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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Gen 2 Revo STX, 6.4:1, this reel makes a lot of smooth drag pressure, Falcon Cara Jason Cristie signature series frog rod, and 60lb test Sunline FX2. This setup works
  2. I always peg my weights on TX rigs, it allows me to control how much line I want between the weight and bait. Usually somewhere between 0 - 8".
  3. Q: How is Line & Lure different from other line treatments? A: Line & Lure was developed strictly as a fishing line conditioner. Line & Lure is a special polymer blend that becomes part of the fishing line it is applied to. Other line treatments you find on the market are primarily silicone oil and solvents. Silicone oil only temporarily coats the line and solvents can damage line. Silicone oil rapidly comes off the line (on your hands and in the water), requiring re-treatment of the line after just a few casts. Q: How does Line & Lure work if it is not oily? A: The special polymers in Line & Lure are hydrophobic (water repelling) and very slippery. Line & Lure doesn't allow water to draw back on to the reel spool, which eliminates the line drag that a "wet" spool has. Line & Lure also protects the line from wearing out as quickly as un-treated line because it resists the abrasion that wears line out.
  4. You sound like an informed guy that has done his research, it really comes down to which one did you like the best. Myself I would have more confidence in the Lews just because many people have and use them, the positive reports on the reels are endless. You just don't hear much about the Browning reels, and that does not mean that they are not a fantastic reel. Truth be told they are probably very similar in a lot of aspects, choose the one you like best and let us know how it is.
  5. And your smarter than all of us because.......
  6. The question was about using braid for crankbait fishing, not using braid in general. I agree braid on a spinning reel with a leader is a nice thing.
  7. Think about it a little bit, if you always matched your rods and reels by brand you would miss out on fishing some of the best rods available. G. Loomis, St. Croix, Falcon, and many, many, others. The best plan is to decide what you are purchasing your combo for and then do the research to find out who makes the best equipment in your budget.
  8. Looks like a gizzard shad to me. Did it have a stong smell and an oily skin?
  9. The Bionic plus uses a somewhat unique braking system but it is adjusted largely the same as most others. First, remove the side plate and adjust two of the white brake tabs into the on position by moving them outward, away from the spool shaft. If there are more than two turned on, turn those off by pushing them inward towards the spool shaft. It is best to have the tabs directly adjacent to one another on rather than two side by side. Reinstall your side plate. On the same side plate you removed, adjust the dial to the off or lowest setting position. On the opposite side plate the one with the handle on it, tighten the knob (spool tension knob) to a slightly snug position. Tie the bait that you plan on using to your line, once done hold the rod with the tip elevated and press the thumb bar in the same manner you would if you were going to cast the bait, you may need to keep your thumb on the spool if the bait begins to fall, if the bait does not fall carefully, begin to loosen the spool tension knob, this is one on the handle side plate that you snugged down earlier, until the bait just begins to fall. Once you have this adjusted so the bait falls at a slow controlled rate, adjust the dial on the palm plate that you removed earlier to a medium level, maybe halfway or slightly more. Start here and make some casts, if you are not getting the distance you desire, make small adjustment to the spool tension knob by loosening it and also by turning the dial down on the side plate 1 level at a time until you reach an acceptable casting distance. Read the instructions that came with the reel, it will explain the operation of your reel in detail. Hope it helps.
  10. Jigs with a trailer, can be fished at most any depth T-rigged plastics, any depth Crankbaits, 1 foot to 20 foot depending on the bait Spinnerbait, swimjig, chatterbait, all can be worked at most any depth I could get a lot done with this group
  11. I prefer InviszX and Tatsu in FC line. You may find that if you change your mainline for crankbait fishing that it will also require a change in your rods, hook sets, and mental approach to fishing these baits. In my fishing I have not found any brand of FC line to exhibit the stretch of a rubber band, or anything near that. I fished Amistad a while back and we were getting great hook sets in 40+ feet of water with 1/2 - 3/4 oz jigs. I think the talk of how much FC stretches is largely due to the review that TT did a few years back. The review compared the amount of stretch different lines had when they reached their breaking strength. Some experts believe that this information does not tell anything useful about a line, largely because stretch does not occur evenly across the entire range of stress placed on the line. They suggest a better test would be to measure stretch and certain percentages of breaking strength, something like at 25, 50, 75. These same experts in tensile strength also suggest that in normal fishing conditions anglers place stress in the rage of 25 to 50 percent of breaking strength and different types of line exhibit much different deformity profiles at these levels. Back to crankbaits, these baits do not require bone jarring hooksets, they only require a sharp hook and and a smooth sweeping motion of the rod to pull the hooks through the mouth of fish. Where the action of the rod and the stretch in the line come into play is keeping fish pinned. If you have no stretch in your line and your rod has no flexibility something has to give, this always occurs at the weakest point, in this case the cartilage of the fishes mouth. Once you tear a hole in the cartilage it is much easier for a fish to throw the bait, also flexible rods help to keep pressure applied fish in an even and consistent manner without tearing the mouth of the fish. I know this is more information than you asked for , but I am hoping that maybe something I said will help you appreciate how effective crankbait fishing is more related to an entire system, than it is just to a choice of line, all parts being equally important. One thing I recommend if you want to learn more about crankbait fishing is read what the best crankbait fisherman on the planet have to say about it. Guys like KVD, Clunn, and Fritz, then adapt what they say to your personal style and fishing situation. Hope it helps.
  12. That's fair and nothing wrong with defending your position. You may find over the next 5,10 or 20 years of fishing that your preferences may change or not. I know mine have many times.
  13. I appreciate you taking the time to consider my post.
  14. I have said this many times in response to this statement. If braid is truly best or even moderately better than FC or Mono, then why is it that the best fisherman in the world do not use it? The Elite Series Pro fishes as much or more than most normal working people, their paychecks are based on their ability to locate, catch and land bass, yet none of them that I can find use braid as their choice of line when it come to using crankbaits. Think about that a minute. I don't care what anyone uses, in fact I will tell you if it is what works for you then do it, but to make as statement like 90% of the time it is the best line to use for cranking is just not so. I challenge you find me an article where any respected angler advocates the use of braid over FC or Mono in regards to crankbait fishing. Your statement should read, in my fishing I use braid 90% of the time. Don't get me wrong, I like braid for some applications, I prefer it for frog fishing and as mainline with a leader on spinning reels, but other than that it gets almost no use in my fishing.
  15. There seems to be a natural progression in fishing. If you are around it long enough you will see it many times. It is a process that everyone goes through. The more you learn, the sooner you realize how little you know.
  16. Can't add much to what has already been said, I use FC line in the same situations for much the same reasons. My line of choice is Tatsu, as already said, a good FC line will change your opinion.
  17. Same reel, one uses a rear drag tightening knob, the other uses the standard front drag tightening cap.
  18. You are absolutely correct RoLo, but somehow over the years the term has come to be synonymous with Nylon. Thanks for pointing it out, I should have been more specific in my reply.
  19. On a spinning reel it is going to be hard to beat braid, with or without a leader. Between Mono and FC, I would use a good nylon based mono line, FC will be much more of a challenge due to its stiffness.
  20. I own both, I prefer the Zillion, but not by much, the Tatula is in my opinion is the better value, but there is something about a Zillion that makes it special.
  21. I would suggest that you practice saying what you mean, instead of having to explain what you meant to say. Ignorance, nice choice of words.
  22. It would work perfectly, you will impress yourself with how nice it will turn out. Make sure you seal the cork when finished, it will help keep the filler from coming loose.
  23. My comment about the weight was not to the OP, I was to you and your misinformation "there is no competition. the quantum tour mg is the lightest reel on the market it weights 5.4oz" The resale value of Quantum reels is not good. Maybe my opinion, but I am prepared to support it with facts if need be. Thanks for your opinion on the quality and construction of the mentioned reels. While my experience has been vastly different and we don't agree, it does not make one of us more correct than the other. If you find Quantum a good value and they perform well for you and your fishing, then I would continue to use them. However, I do think you will find yourself in the vast minority with your opinion.
  24. A couple of things, the Revo MGX is reported to also weigh 5.4oz. I have not fished the Quantum so I can not comment on its performance, but based on the history of most Quantum reels, your Ferrari as you call it, will have the resale value of a Pinto in a year or two.
  25. The Bud Light reel is better, weighs less.
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