benefit as well.
  17. I like to try a black / blue colored spinnerbait with a big Colorado blade, slow rolled across the bottom, just fast enough to get the thump,thump, thump of the blade. Not a typical pitching bait, but then again pitching is just a casting technique used to present any bait you choose.
  18. Hand wind it onto an empty filler spool or most any thing round, you could probably use a 1 liter pop bottle if necessary.
  19. if you enjoy your Pro Qualifier you will enjoy a Lews, internally they are the same design and use the same type braking. The Lews is a smaller profile and weights less.
  20. I can use either hand to a degree for fishing and a few other things but ultimately my right hand is more dominant. When I started buying baitcasting equipment for myself in the early 80's there was almost no selection at most retailers for left hand reels, it is better today, but there are still some major mfg's that are slow to produce or do not produce left hand reels in certain models. My Brother and Son are both left handed, and I have watched both of them cast at length. the casting grip and retrieving grip are both different, and to switch from one to the other requires the off hand to be brought to the reel to support it while the hand is adjusted. It happens so naturally I don't think a lot of people even realize that they do it, much like right handed people who switch hands after the cast, it is a natural motion and happens with not thinking required. Ultimately fishing is about fun for most of us, you should do whatever creates the least amount of stress and offers the greatest amount of enjoyment, there are few rules in fishing, and even those can be broken.
  21. I can tell you which one that I like, but you need to understand how each works and see which would fit your style of fishing the best. This is not something someone can tell you IMHO.
  22. Centrifugal, Magnetic, Dual, SVS, and Magforce are some of the more popular styles of braking. You will have to do some research to see where one has an advantage over the other.
  23. So what do you see as the major disadvantage?
  24. At this price range it is almost easier to just decide what type of braking you like the best and find a reel that uses it. Reels in this price range are very competitive with one another.
  25. Improved clinch, San Diego Jam, just make sure you lubricate your line prior to pulling the knot tight.
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