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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Overall, Zoom is the brand and watermelon or green pumpkin magic red are my most used colors.
  2. I have it on 1 spinning reel, it has some problems for sure. Frays badly in almost any type of hard structure, poor knot strength, and it becomes almost flat which leads to a lot of line twist. I wish they could improve on a few of these issues as it cast great and is good in open water or grassy type cover.
  3. Very thin line certainly has a propensity for digging into itself.
  4. Don't get upset, it is what I understood you to say in your original post, centrifugal brakes require the removal of the palm side plate to adjust, you have said multiple times that you have not done that so the assumption would be that you do not understand the operation of your equipment. It's fantastic that you understand the operation of your weapons, take the same time to learn and understand the operation of your fishing gear and it will make a much larger difference than buying new more expensive equipment that you may not be able to use to it's full potential.
  5. Fishing your reels in a manner that is comfortable to you is all that matters. LH or RH retrieve has been and will be debated until reels that crank themselves are available.
  6. Understood, but it does not sound like you have taken the time to learn to use it correctly either. Brake adjustment is fundamental in the use of baitcasting equipment. Again, not trying to be rude just honest.
  7. I think the search for any cranking rod begins with the decision about material, glass, composite or graphite, and understanding the benefits and weaknesses of each. Deep cranking is very productive and enjoyable when you have the correct equipment, it is not a lot of fun if you don't. I can give you my preference for deep cranking setup, but it certainly does not mean that it will be comfortable with you.
  8. I am not trying to be rude, but I am going to be honest. Your statement about your Pflueger reel not having any braking adjustment leads me to believe that you do not understand the basic operation of baitcasting reels. I would suggest that before you spend more money on a better reel, take the time to learn the operation of the reel you currently have. It may be all you need, but at any rate you will need to understand how, when, and why braking adjustments are necessary. There should have been an operation manual that came with the reel, read through it and become familiar with your reels operation and adjustment. If you have questions post them here, many are very willing to help, watch videos, there are more than a person could watch. A better reel won't necessarily make you a better fisherman, but I can guarantee understanding and using your equipment to it's full advantage will.
  9. Think about the reels they were using back then, a 5.1:1 reel was considered high speed, there is a reason that they had to crank like heck. This thread needs to be discussed in terms of IPT and get away from gear ratio, it is meaningless in this conversation.
  10. I would have to say that the silicone jig skirt has had a very large impact on modern day fishing.
  11. If there was a place on earth where bad information and inexperience went to die, this thread would be it's belly button.
  12. Be on time, nothing worse than setting a time and someone being 10-15 minutes late. 6:00am means 6:00am.
  13. aavery2


  14. Thanks for confirming that Raul, I also believe that these are not that old. If my research is correct the older American made Bandits had a smaller pupil than that of the Chinese variety. Seems like I purchased these about 5-6 years ago.
  15. KVD Line and Lure is a rare product. Why you ask, because it does exactly as it advertises. No exaggerated boasts, no false claims, just a product that works as advertised. What more could you ask for?
  16. Thanks, the Bagley tail end is straighter and the eyes are further forward on the head. I am almost certain they are Bandit 200 series, just cant remember the name of the color of locate a picture of them.
  17. I purchased several of these crankbaits several years ago after I found the first to be very productive during the bluegill spawn. I am now down to just two and I can't remember for sure what they are. It seems to me that they were Bandit series 200 and the color was Bull Bream, but I can't find anything online or elsewhere to help ID them for sure. Please help me get a good ID and locate a few more for purchase
  18. Crankbait and a Jig for me.
  19. Interesting, some of the older varieties of this reel were Daiwa based, this appears to be another Doyo offering.
  20. Very similar to oval bashing.
  21. Technically mono (monofilament) refers to any line that is a extruded as a single strand, the term is more commonly used to represent nylon fishing line which in also a monofilament line. I prefer copoly line. So what is the difference between a nylon monofilament line, and a copolymer monofilament line. My understanding is this, nylon line is made from a single polymer, or monomer if you prefer. And if you were to give it a graphical representation it would look like this. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A . Copolymers on the other hand use multiple monomers and combine them at the molecular level, through a process called copolymerization. There are several different flavors or these copolymer blends but they can be represented here for sake of argument to look something like this AAA BBB AAA BBB AAA BBB AAA BBB. By using different monomers, the makers of fishing line can control different aspects of the fishing line such as abrasion resistance, limpness, and to a degree line diameter. So what about a Fluorocarbon coated copolymer line. My understanding is this, it is still considered a monofilament line. It can be represented here by something that looks like this. FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC AAA BBB AAA BBB AAA BBB AAA BBB AAA FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC
  22. Check out the 6th Sense Crush 50X.
  23. I have been playing with these on an 1/8th oz. mushroom head, they are 4 inches and float, the tassels seem to draw some attention.
  24. In a lot of tournaments a foul hooked fish is counted if it was not caught sight fishing. If bed fishing (sight fishing) a foul hooked fish must be released.
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